I was having trouble with the MB Dates Added thread going to the last page so I'm thinking it is at it's limit so starting this new thread.

5/14/13 Updated*


You are going to find a number of things on the web and on band member's websites before I announce, or they end up in the Tour section here, or MB's official Facebook and I want to explain why.  Michael's management and tour people start setting things up and working with promoters and venues most times a long time before we hear about them. There are logistics that have to be worked out as well as schedules, deposits, agreements, etc that are all signed and ok'd before Michael's people consider them confirmed.  The band member's may put them on their websites also before we do because they are given the dates while they are being worked on, so they will hold those dates in their busy schedules as well. A lot of the band do other gigs when they aren't with Michael so they are asking them to hold those dates.  Promoters and venues sometimes post before all is confirmed on Michael's end as well because they want to get the word out and tickets sold but sometimes that works against them and most of us have seen that happen when a concert doesn't work out and tickets have to be refunded or taken down with no explanation. Most of the times the ones you find on websites of the venues or band member's sites do work out but because there is the chance they might not until all i's are dotted we don't post on the main page until it is!!

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No assigned seats, it is in a field that can hold 10,000.....I am buying a pair of wellie boots because if it rains and Glastonbury is anything to go by that's all that will get you through the mud !!! LOL

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Oh wow.  This reminds me of shows here years ago where you wait at the gait all day to be the first in to get the closest spot to the stage. Oh boy.  Sylvia this will be some adventure. I hope the weather is perfect and it works out you get the spot close to the stage and NO MUD!! LOL Best be prepare tho, sun screen etc too and food.  I sure hope all goes well for all those attending and it's a great time!!!!

Robin in MD :)

Hi Sylvia , forgot to say it was manager I spoke to, and he said it was in Michael's  contract that he could not do any other live concerts in the UK this year .My husband is disabled so he will be fine with a seat, as he cant stand for long, unlike me!  I have never been to a concert in a field either so it will be a first for me too . Best Wishes  Olly

Glad to hear Olly that everything working out okay with seating for you and hope knowledge that Hotel will supply seats helps a lot of people.  Interesting one on the contract and venue does advertise it as Michael's only concert in UK this year...all I can say is glad I can go and darn glad you can go as well Olly and hope we all get chance to at least shout a "hello" to each other.  

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


Just want to say....not sure all is correct with what the manager is telling you about the contract.  I don't know for sure but he shouldn't be passing things like that on to people he doesn't know on the phone so may be a little off!  

Sorry Gail  if I should not have posted that but he did not say to keep it quiet .I didn't want fans to miss out..Olly

Hi Olly, I know nothing, but you didn't do anything wrong sweetie. I have a feeling Gail is refering to the fact that the manager shouldn't say it's in Michael's contract if it's not. Obviously, it's better for the venue if fans think that Michael won't do any other gigs, so they rush to this one. If I remember correctly, in the article Sylvia shared, it just said this one  was Michael's only U.K. gig so far. Again, I know nothing, it's just my impression. Take care sweetie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Hey Sylvia, I'm so glad you get to see MB again in your next of the woods:)! Just popped on here & saw this!!!! I bet you are doing the Happy Dance for sure:)!

Mary (meg's mom)!

Thanks Mary and sure am doing the "happy dance" as got hotel all booked up this morning too so going to have a nice little weekend away....thanks again !!! :)

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend.


A further piece of information which I believe should be on here and I will also put over onto Tour thread in connection with Michael's concert at the Bluebell Hotel and it is to say that I was contacted on FB where a girl gave me information which I have just this second confirmed with the Hotel and it is that if you are disabled or a carer they will supply chairs.  I asked if you required qualification for that i.e. blue badge holder etc and was informed, NO, all you have to do is request a chair.  Believe that is a piece of super news.

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


I have just now gotten confirmation on this concert at the Bluebell Hotel on August 1st.

Tickets here:


Thanks a million Gail !! :)   It feels almost like a dream and there is JUST 105 days to go.....yipeeeeeeeee !!! LOL

Thanks again !!! :)

Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.



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