Sorry it has taken me a while to do a sticky of this link to the birthday calendar. Thanks, Dianna, for the great job you did putting this together!
*****UPDATE -10/15/2015
I've added an updated calendar below for those who are asking. Thanks, Sylvie for updating it. I have posted it in two formats so all should be able to get it.
bonjour Joy,
ah who knows! today it's my birthday and a new beginning, so I can dream for a year!!!!
I love the humor of this publicity "please don' t call me..." it makes me laugh every time
Big Hugs Joy
ah qui sait !!! j'ai le jour de mon anniversaire et une nouvelle qui commence, donc de rêver pendant un an!!!!!!!!
J'adore l'humour de cette publicité "s'il vous plaît don 't appelez-moi ..." ça me fait rire à chaque fois
Bonjour Katia, I wish you a great and wonderful Happy Birthday with the people you love!!!
Bisous! Nicolette xx
Bonjour Sylvia,
this is adorable! Thank you for the 3 versions of Mr. Michael Bolton ha! ha! Very nice picture and very nice sir!!!!
gos bisous
c'est adorable! Merci pour les 3 versions de M. Michael Bolton ha! ha! Très belle photo et très beau monsieur
BONJOUR Nicolette,
this is very nice, thank you. Big Hugs
thanks so much, it's very very kind :)
Big Hugs
Happy Birthday to you Katia!! Hope you had a nice day!!!
Robin in MD :)
Bonjour Robin,
Thanks so much, it makes me very happy:) MERCI ENORMEMENT
Hi Jacqueline, thanks for reminding me of Jennifer's birthday! If you peek in Jennifer, I want to wish you a wonderful birthday surrounded by love and I just know it'll be full of MB too! I also wish you at least one MB concert this year! :D Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D
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