One of my favourite




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SUPER photos once again Sylvia and YES the hair is perfect in these pics....oh my.....very nice indeed!!!! LOL LA Confidential was a tv program here at one time but not sure about Gotham?

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Good morning from Scotland and good night from LA, Kathy.......what you doing still up at 1 in the morning ????? lol.

Had a little look at the names that appear on the billboard behind MB and it does just say LA Confidential on that but with the photos it actually had it out in full i.e. Los Angeles Confidential and that was a magazine as was Gotham and whether event took place at The Hamptons, New York because that name also appears on billboard.   Also of course as you say if LA Confidential was a tv programme was it something to do with that for there was the film LA Confidential as well as film Gotham but there were both made earlier than 2003, late 90's.......think my FBI work is coming to an end on what event MB was actually attended be truthful, couldn't really care less just want to look at that those gorgeous photos for they could have been taken on the moon for all I care !! lol.

Have dug up another few oldies and will put on here today !! :)


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


they are beautiful and rare photos, many thanks for them, I look forward to further advised

Your thankful friend Marie

Bonjour Sylvia,

tu trouves toujours de trés belles photos, dans la deuxième series de photos je trouve qu'il a une classe folle, si je comprends bien il a 50 ans sur ces photos, il est tout à fait magnifique.



Oui Katia, Michael aurait eu 50 ans lorsque ces photos prises! :)


Yes Katia, Michael would have been 50 years old when those photos were taken !! :)


Sylvia.   Your Wee Scottish friend.


bonsoir Sylvia,

Je suis tout à fait admirative, mais pas que de sa beauté, je comprends de mieux en mieux votre passion, j'espère sincèrement que cette année, tu puisses le renconté enfin aprés toutes ces années que tu le suit, il a tellement d'actualités que je suis sûre que tu pourras le rencontré si ce n'est pas en ecosse, cela ne soit pas loin de chez toi.

Merci encore et surtout prends soin de toi


je t'ai mis des videos, je sais que tu en as vu énormement, mais on ne sait jamais

Thank you Katia soooo much for the vids!! I really enjoyed the star jam video!!! Precious and with Michael...awwww!! Thanks for sharing! BTW...welcome to the best MB forum!!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Translation of Katia's first comment.........

I'm quite admiring but not that its beauty, I understand better your passion, I sincerely hope that this year you can the meetings finally after all these years that you follow, there so many news that I am sure that you will be able the met if not in Scotland, it is not far from home.

Thanks again and especially to take care of yourself


Translation for comment on videos......

I've put videos, I know that you have seen much, but you never know

Merci Katia !! :)

Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.



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