One of my favourite




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Beautiful photo Sylvia and your words along with Sassy Baby's..aka are so true and heartfelt! Michael brings out the best of everyone on this forum!! Very inspiring and Sassy Baby ALWAYS be true to yourself because you have a long life ahead girl!!!! She has some catching up to catch our years of wisdom Wee One :)

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Hi Janniche and Kathy,


Don't know where this comment will go - do I ever - hopefully, at the bottom but, we will wait and see !!!  :)


Glad Janniche that you were strong enough to stick with your beliefs and not be forced by peer pressure to become something you are not and as you say, at the end of the day, it will make you happier, stronger and all the richer in life  for having done so......and when you think of the experiences you have gone through, what a wealth of knowledge you have to pass on, to possibly your own children, or certainly to a future generation and make life all the better for them - good on you !!  As Kathy says, you have a few years to go to catch up on us but, I get a feeling that maybe you could teach us a thing or two, and I can assure you I'm still up for the learning !! 

Going to find a picture of Michael that hasn't been on here - not many left I don't think !!!!  :)



Sorry it is only a little one - I think in this one he looks as though he has left his horse behind until you realize he is sitting down !!!!!!!!   lol.


Sylvia   Your wee Scottsh friend.

The first photo Sassy.... looks like Michael the distinguished!!! Seen the second one when we were at the beach together!!! LOL LOL

Kathy and LAFD Bob 

Hi Sylvia,

I love to see you on your photos - great smile on the second one :-).

Janniche is right. Michael seemed not to laugh at these times - it just would not have been cool then, I guess :-)))). Germanys most loved rock singer - Peter Maffay - did not show a smiling face for 2 decades too. I - and at least half of Germany too - was shocked when I finally saw him laughing some years ago - such a beautiful face (I think :-) ) Men!! tstststs .... and these ties again ... LOLOLOLOL

Have a good night


The shirt looks cute on you wee one!!!!



Hi Helena,


Now you know I do know back to front or front to back or ............................  and your glasses are still working !!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :)


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.

Very funny my wee friend!!!  :)



Hi Janniche,

"someone stole his pony" ROFLROFLROFLROFL

Good night and thanks for my running tears :-))))



and one encore so that Sylvia can relax on probably running out of photos :-))

Hi Astrid and Janniche,


We ran out of reply buttons up top - think this will come out in right place !!!

Janniche, Kathy never told us about a weekend on the beach with Michael - kept that quiet - wonder if there are any other photos on the beach ???

Thanks for your other picture - hadn't seen that one Janniche and also thanks for one above  -  looks pretty good in both !!!  :)

Thanks too Astrid for your "goodnight" photo - certainly sweet dreams with that silk shirt - beautiful !!! :)


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.

"Halfway up the stairs is the stairs where I sit, there isnt any other stair quite like it......"

'I say a little prayer for you'

Where did you get that hat?


I always knew Michael would be made a Saint oneday, now my wish has been granted. He has his very own 'Halo'.



I'd forgotten about this one.



Love Jennifer XX


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