'Two and a Half Men' scoop: Look who'll sing for Ashton Kutcher! -- EXCLUSIVE


Walden needs someone to make beautiful music in the season premiere of CBS’ Two and a Half Men, so he calls upon the king of soft rock crooning to help him celebrate galpal Zoey’s birthday.

And that balladeer will be…


Image Credit: Chelsea Lauren/Getty Images

Michael Bolton!

EW has learned exclusively that the Grammy-award winning singer/songwriter (and contestant from season 11 of Dancing with the Stars) will appear in Men’s season opener on Sept. 27. The plan: Walden (Ashton Kutcher) has a big romantic night planned at a fancy ocean side restaurant in Malibu for Zoey (Sophie Winkleman), and he hires Bolton to perform.

“Michael is also a friend to Walden and takes care of him,” Executive Producer Jim Patterson tells EW. “Michael is a really good sport. He’s willing to do anything and everything.”

And how: Bolton’s breakout comedic performance occurred last year when he was featured as a guest vocalist in the SNL digital short “Jack Sparrow” featuring The Lonely Island band. Bolton dressed up in costumes from movies like Pirates of the Caribbean, Forrest Gump and Scarface in the video.

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Just thought about putting in the English version so that if anyone, whose native language is not English,  can copy and translate to whatever language they want so as to be able to follow better.   I have just used a separate line for each person speaking rather than putting in character names as well - okay ?? :)

Transcript :

Does this guy belong to you ?

Michael Bolton !!

Hi, Alan !

Yes, yes bring him in.   What happened ?

She said no !

Oh, oh Walden, I am so sorry !

When I proposed she just ran out the restaurant.  Now she won't return my calls or e-mails or texts.  It is like she is ignoring me across the entire digital spectrum !  It is like she is Amish !!

So, you went out drinking and ended up picking up Michael Bolton ???

No, I hired him to sing while I was proposing.   I should have gone with Josh Groban !!

Wait, you are going to blame me for this !

I'm going to call her again !

Oh my stars, Michael Bolton, I have a vibrator named after you !

Zoey why won't you answer;  was it something I did;  was the ring not big enough;  was it Bolton ??

Hey !!!!

Okay, screw it, I ain't going to sit around here !  Come on Bolton, lets go find her !!

I am not going to go looking for your girlfriend !  Why don't you see if Groban is available ??

Hey, I bought and paid for your ass until 10.00 o'clock !

It's 10.01 so now you can kiss it !!

Fine, I'll just drive myself !

Oh no, no, hang on, hang on, you can't drive !  I'll take you !

See you are a good friend !  You are dead to me !

I can't believe the things I'll do for money !!

I can't believe the things I'll do for free !!



Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


This is fantastic Sylvia, thanks sooo much!!!!!

Sylvia,  thank you very much !!!!!!

It appears, I understood a lot of things after video viewing, but not each word..

Your transcript helped to understand subtleties of the American humour :))))

I have two more questions..Who it this "Amish"?Who it this "Josh Groban"?

By the way, about the American TV humour...Very safely!

On the Russian TV a joke about "vibrator" hardly would resolve, I do not represent the such :))

Hi Olga and glad translation helped !! :)    To answer your questions;  firstly Josh Groban is an American singer and link below lets you hear and see him....he is pretty terrific and someone I would love to hear Michael duet with....hope you like and enjoy and he is a pretty good looking little fellow too....wish I was 40 years younger !! LOL.

Second question about the Amish and they are a sect of people who live in the States.   They are of the Protestant religion and hold with all of the "old" ways....they do not live a modern life at all for they dress as their ancestors did and keep many of their ways of life in the old style and too they do not believe in policing or the military for they do not believe in violence....words should speak louder than weapons is a belief they hold.   They keep themselves very much to themselves and they can trace their heritage back to Jakob Amman.    The sect, as a whole, is coming under some scrutiny right now especially with regard to sexual matters in their community and that in turn, unfortunately, gives licence for ridicule.......only part in show I didn't like.

Hope above helps a little more to understand what was going on in show and as you say "American humour" but have to say that in the UK we are "worse" for we accept much more innuendo and crudity than  our American cousins do....they are just infants in allowing what they can show and get away with and what was said on TAHM was tame in comparison to our humour.....believe British humour would shock you and you possibly would not like at all !! :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.




Thank you, Sylvia!!
From such small video I learned a lot of the new :)))
I listened and looked at Josh Groban, he is really magnificent singer and the nice guy! Wikipedia pleased me: "Groban's father was born Jewish, and is a descendant of Russian and Polish immigrants". 
I was once again convinced that the drop of Russian blood works wonders ;)))
However, I likes singers whom I can recognize from one thousand other voices. I always distinguish Michael's voice, even if he will sing the song unfamiliar to me. In Michael's voice there is "highlight". Michael - the best!!;))))

About humour...At all I do not represent, what it in Britain! I think, I would be really shocked;))Because a joke about "vibrator" and "kiss" in.... me surprised. Though, it was madly ridiculous :)))

In Russia there is an expression "English humour". It means that a joke "thin", aristocratical, without platitudes, without swear words. I remember about 20 years ago at us on TV staged Shaw Benn Hill, and it seemed to me that it and is that is called "English humour".:)))

Hi Olga, I just wanted to add to Sylvia’s comment about the Amish, that, to my knowledge, most references to them have to do with one’s lack of use of modern technology, since the Amish don’t use phones, modern appliances or even cars. By the way, thanks for the info about Josh Groban being part Russian, I didn’t know that and I’m glad to hear you enjoyed the video! Sweetie, check out Josh’s version of “The prayer”:

Aside from our Michael’s version, it’s my favourite, hope you enjoy it. :D Take care Olga. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Hi, dear Sylvie!

Thanks for a link. Really, Josh is an amazing voice! This next opening for me.

Still a year ago I didn't know about Michael. And today learned about Josh...One more magnificent American singer!!

And it is pleasant to me that these two singers, Michael and Josh, have Russian ancestors :)))

I understood a joke about Amish now..LOL:))))

Glad you have enjoyed listening to Josh Olga !! :)

On sense of humour and Benny Hill....he was a good comedian a bit like Frankie Howard...if you look him up on internet but humour has moved way on from them and their day in the need to look for Mrs Brown series to find out what today is like for fun !! lol.


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Sylvia, I found on a YouTube here these series... right? "Mrs. Brown's Boys" with Russian translation :)))

Yes that is the series I mean Olga.....hope you enjoy it !!! :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Hi Olga....and yes...a drop of Russian blood is great!!! ;)

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Now Sylvie & Olga, you both are oh! so! right about Josh Groban. Love his voice as well. I knew he's Jewish but didn't know he's also Rusian. See, we all learn from one another. I know there's translators on the computers but don't know how to use them. Good to see you out here. My friend Kathy in Maryland is a Rusian/English translator. She transcribes from English into Rusian&Rusian into English but her job's real secretive. She can't discuss it. Sorry for getting off topic here. Boltonnut from L. A. CA who loves life. & Michael Bolton :)


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