something lovely,funny,entertaining etc


Hi everybody you know sometimes perhaps in an e-mail or something you get some lovely things that I am sure some of us would love to share or perhaps a joke


They must be polite and not rude or anything that would offend anybody nor can they be racial

and please no chain letters.........

We don't need to see Violence or stupidy......


Remember people over the many MIchael Bolton boards we have always tried to respect one and another so lets see how this goes :)


These are some of the picture's sent to me in an e-mail

enjoy  :)


Cherry Blossoms Japan 





Autumn in Germany


The beauty of Antarctica




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WOW Sylvie !! :)    Thanks for sharing that one and that is definitely one book on my booklist !!!! :)    Must just say video doesn't appear to run to end it stops at part where Anthony is asking her about still practicing playing the piano every day.....have tried listening to a few times but it still stops and also tried running on from there but will not is only a few seconds at end that you miss but I was so engrossed I feel as though I have been cheated of something !!! lol.       

I have to say when Alice started speaking she used one word that I jumped on and it was "hate" and that she does not....that is the essence of life for me and when towards the end her words came up: "Hatred eats the soul of the hater not the hated !"  I thought no truer words have ever been uttered......  too many people hate and too many people are eaten by it and they become so engrossed in that hatred that they see nothing else and it is so, so sad !!  Listening to Alice obviously made me think of my mum and dad and they were both like her, thank God, and taught me and showed me what their principles of life meant to them and I want to share a little story of my own because after listening to Alice I would like to share this with you and let you see that someone else from that generation held no hate in her heart and that was my mum for what she did one day made me so proud of her and made me cry then and still does was during our second holiday abroad in, if memory serves me right, 1982 when my mum was 73 and our first holiday abroad had been the year before and that was first time time my mum had ever gone abroad or ever been on a plane when she was 72 but I am even digressing already from the story I want to tell for this one took place in Majorca, as I say, in 1982 and the hotel we stayed in was full of British and German holiday makers and in the dining room you were allocated your table, which was your's for time of stay, and behind us there was a German couple who were about the same age as my mum and as the days went by we started whenever we met this couple, smiling and nodding and generally acknowledging each other, and then, one morning we were seated at our table and had just started breakfast when this couple came in and my mum smiled at them and then said : "Guten Morgen !".....she had never uttered any word in any other language but English until that point in her life....that woman and my mum ending up embracing each other that morning and both were crying and a few people who were sitting nearby saw and understood the significance of what they were seeing and they applauded......a moment in my life I will NEVER forget !! :)


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Hey Sylvia, well glad you enjoyed it sweetie, I thought I had sent that one to you... BTW, it played the same for me too. Have you looked up Alice on YouTube? This reminds me of something I read in a forward once: if you harbour bitterness, happiness will dock elsewhere. Thank you for sharing your slice of life Sylvia, it made me smile. :D Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Thanks Sylvie...that was beautiful!!!! Very thought provoking indeed :))))))  And thanks for your story Sylvia :)  May we all continue to learn each day!!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob 

Glad you enjoyed it Kathy, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada :D

So sad but beautiful ......thanks for sharing Lady Berlin !! :)

Don't know if you know the story or not Sylvie but it is about a little girl who is trying to sell matches in order that she can survive but she doesn't sell any and at night she is alone, cold and hungry in the snow and she decides to strike one of the matches and light it and when she does in front of her appears a burning stove and she gets warm but of course it doesn't exist but she strikes the next match and there is a plate of food appears and when that disappears she gets angry and strikes the last remaining ones together and then a carriage and horses appear and take her home to her grandmother but of course that disappears too and then you see her sitting in the snow and she is obviously dying and along comes her grandmother in a shaft of light and the little girl looks up and goes into her arms and they both drift away into the ether.......that is a good word, "ether", isn't it ???....Hans Christian Andersen eat your heart out !!!! LOL.


