Welcome everyone to the 2013 Tour Review Thread!!!!!!! It is hard to believe another year is soon upon all of us and it should be a fantastic Michael Bolton year full of fun and adventures for Michael's fans around the world!
Feel free to post your stories and pictures, any videos from concerts and trips to see Michael do what he does best-SING!!! Michael will be touring in 2013 starting in Jamaica in January. There could be other events too so if anyone attends a great Bolton event/concert come on in and share your experience here. We also have shows scheduled in the USA for February and one is on MB’s birthday which will be extra special!! This should be a very exciting year for all of us with MB’s new book coming out as well as a new CD and possibly his TV show starting later in the year too? We never know with MB as he’s got so many things going on at once!!LOL We can report here if there are any book signings as well if you all want to. Also, later in the year the Michael Bolton Charities will schedule their events to raise funds for the MBC.
I am looking forward to another fun year of posts and sharing great times by the best Michael Bolton fans in the world on this forum. I will post events to keep the thread moving along as the concerts come up as I have in the past.
Again welcome everyone!!!!!
Robin in Maryland USA :)
Md. Hall Review, Annapolis, MD 12/17/2013
Here is my review, get a cup of coffee or tea. It is a tad long!!
After over 12 years or so MB finally came back to Maryland for a concert in Annapolis. This one was held at Maryland Hall, and they had fantastic sound. It’s in an old high school but the Annapolis Symphony performs there and other local events..They have alot of artwork and activities in the building and a little cafe with tables and chairs and some in the alcove of an outer hallway downstairs..Neat place. We got there early due to the snow up north of me and some in my area and the chance of more as well as traffic around Baltimore and as you know by the article in the Capital Gazette that my two friends and I have traveled together a lot of years to see MB. What the article did not say was it was our last one together probably as my one friend is moving to another part of the country in January. So the routine won't be quite the same for any of us..:( So this one was special in that way and also for me as he was coming back to Maryland!! I’ve had a long dry spell and gone to many other places out of state since the last time he came here.
The report came up to us to do the article when we were sitting out in the lobby type area just waiting for the doors to open and watching the comings and goings. I am not one to put myself out there on the Internet and was hesitant to do the article but it turned out cute and I’m happy with how she tied it all together with what happened during the show. As I said before I don’t like my photo at all but the article made up for it. The photographer was a nice guy but we tried to tell him at that angle they will not be good photos of us, but he didn’t want to take anything any differently. So we were good sports then and went along, my 3rd friend was behind us and wouldn’t come sit up by me for the pics..Maybe she was smarter after all after seeing them!!LOL I see he had others do the same thing and theirs are not the most flattering of angles either.. I don’t know how MB does interviews and has to think so fast on his feet. She was firing off questions and we told her a lot more than she posted. We 3 tried to get across how MB’s music is the heart of what made a fan out of each of us and brought us together but then also the man behind the music and how kind MB is and truly sincere in appreciation for the fans. We talked about the MBC and we hoped it would get in the article but it didn’t and the fan site too. We said more than once his fans are world wide, he has very loyal ones that travel much more than we have etc. We are not unique in the fan base. I mentioned this site and how he’s got this global fan base that all know each other and interact together because of MB. We also said he’s a wonderful dad and adores his little grandchildren. She asked about the Honda commercials too and we also talked a little about Jack Sparrow which she mentioned. They have to edit those things we realize and we 3 are satisfied with how it came out. I did tweet it to MB just for grins. LOL
So then we got down to the seats and we liked where the floor was marked and the box sat as he had to come by us for WAMLAW..That worked!!! The lighting was not good though for his show for some reason. The white light was not coming on MB a lot and before the show the crew were messing with the stuff and checking things. The show started 20 minutes late for technical stuff we think but MB did NOT DISAPPOINT. We had almost a 2 hour show, just 10 min shy of one anyway. I remember checking time when it started and I looked again when it ended. The show was sold out and other than 5 front row center seats on the end near us it seemed to be packed..Both the balcony and floor. We kept an eye on the empty seats!! :) We had front row but left side, further back as they recessed the sides back at an angle but it was great, and a very low stage so that helps. Also we had a 4 seat row, very short. The stage was curved too so we could see MB perfectly. We did not think he’d even see us sitting over where we were and the bad lighting but during Soul Provider he came our way and we did a little wave and he waved back as he was singing..Yes!!LOL He really sounded fantastic and I’m so glad he opened with that. I have a copy of the setlist I got from one of the guys after, so as far as I do remember what he sang from it LOL!!! We heard Santa Clause is Coming to Town during sound check but that didn’t make it into the show. RATS! My one girlfriend loves that one..
