Met Michael at Bournemouth, yesterday. The show was great, Michael did look bit pale, not sure if he has fully recovered. He did not seem to be on stage as often as usual, will go to London ,to see if its the same.

The support Gabrielle, was brilliant, she has an amazing voice.

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Hi Anne and thanks for sharing about your concert. I just wanted to let you know that we have a tour review thread here:

...where fans post their reviews, articles and pictures relating to Michael concerts. If you’d like to share and see what others have to say, feel free to join us. :D  Was this your first time meeting Michael? It sounds like you’ve attended concerts before, so may I ask how long ago was your last one? Some fans have commented they weren’t happy with the set-up of Michael taking more breaks, although, according to previous fan reviews,  Michael has been having this set-up for a while. Well anyway, the important thing is you enjoyed the concert! Take good care Anne and hope you join us in the other thread. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Hiya. Unfortunately i saw the same type of concert in Cardiff last thur and left very disappointed and saddened. Thought it was down to illness but after reading other posts especially one who summed it up perfectly. Thing is i was thinking of returning my ticket after getting it as i had another concert on the sat( people could learn so much from that one and i think he was older) but when i heard Michaels voice on radio got really excited so tbought no way. In hinsite wish i had not and been gutted about not seeing him at least it wouldnt have been as bad as seeing him and feeling gutted. Thing is as you probably realized when he was on stage he was amazing. 2 things tbough. You can feel that fans still love him after all these yrs and thats brilliant. 2. When people comment on forums etc which i feel is our right as tickets are not cheap these days (payed less for Rod Stewart and Lionel Richie)and also i think if an artist reads them could help them in future sbows people running this get very defensive. Nobody means any malace or hurt to Michael. They r just comments. if we felt that bad we d be asking for refund

I was there too! With my mum, but also for me too :-) The biggest issue we had was a few very drunk girls (and their mum!) who talked through every song (both Gabrielle and the start of MB). Right up until the point I said "right mum, there's some seats over there, lets go. So we moved and had an amazing night from that point on :-)


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