I wanted to start a new thread here to keep any promotional tv or other appearances for Michael new book or CD.  So far this is what I have.  They will also be listed on the main page but I will try to remember to bring them over here.  As always, check your local listings for times and stations but most will be NBC.  Times will vary:


Monday, January 28th
-Good Day NY 9:20am

WednesdayJanuary 30th 
-Today Show and performance



Thursday, January 31st (this is actually at 12:30 a.m. EST so definitely check listings on this one)
-Jimmy Fallon 

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Muchas Gracias Sylvia y Rocio :)))))

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Thought this link should be over here as in the interview Michael does talk about doing the Ellen Show at end of May as well as again saying about promoting his book throughout the year......thought a piece of interesting news on the promotional front.




Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.



Hi, I played this twice and I think he said how he just did the Ellen show and it will be airing in May. So he must have already filmed the episode.  Nice to see MB doing all these neat things as the year continues to roll along..

Robin in MD :)

Yes Robin you are right for I put on my earphones and listened to it and he definitely says he has just done the Ellen Show and it will air in May......thanks for that correction !! :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Off topic here girls. I wanted to let you know if you saw the news about the fires here in L. A. ventura (pardon spelling) that Bob&Kathy are ok. I am too but they're a lot closer. Bob didn't have to work Today being Thursday. Kathy, hope you didn't mind my passing this along.

Hadn't heard about the fires and has it been arson because a bit early isn't it, or am I way out, for the Santa Anna winds !!  Hope everyone stays safe and thanks Robin for up-date and need to check news.


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Oh! Yes, this one is 10,000 acres burning over a 10 mile radius. 4,000 homes plus could be @ risk. Don't know the cause but what with it in the 90's, winds, low humidity, ambers can fly & catch. PTL, no injuries or fatalities.

Saw a bit on our national news and saw Kathy's post over in FB and hope it does stay the other side of all of you !!  They are saying it is because of the heat, and with that the dryness that has been created, that you have been experiencing which as they have said has been far too early;  of course with conditions like that all it takes is a breeze, not even a wind, and off it travels.  Hope you don't lose power Robin for saw that Kathy had said that they had had theirs interrupted a few times.....stay safe everyone !!


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Sylvia & everyone that one near Ventora is @ least 85,000 acres burning a 43 mile radius, I hear. I'm fine though there is a fire in Glendale which is less than 20 miles from me but I'm fine. Thanks all of you. Yeah, it's the heat&wind&low humidity&all they need is wind to blow the ambers. Gosh.

Thanks for the report girls. My husband saw that on the news too. I'm glad you and Kathy are okay Robin, thanks a lot for posting, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada xxx

Thanks Robin R for passing along my info. I have been so busy here with Ryan's move to Mountain View and a nephew's wedding on Saturday and then the fires come along!! I am now up in Mountain View as Ryan has started a new job and we are helping him relocate. I have been a lurker today for the first time in a long time...lol I shall return "full time" to this wonderful forum soon :))) Miss you all!!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Glad too to hear all is ok with you both.

Those fires looked very scary on TV!!

Robin in MD:)


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