He did sing:
Soul Provider, To Love Somebody, Doc of the Bay, White Christmas, Said I Loved You, Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas, You Don’t Know Me, Sweet Home Chicago,
Band Interlude- You and I, Silent Night with Kelly, To Make You Feel My Love, with Kelly, Ain’t No Mountain with Kelly, How Am I Supposed to Live W/o You, with Kelly, The Prayer with Kelly, Nessun Dorma, Band interlude again-What’s Going On,
You are So Beautiful (Cameron and Brian), When A Man Loves A Woman, Time Love and Tenderness and the encore was Georgia.
I missed some of my rockin songs for the later part but the show was so different and the Christmas songs were just beautiful it really didn’t matter. MB’s asking me about the number of shows happened right before he introduced Nessun Dorma..He started the story like he always does about being invited to sing with L. Pavarotti and says he didn’t go…….then he looked at me and asked how many shows like the article said and I replied and then when he asked if the joke was still funny I said Yes it’s always funny and laughed.. Then there was a pause and I said Thank YOU for finally coming back to Maryland. He said oh I’m in your neck of the woods? I said yes about an hour out and he said something about there being snow.. That was more the end of the conversation but I was so surprised and thrilled he did that. LOL Years ago he asked my friends and I how many shows at a concert in Pittsburgh and that’s been over 10 years or more..He did ask the question after he signed my copy of his book back in February after putting a personal thank you in it; the question was at the bottom after he signed it on the title page. At the time I did come home and count tix stubs etc…LOL Funny thing is we are all fans, no matter how many shows. He just likes to tease us about it I think…We all adore MB. I saw a gal after the show that asked if I was Robin and then told me she’d been to 10 and I said same to her, it doesn’t matter the # of shows, everyone is an equal fan.. I believe that truly but I think all these years MB thinks we are crazy and he is the big kidder so that’s a running joke-type thing between us. It has been for a while now and he started it up again last night. Just was funny my friend told the reporter when she had started asking us stuff before the show to ask how many shows we had been to meaning my other 3rd friend and me LOL Several people asked me about it after the show. It was odd to be on that side of things so to speak with strangers coming up and asking me if I am Robin who went to the 135 shows..Yipes!!!!!!! I hope you understand what I mean..
There were some funny people in the audience the whole night, one lady made that comment about being sexy as sh*t and we all just died laughing. She just yelled out, "Michael, You are Sexy as Sh*t!!"...OMG the look on MB's face was priceless as he broke up lauging!! OMG Drew did a DA DUM on the drums and MB got water and had to compose himself before he replied like the article said about guessing it was a compliment but he had to be honest he never heard it put quite that way before!!LOL OMG that was the funnies thing.. Another lady kept saying she would help him, or he could stay at her house if it snowed and he just told her to help from there!! (Meaning in her seat). LOL He did say a few other funny comments introducing songs but right now I cannot remember them.Ugh, Bolton fog. The five seats stayed empty across from us till WAMLAW… We decided with the ushers there we weren’t going to be allowed to stand at the stage…it was just obvious so ok Plan B...we had a mission to move over!!LOL During one point MB did thank his hard working crew for all they do and gave them a lot of kudos! It’s well deserved. He also later introduced the entire band and where each were from.
And as the article said he gave Doug James alot of thank you's and gratitude for co-writing HAISTLWOY together and told that story. Doug and his wife were sitting pretty far back in the center section and stood up.. MB teased about them driving down from DE and was going to give out the address for people to stalk them..LOL He had everyone laughing..
MB was only about 7 or 8 rows back from us on the packing case thing in the aisle for WAMLAW and when he came by we stood even with the end of our row to where he would turn and he took my hand quick and did a wink and my one friend got a hand touch also..it was quick as always but neat he did come close to us this time. So after he was back on stage I asked the lady usher over by us if we could move to the empty seats and she said sure..so we scooted!!LOL When MB was done WAMLAW we were there and when he looked down for TLT he saw we had moved. We were quick!!LOL. We almost touched the stage from those seats so it was all good chair dancing at this one..It wasn’t a young rowdy crowd but they were very appreciative and calling out stuff and MB got standing O’s from others besides just us on quite a few songs. He did put the mic down to us 3 to sing for TLT (one last time, sigh) like he does if we are standing at the stage..LOL MB was working it best he could w/o anyone standing up for him at the end of the show.. We were happy to see the stool come out for Georgia and I was sitting about where we like to stand for that one so again, we were not complaining in the least!!!! MB gave another fantastic show and after Georgia they lined up as it was the end for real..We stood at the end of TLT and I got some pics of the lineup before they all walked off and Drew ran down and handed me one of his drum sticks!!LOL That’s a cool little souvenir. I have them from the other drummers years ago now I can add his to the collection..
