Check the main site for a contest for a signed CD from Michael.  There are rules so read them and enter:



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Thank you Gail, and thank you to Michael! Would love to have this for my collection!
Thanks, Gail....finally found a picture! Lost some pics after my computer crashed.

I read the rules but still not sure where I need to be I hope this is where I reply. I'm new at this facebook stuff. Did leave a message on the blog, but didn't know if that was right. Anywy, have the CD already, but would love to have a signed CD by Michael.. Been a fan of his for a long time. Only have been to 5 concerts when he is in my area. He's great!!!! As I said on the blog I have a list of things to do with Michael. 1 of them is anything with a autograph on. :)
Carol P.
Hi Carol and welcome you have entered by posting here
All the best
Thanks Dianna. This facebook is pretty cool. Like I said though I'm fairly new to facebook. Maybe you can help me out. How do you make it so everytime someone blogs it doesn't come through on your e-mail? I checked that don't follow, but still comes through. Appreciate some info. on what to do.
This isn't facebook it's a forum people enjoying Michael Bolton Music and al;ong the way you get to meet some lovely people.
Now once you have signed in and you go to your wall
To the left there is Manage My Pageclick that
That takes you to My settings
Click on E-mail and go though the ones you want and the ones you don't want to recieve
Make sure you press SAVE at the bottom when you have finished
All the best
Thanks again for the info. Dianna. I wasn' sure about this being facebook or another link now I know. lol,Carol
Hey Gail, my son had to help me but I uploaded a pic of my "pretty self"! lol Thanks! Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Hi Janniche, you're too young to be this self-conscious sweetie, I'm sure you look adorable! Big hugs, Sylvie from Canada
Thank you Gail, great contest!!

Deb xx
Hi Gail,
I said this early on in the comp.I think it was one of the first post when the comp started I don't know there's quite alot of them in that thread lol !!!!
I don't need the signed copy of the Cd I have one I would like someone to win it that hasn't already got one :)
Love Dianna xxx
Hi Dianna, you're a girl after my own heart sweetie! I was just saying that to my friend Jan earlier today! Only I said I'd love for someone that doesn't have an MB autograph to win it... God bless you sweetie! :) Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada


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