I will post new concerts in this thread. Hopefully I have set it correctly to be at the top.




We've gotta find a way to trust

The very best in all of us

Let there be love, let there be love


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Dianna....I am so happy for you guys down under, that Michael will be in your neck of the woods...that is awesome!!!!  And also for the fans in the other parts of the world too!!!

Now... if only we can get him back to this part of the East Coast some time next year...that would be so great too!!!!   :)



Ditto Helena, We want him back here too with this newer tour with the new songs in the setlist!!! I was hoping for this fall but it doesn't look like he will be back here that soon..

Robin in MD :)

True Robin....I think the fall would be too soon for Michael to head this way.  That is why I'm hoping for sometime in the New Year...maybe right after I see Barry Manilow...how cool would that be?!?!?  I'm seeing Barry in February, so maybe early spring for Michael?!?!   :)


I don't like concerts here in Winter tho. I took a chance and went to  Western PA in Feb last year after a bad ice storm and went to Cleveland end of March...That's the bad part, winter weather  here can be bad...See how it goes with time!!!!

Robin :)

I don't like winter concerts too...who does?!?  With the nasty weather and the chances of getting sick, you never know what can happen.  But we have to go with the flow, and sometimes take the chance if there is a winter concert.  If Michael does not come around here in the early spring, then maybe late spring/early summer.  I'll take what I can get!!!   :)



Hi everyone,  Robin I agree with you I want him back here! I was hoping we would see one in November. By then my foot will be back to normal, God willing!  I don,t like winter concerts cause you never now how the weather will be!  So hopefully he will come back here soon!

Eileen  xxx!

Ok..don't want anyone here to panic because I was asked today to take down the Australian dates for a bit.  The concerts are still on and more info will come but they decided not to post yet.  Gail

Is it my fault Gail?

I am sorry

I have been ringing everybody trying to get tickets LOL!!!!

Love Dianna

PS 226 days to go MAYBE????

Hey Dianna, I'm sure it's not your fault sweetie. Even if all the T's are crossed and I's are dotted, they're probably just figuring out ticket sales details. I'm guessing things might work differently in Australia and you can't buy tickets more than 6 months in advance like in some other countries. I'm just speculating. Yes sweetie, keep your countdown in mind, you have to believe in it! Boy that brings back memories, doesn't it? :D Take care Dianna. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
The promoters in Australia decided they didn't want to post yet so we were asked to take them down..only details I have.  It wasn't your fault either way Dianna!! ;)

Oh Dianna that is too funny!!! Have security visited you yet???? I don't want your face on the 10 most wanted poster!!! Enjoy your freedom now while it lasts!!! ROFL  You behave now you hear?????

Kathy and LAFD Bob

ROFL Thanks Kathy

They may think I'm a stalker, OH Gosh all i want is good seats :)

Love Dianna xxx


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