One of my favourite




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Hi Astrid...I think Bob has his favorite photo already chosen thanks to Sylvia!!! LOL Both of these guys need new pants!!!! I know you will disagree with me...but I don't like tight pants on MEN!!!!! Gosh...I don't remember Michael's pants being that tight when I went to several of his softball games. Maybe this pair shrunk!!! Nor do I like clown pants Chuck's Sorry Michael :/

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Hi Kathy,


Was that all you looked at - their pants - did you not look at the faces  !!!   LOL   What I did notice about Michael's pants - he hasn't got those "seams" straight - I'll need to get there and do that for him !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  LOL


Now isn't that a happy little trio - no pants to complain about there !!!!  :)))


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.

Very nice indeed :) I saw everything in the other photo also including the seams off center!! lol

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Sorry Astid ,


But I love Michael more how he looks right now lol lol....Yes the older they get the better the look.............

awwwwwwwwwwww lol


lots of love jacqueline

ps yes also for me off to bed lol middle off the night...;)

Look what a difference with the last picture and the one before..................auwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Am I right ore am I right lol lol

OK JACQ lol off to bed...alone auwwwwwwwww lol

Hi Jacqueline,


In that picture with Alice Cooper he really does look gorgeous doesn't  he - so handsome - but hey, he was a "bit special" when he was young too !!!!!   LOL   But, as you say, men can grow old so gracefully - us women we just grow old .............................


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.

Lol Sylvia,


Are we getting older lol lol maybe from the outside but the inside is still young lol lol........

And yes how greattttttttt he looks on that picture awwwwwwwwwww lol lol


JEN MORE ICE PLEASE lol lol lol xxxxxxx


thanks Sylvia xxxxxxx have a great day.


there is no reason to feel sorry for. It is fascinating that Michael  is offering diversity aurally and visually !! -:)


Hi Everyone,


I have just spent a most enjoyable hour or so in the company of Mr. Michael Bolton via my VCR and "Soul and Passion" - wonderful - haven't played it for "yonks" - almost forgotten what half of those videos were like - brilliant - OMG that was good exercise dancing with him so here is an appropriate "old" picture - the one I love and funnily enough I took it :-



Sylvia.    Your wee Scottish friend who is in seventh heaven !!!!!!!!  LOL 

good for you.maybe one day I'll join you.Angelica

Hi Angelica,


We could have a great party - couldn't we - just dancing to Michael's music - who needs anything more ????  :)))

Are you coming along to the UK Fan Reception in September  - if you are maybe we will get a dance together then, eh ????  :))


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


you are difficult to satisfy ... no tight pants ... no long hair ...  no beautiful woman by his side ... ts ts ts. Relax and have a seat.



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