Michael Bolton At The Royal Albert Hall - 2nd November 2009 & 3rd November 2009

Here are some great shots I got from the two great Michael Bolton concerts I attended in November at the Royal Albert Hall in London. First night was from the grand Tier up above and a few rows from the front the next evening. http://www.ozlemmehmet.co.uk/michaelbolton 
(excuse the quality they were shot using a basic compact digi camera!)


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Ozlem, what fantastic photos..thanks for sharing!!
Thanks for sharing you got some nice ones there Ozlem.
All the best
You'll have your own in 38 sleeps time Dianna!! Ha Ha!!

Love Jennifer XXXX
Wow!!! You have some amazing photographs there Ozlem.
Thank you so much for sharing them with us all.

Love Jennifer XXX
thank you so much for the photos they are great
Great pictures lol I am saying nothing new lol....
I can not wait till next month and the DVD will be old in a month time lol...By then I see Michael himself here in the Netherlands lol so more ice Jen for me lol....
Thanks again Ozlem for sharing them
lots of love jacqueline

Hi! Tried to put link here! Video is From RAH 2009 Live; When A l Man loves a woman! Maybe you can also find yourselves there, lol! This clip might be in his new DVD??!!
I have video of that too! maybe I have you in too :) But I have not uploaded it anywhere as of yet! - ozlem.
These are sooo good pictures, Ozlem! I can see my 'present' to Michael in one of those! Can't wait to see your video too :)

Janna, Hi from Kellie,
I was so lhappy to see you and your gift being recieved from you on TV. Michael and the band loved the audience so much, it truley showed that Michael loves his fans, thanks so much for sharing your own personal expierence with us here. I love to hear that his true fans are the ones that he recognizes and sometimes jokes with. You know you love it too....:.D Hope you will continue to fill us all in on your next concerts too!.
Take Care,

His Girlfriend For Life!

Wow!! Very nice photos..thanks for sharing!!
Amazing, I've put one of your photo in my IPod.
Thanks for sharing!



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