Welcome everyone to the 2013 Tour Review Thread!!!!!!!  It is hard to believe another year is soon upon all of us and it should be a fantastic Michael Bolton year full of fun and adventures for Michael's fans around the world!

Feel free to post  your stories and pictures, any videos from concerts and trips to see Michael do what he does best-SING!!!   Michael will be touring in 2013 starting in Jamaica in January.  There could be other events  too so if anyone attends a great Bolton event/concert come on in and share your experience here. We also have shows scheduled in the USA for February and one is on MB’s birthday which will be extra special!! This should be a very exciting year for all of us with MB’s new book coming out as well as a new CD and possibly his TV show starting later in the year too? We never know with MB as he’s got so many things going on at once!!LOL   We can report here if there are any book signings as well if you all want to. Also, later in the year the Michael Bolton Charities will schedule their events to raise funds for the MBC.

I am looking forward to another fun year of posts and sharing great times by the best Michael Bolton fans in the world on this forum. I will post events to keep the thread moving along as the concerts come up as I have in the past. 


Again welcome everyone!!!!!


Robin in Maryland USA :)




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Ah! Ha! Another review's coming up. Girls, I'll be getting to them. Sorry for the slow & long delays--I'm now on my new computer, an Acer & still learning it which is cool but unfortunately, limited to typing as well. Not to be a drama queen out here. Sounds like several pictures from the awesome event on the 9th & I'm glad there were photos, autographs,&conversations. Yee hey! yahoo. :)

Well, unfortunately, in the transitioning of computers, I didn't get Kathy's LAFD review on Brook CA'S show. Sorry.

Maybe Robin CA you have just missed it and here is link into page.......



Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Sylvia, can you send me the brook CA'S review in a separate email, please? Thanks. I don't mean to be difficult. This way was hard for me to retrieve. Thanks.

Will do Robin CA.....no problem !!! :)

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Hi all,
Robin (MD), Kathy Tulsa, Sylvia Wee One, Robin R. (CA), Sylvie B, Nicolette & Mary (M&M)-Thanks for your comments I do appreciate them! Here is that last photo that didn't show here. Sometimes copy/paste just doesn't work!
Joy ;)
Close up of MB, taken by Lee. He is sitting behind the desk, talking
to me while signing my book & or photo.
Hi Joy and all.....very nice photo of MB, sweet Joy, and what made it even nicer for me was that Joy ask me before this event if I would like a personalized copy of my own of the book :)))))). Soooo.....today in the mail I received something very special from Joy and MB.....my personalized MB Soul Of It All.....:))))).

Joy, thank you so very, very much, a very dear thing you did for me. Luv U Girl

Kathy T. :)
You are so very welcome, I was glad to do this for you! Lee also took these photos which I didn't want to post until you got your book and we told everyone about this.
Hugs all the way from NJ to OK!!
Joy getting book signed by MB for Kathy!
Here is the page he signed-"To Kathy Tulsa  Love, Michael Bolton"
Thanks again Joy and a very special thank you to Lee for the photography and to MB for taking the time to sign for everyone.
We adore you, MB, thank you so very much ;)))) BIG HUGS TO ALL OF YOU!!

Kathy Tulsa. :))

Hi Kathy and Joy, thanks for putting a big smile on my face first thing this morning! :D It's nice to hear  such a kind offer was rewarded and just the thought of Kathy excitedly opening her book at work is giving a great kickstart to my day today. Isn't it wonderful that only a few words written on a page can spread so much joy? I love it, thanks again ladies and have a great day. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D 

Love all the photos. Thanks for sharing. MB is the best!!

Robin in MD :)

Just got a very nice "Thank You" text message from Kathy from Tulsa OK tonight! She got her book and is just so happy. She sent me these photos of when she opened the package up at work. I can tell she is thrilled!!

Joy ;)



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