Hi all,
I just saw that there's a Michael Bolton Mother's Day Twitter Party happening on Monday, May 3rd. The prizes are awesome- autographed copies of his CD and more! I found the details here: http://www.twitterpartyguide.com/twitter-party/michael-bolton-mothe...

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Hi, Robin
You really are a lucky lucky girl. Congrats !!!
Take care
Hi guys, YES Michael called a while ago. (Geez, how strange is that for me to post!!LOL) It was alot of fun to talk with Michael despite being a bit nervous. He really is interested in what we like about the new album and the availability of the CD in stores. I told him we all are buzzing on here about the new album and he was glad to hear that. Also glad the forum seems to be working. Seems that this is a tool for them to get feedback. I told him how much we all world-wide are enjoying it and each other's experiences as fans and I had fan friends around the world because of his music and this forum. He liked we all were sharing our experiences in getting the new album and what we liked. He said he's excited to get to Australia again, been way too long. One of his fav places to travel to. He cracked up when he realized it was me and seemed to be enjoying himself. He laughed here and there during the conversation. It was neat talking to him on the phone and he really does want to know what we like and what we want as far as the music in the shows and what we liked on the new CD. He asked me several questions about that. MB wants to please his fans very much, that came through loud and clear and his appreciation for the support of his fans, he's very sincere in that. Which I already knew but that came across in this call today as well. He did say he had hoped the 2 songs on the USA Release had been made a part of the International Release but did not make it on there.

I was the first person he called as he said as he was ready to hang up he had 4 others to call. I hope you understand I don't feel comfortable posting all the details of the call. It was neat hearing him say to me "BYE FOR NOW" and I said the same in turn at the end of the call!!LOL

Still smiling here that I didn't say something totally stupid!
Robin :)

hi robin
i bet you were nervous who would'nt lol .but glad you had a great talk with michael .and yes we know michael always think of us .it is a shame about

the 2 new songs but ive ordered mine :) .but i love the new album and the dvd they are great .thanks so much robin for telling us all about it
Thank you so much for sharing with us Robin! Sounds like it was as wonderful as you imagined it to be!! I love the way he laughs, you are so lucky to have heard it personally!! Take care.... Bev
Wow, have you come back down to earth yet? Thanks for sharing as much as you did, how long did the call last? I am sure you wanted it to go forever!! That had to be the best mother's day present anyone could have gotten in the whole world!! I love his little laugh he has and great to hear him ask what we may want to hear in the concerts! I know you really enjoyed the phone call, now back to the real world!! LOL!!
Robin Robin Robin.
Thank you so very much for taking the time to mention us all here at the forum.
I could only imagine what it would be like to talk to someone you have admired and respected for a number of years.
Thanks so much for sharing your conversation with us and I bet you haven't even come back to earth yet!
Enjoy your day Robin
Love Dianna xxx
I'm so pleased he is looking forward to Australia as well!
Hi Robin, thanks for taking the time to post and for the wonderful description of your talk with Michael… I’m sure he expected you all to be nervous. Personally, I think he was a great sport to agree to do this because you never know how some people can react, you know? I think it’s wonderful that he does keep an eye on the forum and what we fans think and want, God bless him… We all know he’s sincere and he does care but it made me teary-eyed to read the confirmation in your report… Girl, it sounded like he had a great start to his round of calls. Man, I love his laugh too! lol I hope it makes him want to do it again next year and give the “tech-challenged” folks a chance too! Lol Thanks again for sharing what you did Robin, God bless you. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Dearest Robin,
I am very glad for you that you enjoyed your talk with Michael himself and that you did well without saying something wrong because that would be very normale to do at that moment so you did more than well.
That Michael is good for his fans I already knew it like you did because Janis told me about that. But it's always nicer to hear it from the person him self...Nothing beter than that.
And thanks that you wanted to tell us a part off you phonecall and I understand that somethings you want to keep for yourself. There is nothing wrong with that.
Because I think that Michael is a good person and your soooo lucky to had that phonecall with him and you let him see that your not a person who is telling everything because somethings have to stay unsaid also in here....;)
lots of love and hope your enjoy this feeling for a long time
Jacqueline xxx
Thanks Jacqueline!!! Yes he's a great person and really cares about the fans, no doubt about it!
Oh Robin, I am so thrilled for you that you had this wonderful opportunity.

Thank you so very, very much for taking the time to mention us on here.

I completely understand that you wouldnt want to repeat all of the conversation and keep some of your chat provate.

Good on you for keeping your cool and more importantly, well done for winning the competition.

Love Jennifer XXXX
Thanks Jennifer, it was a different experience and such fun!
hi Robin so glad it went alright, sounds like a nerve-racking but wonderful experience talking to Michael, I love the new album, have listened to it every day since I got it, would have been great to have the new songs on it, they are awesome, but I,ve ordered a copy of the US release
Love Sandra xx


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