One of my favourite




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Sylvia, you lucky one - for me it is already 00.20 am - not too far away from 06.00 am! I knew I would get a reply soon so I was waiting .-)

But I wasn't aware that you would come to truth that close: it is not Alice Cooper - it is me!

Sweet dreams


Hi Astrid,


Thank you for the laughter this morning - you are only joking, aren't you ????  LOL   If that really is you and not Alice Cooper, it is okay, because you then must have been a BEAUTIFUL BABY !!!!  LOL.  Astrid, we know exactly what you look like - here is a picture of you :-



My apologies to you Michael, if you see this message - but I hope you do see FUN intended by !!!  :))


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.

All I will say is...WHOA!!! Now this is one photo of Michael that Bob will like!!!! LOL

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Hi Kathy,


Sure did like that reply - hope Bob did enjoy !!!!  lol.


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.

Hi Sylvia,

sorry for my late reply, but I was very busy with my work and family ...


Ha, ha! How did you know that I once was a cute baby??? lol


I am so glad for your apology below the photo ... you "dreamcatcher" lol



Hi Sylvia,

here is one of my all time favorite " female MB - Partners" - Wynonna Judd! Pure musical passion






It looks like they put a cover over a chair and had Michael pose :/ Maybe?

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Hi Kathy,


That sounds a reasonable explanation - going back and having another look - I would go along with that one !!!  :))


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.

Hi Kathy,


I wonder what Bob might think of this one?



Hi Astrid,


Don't care what Bob thinks - I'll just go - WOW - where did you get that one from Astrid - look at Michael's eyes - what an expression - ohhhhhhhhhhhhh - he just knows he has got POWER and he knows how to use it - sex on legs, or what !!!!!!!!!!!!  lol.    The three pictures with Wynonna are great too - I love her with him  - their duet "This is the Time"  is so beautiful and in the video her respect for him and his voice is, as she says, WOW !!!  Thanks Astrid  - just about bedtime - 12.30 a.m. - a wee cup of tea and then away for sweet, sweet dreams !!!  :))

Night, night !! :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.

Hi Sylvia,

I don't have a single idea where I did get this from - and many others too :-)). 19 years of collecting is a long time ...

Wynonna is just fantastic!

I promised myself to meet my bed before midnight - I could win an Alice-Cooper-look-alike-contest :-).

Good night


Hi Astrid,


Sweet, sweet dreams Astrid - night, night !!! :)))


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


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