One of my favourite




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Hi Astrid,


Thank goodness for that Astrid and thank you for above - very nice picture - like his shoes !!!! :)


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.

Hi Sylvia, hm, at least these shoes seem to be quite comfortable ... lol

Good night


Hi Astrid,


If they caused him any problems - I'd be on hand to give him a relaxing foot massage !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :)


Night, night Astrd - sweet dreams !!


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.

Ready at any moment, wee Scottish friend LOLOL


Hi Janniche,


I thought you were joking about not having any more photos to show - why don't you go back to the beginning and start again - we don't mind seeing Michael twice !!!!!!!!!!  LOL.


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.

Hi Janniche,


Here is one I FOUND somewhere - it was just lying around :-



Know it is small but it is still good enough - eh???  lol    I have somemore of those that were "just lying around" - show them later !!!!!!!  :)


Sylvia.    Your wee Scottish friend.

Take me out to the ballgame, take me out with the crowd....    :)


Nice picture Sylvia!!



Cant remember if this second one has been posted before, but its Michael and Orrin.


Apologies for not posting any of the new photos that my friend sent to me only I've been a little busy. I've been collating my photography portfolio for college after the college pc corrupted my usb pen. I had to start all over again!! I havent even had time to sort through them yet either!!!!  :(  Will try to sort them over the weekend.


Love Jennifer XXX


Sylvia and Jennifer - wow, thank you for sharing - especially Michael and Orrin - I would have never recognized them!! LOL


Sorry for your PC-troubles Jennifer!

Good night


Hi Janniche,

if you were religious I would add: in the beginning God created ... and see, everything/everyone was just fine! LOL


Hi Janniche,


Have you not put in wrong picture or have you managed to remove something from Michael - because - he is not wearing a HAT....or was this the picture you were thinking of :-



Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend

Hi Janniche,


You were meaning those pictures of him in his Bolton Bomber's gear and he was hiding his hair under his cap so you did not have to look at his long hair !!!  :)   Sorry, I misunderstood you !! :)


Sylvia.   Your  wee Scottish friend.


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