Special Event Celebrating Orrin Bolton's New Album!!!

You can help support Orrin, MIchael's brother, by attending this event which celebrates the release of his long-awaited CD "Liv'n Like A Man." Orrin and some very select musicians will perform songs from the new album. This will be his first performance in a long time...and, his only performance in the Northeast. The event will take place at Daniel Street Club on December 29th beginning at 7 p.m. It's an early evening show, so you can enjoy dinner (special ticket offer) across the street at Stonebridge before attending the show. For more info, click on the link below and scroll to the bottom of the page.







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Hi Gail, thank you for posting this sweetie! And me without my teleporter…(sigh) Well, anyone living in the New England area or anyone planning to be there on December 29, do plan on going to support Orrin: he’s a terrific songwriter and he’s got a great voice, not to mention he’s a great guy. And if someone does go, please report back and most importantly, tell them Sylvie from Canada sent you! lol I’d love to see his face if anyone said that… :D I think I’m his biggest Canadian fan and I’d love for him to be successful but can only support him from the far, but he knows I do. I’m sure there are a few fans who have heard him play at the fan reception and they could tell you about his performance. I’ve only heard him on Oprah and loved it! Well thanks again for posting Gail, hope this brings a lot of attention to his show! God bless you! Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Oh Orrin!! We want you over here in the UK too my friend!!

Hope the night is a sell out for you and you sell heaps and heaps of albums too.

Is anybody is going to this event?

Love Jennifer XX
I agree Jennifer....... would love Orrin to come over to the UK and play

Best wishes
Carol (London)
I'd go if I could that's for sure!
Orrin I wish you well and hope it really is a sell out concert
Good luck
Love Dianna xxx
Oh Shannon, you wont be sorry. Theres not one song on there that I dont like.

Its a great album. I love it.

Love Jennifer XXXX

I'll order his cd soon!!


Shannon xx

Well if the show was in Manhattan, I might consider going there. But I will not travel to Connecticut by myself...too far. Wish Orrin the best for his show...Break a leg!!

Hugs from Brooklyn,
Thanks, Gail. I've got Facebook and my website covered..... Would love to be able to attend the release party! But, once again, we'll be in the Great Northwest celebrating the holidays with the kids!...Yea! Nothing like being with family for Christmas!

Love, Anna
Orrin has updated his website with some new photos and a brief bio! Check it out! While you're there, you can also purchase his new CD "Liv'n Like A Man"...definitely worth it!


Anna :o)
Orrin does look alot like Michael, I have never heard him sing, but if he was forunate enough to inherit any of Michaels talent he has to be great.. I wish I could go to this event but it is a long way from TN......
Hi Cynthia, if you’d like to hear Orrin singing, you can listen to samples from his first album “Freedom” right here:
Orrin’s voice is different than Michael’s and his interpretation is different too, but he does have a similar tone, although lower. He’s a great songwriter and his latest album has great, heartfelt songs that have a rock/pop/blues thing going on. I’m in the same boat you are and can’t go see him, but you can always support him by buying one of his CD’s: I have them all and love them! If you enjoy the samples, his CD’s are all available at www.orrinbolton.com
Take care Cynthia. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Thanks Sylvie for the info, I just ordered his latest cd Living Like A Man.....Hope I like it...


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