Hi everyone, well this is my first attempt at starting a discussion so hope I’m doing this right... :D . A couple of weeks ago, I asked Gail when she thought would be a proper time to start thinking of what we fans want to do for our Michael’s 60th birthday. She said she was out of ideas, but suggested I’d start a thread asking fans for suggestions. I figure we have exactly 4 months, starting today,  to come up with something fun and get mobilised to achieve it. I’m no organizer, I just thought we could share ideas so let’s put our heads together and see what we can come up with! :D Take care and hugs to all, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada J

*The 2 most popular suggestions so far are:


- individual donations to michaelboltoncharities.com, mentionning they are made in honor of Michael’s birthday, of any amount you feel comfortable with.

-a collective wall-hanging made from personalized fabric squares sent by fans that will be stitched together. The 4 inch/10 cm squares (with small blank margin) only need have your signature and location but can be crafty as you are able. For

more info, ask here, or PM either me, or Amie Angeli who will be doing the stitching and presenting the finished product to our Michael.


**Note: The final deadline for recieving fabric squares is February 15th, so you don't have much time left. :D

**It would also mean a lot to Michael if fans donate to the Red Cross for victims of hurricane Sandy at:


then E-mail Gail at boltoninfo@aol.com with your name and location, so she can add  them to the MBC donors list.

**If you feel strongly about sending Michael a card or personal gift, you may send it to:

Michael Bolton

c/o Michael Bolton Charities

P.O. Box 936

Branford, CT 06405


*Note that the deadline for recieving cards and presents is February 20th 2013, whether you send them to either Gail or Michael Bolton Charities.

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Hey Sylvie,

    This should be good:)! I can't wait to hear the ideas...LOL! Bound to be some crazy few.LOL:)! But 4 starters, definitely cards:)! Maybe we could sort of make a scrapbook for him, we'd have to intrust someone with our pix & stuff & maybe a little cash to fix it up, but hey I'll donate! I don't have much, but we would have to have a frame of some sort:)! Just a thought...what do you think? Cards 4 sure though:)!

Mary (Meg's mom)!

I want to start of by saying CONGRATULATIONS Sylvie for starting your very, very first thread on this forum and I can't think of anything more special and important to all of us to be doing it on on Michael's 60th Birthday and I want to thank you personally for starting this discussion......MERCI Sylvie !!!!! :))))))


I have obviously go to put in that, without question or doubt, I am very much in favour of donating to MBC and if Andrena was willing, on our behalf, to set up some system whereby each donation could be recorded so that Michael could, on 26th February, receive a list of those that had donated in recognition of his 60th Birthday I would be more than happy to do this.    I should also like to add that I do not believe it would be necessary for the list to include amounts donated but if something could be set up for names, addresses or even just countries that donations had been made from, would be sufficient.......obviously if this involved far too much work and amounts left in would make life easier for Andrena and the system, then so be it but am only voicing this thought because I should hate to think that anyone could possibly feel pressurized to give a certain amount when they have very little spare funds available to them but in knowing that Michael would see, feel the need to "impress"  because we need to remember that 1p or £1 makes a difference.   I have only raised this.....so please don't start shouting at me.....because previously the amount of $60 was mentioned as a suitable donation obviously because of the significance of the figure and also because everyone would then be the same and if you like, no one could possibly try to "impress" by a donation of say $6,000   BUT   I am thinking that if Michael has to receive notification of these donations on his 60th, which would make sense to me, then a date has to be set as a final one for donations and as that could well have to be in January to enable Andrena to collate all the paperwork I am well aware that we have just left Christmas and the New Year behind and as we all know that is a time of low funds, or certainly a dent being made in what is available to us and that is why I am making the suggestion of, rather than a set amount being made, ANY AMOUNT could be donated. 


I also want to say that if anything was decided for a "scrapbook" of whatever, pictures, stories of Bolton Adventures to concerts, poems in honour of 60th, or just; "hey happy birthday Michael" I would be more than willing to collate everything as I for sure have time on my hands and will have more especially so over the winter; I obviously have a laptop at disposal and I too have a printer and I also have an exceptionally well stocked design and craft centre within easy distance from my home, therefore, I am, as of now, donating whatever services you all agree I could be given.    Without jumping any guns I am thinking if it were a "scrapbook" design definitely frontage would be no problem when I have my "collage" programme to hand plus too it would be the easiest thing in the world, once it was complete, to scan and place each and every page on a thread on here so that everyone could, in effect, see finished product prior to them all being bound  together to form a book and even individual draft pages being sent to the "author" for their approval prior to completion, would be no problem whatsoever.


That folks is my tuppence worth !!!!!!! :)


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Hi girls, do you know how weird it feels to read: "So and so has replied to your discussion"? :D Thanks Sylvia for your good words! :D Mary, I really like your idea of a frame!  We'd all need to figure out what could be in it, but great idea! Now Sylvia, I love the idea of a scrapbook too, but I was thinking: why not an on-line scrapbook? We could still use your talents, but this could be put on-line, so Michael could look at it from anywhere in the world, without having to carry it around, what do you think?  If crafty people want to send in their own designs, they could do that too. Maybe we could include a little icon of our country's flag with our entry. Again, we could have both an on-line version and a physical version. Let's see what other people think. Thanks for volunteering Sylvia! Take care sweetie. Hugs to you both, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada :D

P.S.: Forgot to say I think we should leave the question of MBC donations for Gail to contact Andrena.

