One of my favourite




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Great photo Marwen and thanks a million for sharing and good to see you over here too.......don't be a stranger and pay visits often !!! :)

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


WOW....Thank you for sharing.




thanks Sylvia !! and it's nice to be here :)

Hi Marwen,

Thanks for sharing this photo, I saw this same photo on you tube with a song I had never heard, it was a demo with Michael and Jonathan Cain,

the song is called "Emotional Fire". Has anyone else heard this song? I wonder what happened to it and why it has never made it on an album?

Have a great day!


Hi Kellie and "Emotional Fire" was a song that Michael wrote with Diane Warren and Desmond Child and Cher sang it and below is link to her singing it and the version on youtube of Michael singing it is the demo he did.

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Hi Sylvia,

Thanks for the info and song.


thought I might share this one with you :)
have a good day everyone, it's one of "All That Matters" album pictures !

Thanks Marwen and that is a great photo as is the album !!!! :)


Here are a couple of old photos I picked up on the Internet the other day which I have never seen and do not believe are on here and if they are apologies folks !!! :)




Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend.




Thank you for sharing.  Appreciate your kindness.








Do believe these photos just HAVE to be over here so that they NEVER go into archive and they are the ones of Michael in Italy, believe Naples, on 30th July, 2013.





.....and here is a beautiful picture of Michael and Fiorenza Effe who was the girl who opened for him at both of his shows in Barletta and Naples.......


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Michael's wonderful summertime , thanks for share Sylvia

Thank you Sylvia!!!! :-)

Nicolette xx


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