Ahoy Matties!!


I posted this on Facebook, but wanted to mention this here too, for people like Sylvie who are not on FB!!  September 19 is International Talk Like a Pirate Day, which is a silly fun day for people to pretend they are Pirates!!!  There is a website Talklikeapirate.com that you can look at and have a few laughs!!  I'm going to wear my skull necklace (maybe my earrings too) and I have a skull shirt that I will wear if it's not too cool that day.  So thought I would let you all know, also on account of all the excitement over the Jack Sparrow video that is still going strong!!  So take out that bottle of rum, put on some Bolton Music and shake those pirate booties!!!   :)



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Sounds like fun :)

Love Dianna xxx

Ahoy "nuttie" Brooklyn Pirate friend,


What next will someone think of ??? LOL  

It is amazing how the "pirate" stuff has caught on because at the Tall Ships Race a Scottish paper printed in Glasgow had a stand ....when I saw it I wondered what it was because the queue looked about a mile long and what they had done was with a copy of their paper they were giving out a free bag of goodies for children and it contained a sword a pirate hat and a skull and crossbones badge type of thing......all the children ended up all dressed the same and I have got to admit I was very nearly tempted to stand in the queue and abduct the nearest kid to me and I am sure the paper sold more copies over that weekend than it would have done for the whole month !!      Another piece of useless information for you all but I just love to share it  !!! LOL.

Good luck on the 19th to anyone who joins the band of buccaneers and fancies a bit of ahoy therrrrrrrrrrr matey......got to try and get a Cornish accent for a pirate in the UK that is why the "rrrrrrr's" are there !!! LOL.



Sylvia.    Yrrrrrrrrrrr wee Scottish matey who is away frrrrrrr a wee bottle of rum - yo ho ho !!!!!! LOL.

Yo Ho Ho to yer too me mattie!!!  LOL!!!   Love the flags Sylvia....very cool!!!   Well, since the Pirate movies came out years ago, seems to be a big deal to many kids and adults alike (like us nutty ones....LOL!!).  And with the Jack Sparrow video, it's the icing on the cake!!!  Over the past few years after I heard of "International talk like a Pirate Day", my former co-workers and I (sad to say they no longer work here) all got into this day.  We wore anything.... clothing or jewlery that had the Pirate Look to it, and were talking like Pirates all day long....LOL!!!  We created our own little fun Pirate Group!!  Well, they are not here anymore.....but I will celebrate it regardless and have informed my new co-workers about it (just in my department).  Just that I can't bring any Rum to work.....oh well!!!!   :)


Helena.....Wee nutty Pirate friend....xx... 

Yo ho ho to you too and that picture was one I took during the Tall Ships Race at Greenock for those flags were flying on the Youth Training International Tall Ship and there were kids all joining her in Greenock and it was lovely to see for there was a bus from France and as they went on board they all got individually saluted on to the ship at the top of the gang plank and then at the bottom the Captain and the 1st Mate were there and they saluted them and then shook their hands....it was lovely to see the bit of ceremony for them and needless to say they were all thoroughly enjoying themselves and I thought it was a great idea them flying the skull and crossbones.

I'll be in London on the 19th so maybe I will get Justine and Ern and the three boys ropped in !! LOL.


Sylvia.   Yrrrrrrrrr wee Scottish matey.

That will be fun Sylvia!!!   Reminds me when Mom and I went to Mystic Seaport last year, and we went on the various boats that are docked there.  We really enjoyed it!!!!   :)





OK this is the pic I had signed in CT...the one you are using Helena!!!!!!  Cute thread!!!  MB signed it at the golf in CT and he wrote, To Robin, Love Captain MB Sparrow!!!!   I love it!

Ahoi Maties!!!!!!!!!!! I see a 100,000 million views on Youtube of good ol Cap'n Jack!!!!!



Robin in Maryland :)

Absolutely perfect picture Robin for him to have written that on - fantastic and that sure is something to treasure forever from the man himself Captain MB Sparrow..... forget all about Michael Bolton we will just call him CMBS from now on !!! LOL


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.

LOL Sure we can Sylvia!!! :) At least in this thread anyway!!LOL

Robin :)


That is so cool Robin.....something you will always treasure....and I mean treasure!!!   LOL!!!!   :)  I love this picture too....a great picture of him as Captain Jack!!!



It also shows, by Michael signing like that, how much the whole project meant to him and how dear to his heart it is but even though you say, Robin, about using what I have written on here - NO WAY - that was just a joke.......that is too personal between you and Michael although you have shared it with us here and I would never "demean" something so lovely that Michael wrote into a "silly" acronym.........but what I did think about was, a "title" for Michael, for we have the King, the Boss but how's about the "Captain".......I for one like it (obviously because I have thought of it....LOL) and I am going to use it over in the Jack Sparrow thread and see what happens....if I get any takers or not !!!!!! LOL


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.

Ahoy nutty friends! Lol I’ve just discovered  this thread just now and love it! Thanks Helena for thinking of me and bringing it over! Now Robin, may I ask if the picture you got is the “Now back to the good part” pic? I know I can’t see it, but I so wish I had that on a T-shirt! Lol  How very fortunate you are that Michael signed your pic like that, because you can pin point exactly when he signed it, treasure it indeed! Now Helena, good luck with your International Talk Like A Pirate day! Lol Maybe they should have settled the date for the release of “On Stranger Tides”? I had watched the first POTC movie with my daughter years ago, and finally watched the rest this summer and don’t know why I waited so long! Have a great day all and thanks for the smiles! Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Now Sylvie, how can I forget my nutty friend?!?!   LOL!!! 

Hugs, Helena...xx...


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