Merci beaucoup, Sylvie!  Good idea to start this thread.  I'll have to put my thinking cap on to come up with something.  One thing, though.  I'm not so far from York, PA, and if we come up with something requiring "physical delivery," I could probably do that.  Yes, something online is good, like a list of donors to his Charities in honor of his birthday.  But I like the idea of having something to give him at the concert itself.  Obviously, not panties (puh-leeze, I could not believe when I heard that some people are so crass as to throw such things on stage).  Something special from his fans.  So, something to present physically . . . who's got ideas?  Hmm, something coming to me, have to get back on here if it gels into something feasible.  Amie

Hey Amie, you're very welcome sweetie! I had to laugh when you mentionned the unmentionnables! lol I'm sure fans will come up with  great ideas and can't wait to hear what you can come up with. Take care Amie and thanks for posting. :D Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Congrats Sylvie on your first thread and for your coming up with this very special idea for organizing the celebration of MBs 60th birthday.
I think you ladies have some great ideas so far. I would like to add we definitely must not forget about the M&Ms in this birthday surprise.
I am just now getting going this morning but will give it some more thought.


Kathy T. ;-)

Hmm - been thinking.  I sew - nothing fancy, no tailoring, but I sew & like making things.  Ask our good friend Sylvie here, creative juices tend to flow.  I was thinking it might be cool if fans contributed something to a quilt or wall hanging.  E.g. transfer your photo (how about your photo with MB at a concert, or something which shows the meaning MB has made in your life), or use textile paints or Magic Markers, whatever.  Everybody come up with a 4-inch square of fabric and I can stitch them all together into a quilt or wall hanging for Michael of his fans.  Squares have to be the same size or you'll drive me nuts trying to piece them together!  And I expect it could be more than a king-size bed quilt and have to be a wall hanging.  Michael's Fan Wall.  Wot think ye?  Amie  (If we could not get it to him in York at that concert, which I think would be really nice since it's his BDay, MB's my hometown boy & I can deliver it if Gail or someone gets his permission to stop by & drop it off.)

You are all coming up with some great ideas.   Remember it is already November and his birthday is February so whatever is decided be sure there is enough time because we are talking about fans from all over the world not just the US.  I think the donation to MBC is a good idea and I'm pretty sure after Michael's big event in Reno, Andrena would be glad to keep record of the donations ..name, countries, etc.  So think about that one...because it would mean a lot to him.  The other ideas are good ones too...just leave yourself time to get them done. Gail

Hey Amie, I like this idea, too! If it wouldn't be too much trouble for you, and my Meghan has came up with a really good idea as well....I just have to get her to come on here to tell you all about it...but it would be good, too! I think we have to get pix & what ever items to the people who are going to start these projects, whichever is decided on... so they will have plenty of time...!!! Hopefully the mbc charity thing will come about as well..I might have to send mine in a bit at a time!  This is gonna be big: I mean 'Michael Bolton Big"....this thread is great Sylvie...Thank You for coming up with it:)!

Mary (Meg's mom)!

Yeah Amie I have got to say I like your idea too.......possibly not quite as BIG (LOL) as you are thinking on but an absolutely wonderful idea !!!! :)   Obviously though too as Gail says time is of the essence !! :)

I even wondered.....believe or not as I was falling asleep last night this kind of came to me.....why don't we think of something along the lines of a golfing theme ???   I am too thinking here of just ONE item on behalf of us all, especially engraved, to mark his birthday and which could be sent along with cards signed by all of those who have agreed to it.   Again in thinking this up I again offer services in as much as I do live in the "home of golf" and have easy access to Gleneagles, St. Andrew's and especially Turnberry where possibly an item of special significance in the golf world could be purchased and of course engraved and I am thinking along the lines of a beautiful quaich  (and of course a bottle of the best double malt to fill it) !! LOL   I am here, thinking on my feet, and obviously the cost of I would pay and as I believe attempting in anyway to divide cost between x number and for that x number to send me contribution would be a very definite NO, NO that what could be done in place of is a donation made by those people to MBC on my behalf and that would be my payment.   I know many will say not fair to be out of pocket but I ask you to believe my offer is sincere and carries with it nothing but wishing to give MB something extremely special and something which will be extremely dear to him from his fans and those who truly know me on here.....and there are a couple......I am sure will verify, for you all, my sincerity. 

I too am thinking of something like this because obviously it could be done well within time without any hassle to anyone and it certainly would not give anyone headaches keeping looking at a calendar and too in thinking of something individual being created by each of us and combined to form a single item, not everyone is artistic, whether it be with hands or with the spoken word, and not everyone has the time to sit and think of what they would like to do let alone the time to actually do it and, therefore, by something as singular as this it cuts all the "worry" from those who may not be able to contribute to feeling that they could be left out of such a gift whereas with my suggestion all they have to do is send in a birthday card or any type of card as long as they signify that they are giving Michael the gift which accompanies the card because, that is my intent, the ONE GIFT is being GIVEN by EACH and every person INDIVIDUALLY !!


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Hey guys, lots of great ideas, keep them coming! Take care and hugs to all, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada :D

HI! Just catching up on this thread. I will be at that birthday show in York. Yay! Cannot wait to spend his birthday with him.


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