I want to say it was a real pleasure to meet Nic from on here with her mom. Such sweet ladies and a lot of fun to sit with.. Thanks for buying my tickets Nic, it was fun sitting with you and your mom. I hope to see at least a short review from you or a P.S. for something I’ve missed here. :) Don't be shy!!
When it ended I was asking for the setlist so I could remember more what he did do off it for my review Cameron came down front and we talked briefly and we wished her a Merry Christmas. She is the sweetest young lady and so talented. She played some music on a flute of some kind when MB was doing some of the Christmas songs. She really shines in her solo too. We really enjoy her. After the show as we were soon going to leave we saw Ryan and JP and Brian quickly and said how good the show was. They are ready to be done touring for a little bit for the Holidays and you cannot blame them. At least that is the impression JP gave. We had a really fun night with so many surprises, my goodness…and we were able to give our Christmas cards to member of MB’s staff who gave them to him. That worked too!!LOL We would like to think he could look at them on the ride to Pittsburgh for the show there tonight..He did look a little tired and he did drink a lot of water but both his singing voice and talking voice sounded fine..
Every show is different and every venue is different. This one was not the most rockin show I’ve ever attended but it was special with the Christmas music in the setlist and the funny stuff that did happen and I’ll never forget all the fun stuff that happened last night with my two BB’s I’ve traveled with for so many years, what a way for that to end, WOW!. Thank you so much MB band and crew, you all are the best.
I hope this wasn’t too long..The article told you quite a bit already..here are a few pictures..I will post more in the gallery the next few days..
Thanks for all the good thoughts from everyone here. You all were with me in spirit!!!
Robin in MD :)
Thanks Nic...it took some time..LOL Fun memories.....Hugs back
Robin in MD :)
Hi Nic and very happy you were able to attend too. I hope you come in and give a review as well if you have time. Enjoy your dream, Nic :))))). Hugs,
Kathy T. :)
Oh! Robin! Miss Celebrity!!! :))))) Want an autograph, miss. Anyway, Honey, I loved your review. I felt like I was there. Yeah, he was in MD 9/28/02. I remember it being Gail's birthday&I hollered out to MB that it was. but anyway, Loved the article as well. You go girl. The one thing, out of many things that you said, I loved how you said it doesn't matter if you went 10 or 130 times, it's the times we go & enjoy. Once again, girl, thanks ever so much for your review. I felt like I was there though in spirit & I gave a wave to MD. My hometown & state. :) I'm not saying things right but you go. MS 15 seconds of fame.
I was there too Robin ...remember you shouting!!!LOL
I know Gail & that's why I yelled it out. I didn't get to see you then & it's all good but I remember my sister, her hubby, my friend Kathy&11 of my friends came that night. they were throughout the concert. Loved it. :) I remember Gail, the last time I saw you was when we all were @ the Taj Mahal 11/4,06, I do believe. I could be wrong. :)
OMG Gail, we were out at the outdoor amp. in Pittsburgh and we had to kinda shout for him to hear us. Some lady was yelling at him from the back and he made a comment about a private conversation up front..He went down the line asking us that time and we told him how many shows that tour, that was the year we went to alot.He kept seeing the same faces up front show after show!!LOL Fun times...
Robin in MD:)
Robin you are funny..No one wants my scribble.....I meant what I said, we are all fans of MB..It doesn't matter about # of shows, just he likes to kid around with us about it. I am glad you gave MD a wave in spirit!!! I'm glad it was only 15 seconds...LOL
Robin in MD:)
Beautiful review Robin...happy you had a fabulous concert :))). Nice of the lady to let you change seats too. Thanks so much for posting all of this, Robin, I felt like I was there. Wonderful article and great photos and thanks especially for posting the one of MB playing Sweet Home Chicago ;))). 135 concerts, that is AMAZING, Robin.....way to go !!! :)). Hugs,
Kathy T. :)
Thanks so much Kathy T. You know I had to post a guitar photo! It was not easy getting them this time but I caught a few.
No one was coming at that point so we thought to move but the ushers were hanging alot and we didn't need them telling us to move back so we asked first and luckily the gal said sure! If we had known all that time no one was going to sit there we could have moved earlier but you never know.
Robin in MD:)
Oh Robin! You could have written four times a lot! I would have devoured every word!
It was as if one had been present! I am glad so much for you.
And I find great to know limited how you look!
135 concerts!!!! I will not be able to catch up this in my life any more!!!
Over again many thanks for the miraculous report!!!! And for the wonderful pictures!
Petra Christine (Germany)
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