Michael Bolton - When I'm Back On My Feet Again

The of­fi­cial mu­sic video for "When I'm Back On My Feet Again".

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Comment by Joan on April 20, 2010 at 2:33pm
This song has very special meanings for me, always will
Comment by Carlos Sanchez on May 12, 2010 at 8:17pm
I love it, this one is special for me, and I recognize Michaelas one of the best sensitive voices I've ever heard. I hope he will keep singing until I get older. Congrats to him. Thanks to the supporters. I'm your fan.
Comment by Pam Watson on May 17, 2010 at 11:07am
I adore this song. It also has a special meaning for me. It gives me hope that one day I will be happy. He has just got the most fantastic and meaningful voice. I love you Michael, please keep singing for many more years. I am always playing your cds and dvds. Thank you for all the pleasure you give to me and other people. You can be proud of yourself. See you in Brisbane!!
Comment by Jayne Mallia on June 3, 2010 at 11:02pm
I love this song though it brings back memories of my sister as she was battling cancer! Tanx x
Comment by anita carol feltner on June 19, 2010 at 2:42am
Michael, I want this video played at my funeral, i absolutely love the sound and it seems as though you are singing it about my life. Thank You for this song..Carol Feltner.. on June 17, 2010
Comment by Lonny Awerdick on July 23, 2010 at 10:26am
About 18 months ago, I had sudden unexpected open-heart surgery to replace an aortic valve. As part of my cardiac rehab program, I brought some music into the gym for use with the treadmills and bikes and other equipment. The last three songs on my first CD told a story about me – my emotions, stress, and yes my fears. They were “Like a Rock”, (it fondly reminded me of my youth even as I knew it would never return). “When I am Back on my Feet Again” (it told me what I could still do and inspired me to do it) and “What a Wonderful World” (it reminded about how good life is and how good my life had been. It told no matter what happened I needed to be grateful. Together they became my anthem, my inspiration, my road map to recover, played loudly and over and over again. They brought tears, and laughter and determination and joy.

18 months later, I am in very good shape for a 67 year old guy, my heart is strong, my doctors very happy, my determination resolute and my confidence restored. I wanted to share this with you because I want you to know how profoundly your music affected me and helped me to get better. It’s not just about money and fame Michael; it’s about real impact on real people. Thank you for your contribution to my well-being.
Comment by Elizabeth Jane Joslin on August 2, 2010 at 3:11am
This song along with all of his songs that he sung on the album on 1994 were and still have a special meaning in my heart and my life. During that yr I was doing some soul searching and had never listened to Michael Boltons songs. They are wonderful and he has. such a beautiful strong voice. I would love to meet him or see him at one of his concerts.. I thank God for giving Michael Bolton the voice he has and a wonderful down to earth personality. Thank you Michael for sharing these videos and music with us. Take care and I hope you do some more recordings.
Comment by carolina tamayo tapia on August 4, 2010 at 5:38pm
me encanta esta cancion es maravillosa,en realidad todas son hermosas escritas con sentimiento desde lo mas profundo de su ser
Comment by IKADE AZUKA JOSEPH on August 5, 2010 at 11:14am
l remember the days of my youth when l was down with sickness and a cousin of mine played this very inspiring tract of michael Bolton,l didn't know when l jumped up from my sick bed and started singing same song.Unbelieveable l stude up strong and sound again,Please michael dont stop singing 4 us.
Comment by Brenda Barlow on September 5, 2010 at 2:07pm
This song has special meaning for me and my son(who is back on his feet again) many thanks Michael you will never know how much you have helped me and my family


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