HELLO EVERYONE, Since the 2011 Tour Review Thread is not playing nice and throwing us all back to the beginning lately, Gail asked if I would go ahead and start the 2012 thread. So here it is.. We can all share our excitement for Michael's upcoming touring and events in 2012 and chat and have fun here till the shows start in 2012.

Everyone is welcome to post and share their stories and pictures, videos from concerts and trips to see Michael do what he does best-SING!!!   Michael will be touring in 2012 starting so far with some shows the end of January.  There could be other events sooner too so if anyone attends a great Bolton event/concert, feel free to share your experience here.  I hope to have a review after the Chester, PA show on January 28th along with some other fans that have gotten tickets for that show and  the Atlantic City, NJ show on January 27th as well!  After that there are shows in Australia so far listed for 2012.  Following those shows we have the Concert for MBC and Traveler's Golf Event in June, 2012 and later on the MBC Gala in Sept.. We already have some exciting events to look forward to next year and I know there will be much more to come.

I am looking forward to another fun year of posts and sharing by the best Michael Bolton fans in the world on this forum.. I will post events to keep the thread moving along as the concerts come up as before.


Welcome everyone!!!!!


Robin in Maryland USA :)


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Corrected the months Sylvia, you can take that out of your post. I don't know why my brain went to February when I typed the month.. Geez, that's what happens after a great day of getting tix, your brain goes all fuzzy!!LOL Sorry guys, it's fixed now!!!!!


Thanks alot Gail for featuring the new thread for us.  Wow, wonder what the data limit is for a thread on here? We didn't have that problem with the 2010 thread but it got started like April or something, not very beginning of the year.. I wonder if photos are taking up data space when put in the concert thread as well as the photo thread and gallery? Just wondered if it's data bites type of thing or just number of posts and words?  We can do a part two-mid-year if you want me to and that way we can avoid the problem end of 2012.. Thanks a bunch Gail!!!  LOL We overloaded the forum with the 2011 one!!!LOL

Robin in MD :)

Thanks Robin,  I've stuck this to the feature threads when you come into the forum so you can find it easier.  If this one gets full and stops working like 2011 did I'll start a part 2 but since it was at the end of the year (can you believe it!!!) I asked Robin to start this one and we will just use this one from now on. I've checked to see why the 2011 one doesn't let you get to the end any longer and the only answer I get is it is full. If anyone wants to get to any of the posts and can't the only thing I can do is delete some of the first posts.  Let me know if you want me to do that. Gail


Gail, yes... maybe could be a good idea... just to read the last ones (I need to save some things) knowing that we can't post more to keep it closed... but maybe you could do that, yes, if that is easy. Thanks!!!!!!!!

Now that is "Bolton-Buzzing" at it's best - we beat the machine LOL. Hello to the 2012 - thread... And thanks to Robin and Gail for taking care so that we are all able to continue!

Greetings from Germany to all "Buzzing Bolton Buddies" LOL


You are welcome Astrid!  It's fun, I feel like I'm there with the other fans when they post their exciting times here..That is why we do it, to share in the fun stuff being fans of Michael!!! If he only knew half the fun we have here!!LOL

Robin in MD :)

I certainly love the "Buzzing Bolton Buddies" Astrid ...I don't know what it makes us look like or sound like but it is a pretty fantastic description and can I add my thanks to Robin MD and Gail for kicking off this thread for 2012 and may I wish everyone, who is lucky enough to be able to attend at a Michael concert next year, that they have an absolutely wonderful time and fill all the pages available here with terrific reviews of fantastic Bolton Adventures !! :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.

It is about time for you to write a review, Sylvia, which is my Christmas wish for you. May it come true ASAP!

Concerning about our reputation as MB-Fans: I think we have nothing to lose anymore - so we are free to be ourselves, which is the greatest thing on earth!

Astrid, your BBB from Germany LOL

Absolutely agree Astrid: "nothing to lose anymore" so just go for it....yeah and if you happen to find MB standing in front of you don't let anything stop you from fulfilling your dream !!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL.

Thank you so much for your Christmas wish Astrid......I'll bide my time for it is sure to come and would love it round about my birthday - that would be perfect !!!!! :)

Sylvia.   Definitely another BBB all the way from FFFreezing Scotland.

I absolutely agree Robin - so much fun!! Thanks to everyone!

Greetings from Germany


Thanks Gail & Robin,

     I thought it was just my computer! LOL:)! Michael had such a stellar year, that we All blew up the whole thing! That is soooo funny!

I love reading All of the reviews, it definitely is something to look forward to!  Thanks bunches All of you who posted there reviews, and I look forward to reading

more in the upcoming year:)!

Mary (Meg's mom)!

I've deleted the first few posts in the 2011 thread. I've closed it to future posts so hopefully it will allow you to read the ones left. Gail

Thanks Gail!

Robin :)


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