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Hi Sylvia, oh yes, I do know the stories of "The little match girl", "The little mermaid", "The snow queen", "The seven swans" and all sorts of sad fairytales by Hans Christian Anderson and Charles Perreault for instance. I devoured books as a child and my mom always read to us from the same book every night. That could have been why I wanted to read other stories, after I'd learned the other ones by heart... :D But thank you for the description sweetie. Funny that came up because I was filing old tapes recently and came across the story of "Peau d'âne", do you know that one Sylvia? It was a version done in 1970 with Catherine Deneuve and to this day, I remember her gowns in it... Seriously, check these out:

and this one: “couleur du soleil”;

 They were a little girl's princess dreams come true! I wish I'd remember them in detail though so I could attempt at making them or a reasonable copy... :D Well anyway, thanks for the memories Sylvia and Lady Berlin, that was fun! Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Thanks for those Sylvie and yes the dresses were spectacular but I liked the fairy's one the best but a kind of strange story.....going to marry her father.....and then it ending with the donkey skin on the there a third part by any chance where she comes to realize that the fairy is a "bad" fairy and really from another time and it isn't a good idea to always listen to and do what she wants  ??? lol

Thanks again though for links Sylvie !!! :)


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Hi Sylvia, I have to admit, it’s one of the most unusual stories, but it does work out in the end! :D Check out the movie description here:

The story was written in 1695 by Charles Perreault, the same guy who wrote “Blue Beard” and he based those on folk tales. People had a strange sense of what would entertain children back then! :D Out of curiosity, I checked him out on Wiki and he wrote a lot of fairytales we’ve learned as kids that were re-written by the Brothers Grimm. I’m sorry Sylvia, too much information... :D Well at least you agree about the dresses so that’s all I wanted to share. Take care sweetie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Hi Lady Berlin, I'm not familiar with that story, can you tell us a bit a bout it? I'm curious but I don't feel like watching the 12 parts! :D Well anyway,thank you for sharing, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Thanks for the links Lady Berlin and I did watch a couple and can see the attraction with the "lead man" but must admit I found them kind of risque for childrens' stories !!  lol.    I must admit too that I really am not a person into fairytales.....a tiny little bit when I was a child but basically nothing as I was always into cartoons far more and all the frilly pink dresses and lovely little shoes didn't do anything for me way back or right now......I wouldn't have classed myself as a "tomboy"...but....maybe there was some element of that but I do believe it was in the way I was brought up, as it is with mother was not a "pink" woman, in fact she hated the colour.....give her strong blues, reds, greens but not the soft pinks or we, as children, didn't come into contact with and as they say first three years make you....strong believer in your made not born !!! :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Hi everyone, today, I want to share something that sounds very special. An on-line friend of mine still sends me these, expecting someone to describe them to me. All I have to say is that I hope you watch it, just because you can. I must say I enjoyed the thought that came with it and did listen. I’ll paste the text that came with it. Take care and hugs to all, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada





OMG.....This is absolutely beautiful....I suggest you do not open this until you have the 9 or 10 mins it takes to watch.

The photography is stunning, and the message so beautiful.  Serenity Now.  Sit back, take a deep breath, relax and enjoy.

10 minutes - watch to the very end


The nicest place 2 be is in someone's THOUGHTS!  The safest place 2 be is in someone's PRAYERS!  And the best place to be is in GODS HANDS!

USA, IN GOD WE TRUST!-- Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.


Hi all, a friend forwarded me this link:

With all the recent talk about Michael visiting Russia in the near future and reading the description, I felt a connection so I thought I’d share the video: it sure sounds like everyone is having a great time. :D This is the text that came with it:

“this is guaranteed to make you feel great!  watch and share.

You can see the Kremlin in some shots & the big Moscow stadium in others.

We live in crazy, delightful ever changing world !

Who could have thought that in 2012 young people in Moscow would put on a "flash mob" happening, dancing to an *83 year old* American song written by a Russian born American-Jew (Irving B.) whose last name is the capital of Germany !!!!!...”

Hope you guys enjoy it! Take care and hugs to all, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada :D


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