I will post new concerts in this thread. Hopefully I have set it correctly to be at the top.




We've gotta find a way to trust

The very best in all of us

Let there be love, let there be love


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Wow so much going on...I still hope for a show or two in the North East!!!!  Happy for all of you down south and out west and Asia!! Have fun.. Hope to get a bunch of reviews for the tour thread!!!!LOL


Robin in MD :)

Thanks Gail......gosh I was thinking that concert was in Oct. only. So Nov. 25th would make it just after Thanksgiving....hmmmmm. Will have to think on that some. If you get word about Michael attending ....I will have to reconsider....lol

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Hi Gail, I had read about the "Hitman returns" tour a couple of months ago on YouTube but I didn't know Michael would be part of  it. Thanks for the update sweetie, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

New Date added:


October 10

Washington Pavilion

Sioux Falls, SD


Thanks Gail......the energizer bunny keeps on running...or that should energizer Bolton!!! lol Have fun to those fans that can make that concert!!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Fantastic news for those in Australia - absolutely great....and I see Dubai and Moscow have now been added - WOW - when does Michael actually sit down and relax or is that just on the plane in between venues when he gets to do that .....absolutely wonderful set of tour dates coming out now !!! :)


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.

THanks Gail!!

OK Dianna, here ya go girl!!! Woo Hoo-Happy for the fansin Australia. MB loves going there!!!

Robin in MD :)

Pleased I am so very happy to read this Gail

Oh Gosh I am so excited I'm hoping to go to 4 of these fingers , toes and everything crossed

Thank you so much everybody I trully am beyond words with how I am feeling April I can't wait

Thanks Robin sure sounds good doesn't it

I LOVE IT!!!!!!
Dianna xxxxxxxxxx




Just so you all know I HAVE 227 Days to go LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lol Dianna, why not start the countdown now? :D So very happy for you sweetie! Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Dianna, I am so excited for ya down there!  I know you will keep everything crossed until you get those tickets in hand!!! and as Sylvie says, start that countdown! LOL!  Wow and to be able to go to four of them is even better....


Two more:


11/22/2011 Moscow      Crocus City Hall
11/24/2011 Dubai          Jumeirah Madinat Arena

Thanks Gail.....WOW....Michael and Delta are going to hit Australia as their own hurricane!!! Love it!!! Have fun Down Under Michael and Delta and all the fans attending :) Moscow will be close to Michael's roots also....safe travels Michael!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob 


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