I apologize if this come up twice..blame in on the technical difficulties I have been experiencing with my computer..I saw an item on Yahoo Trending that Michael is in negotiations to be on Dancing With The Stars! Can anyone confirm this? I hadn't seen that before, so if it is old stuff, I am sorry...its news to me, and I only hope it is true! How awesome that would be!

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P.S. Chelsie Hightower is tweeting about MB. Said how her "boy loves to work, nothing wrong with that." She's excited to be working with Michael...If you search her on Twitter you also then can follow her and read her comments as this progresses too. I did tweet back to her as a MB fan we are thrilled he's partnered with her too!!! She's excited to be working with MB this season.. Woo Hoo! Fun stuff.

Robin :)
Same goes for Michael, He'll gain a new set of fans too, I know I at least have become a fan of Michael within the past few days. I am so happy that she is excited, last season she had an awful partner (was very disrespectful) and so I am glad she is getting a fresh start with such a classy guy. I follow them both on Twitter! And I started this support thread on ABC.com that I think you've already posted in Robin ;) http://abc.go.com/shows/dancing-with-the-stars/discuss?cat=23170&am...
Thanks Amy, I did post in the thread over there today, thanks for sharing that link here too. Great, it's a win/win for both Michael and Chelsie.. Oh my, MB will have a great time with her and I've met him over the years and he's a very sweet, caring, classy guy---he will be a great guy for her to have as her partner this season. We all can attest to that here!! He will be a hard working pupil for her..No doubt about it!!LOLAnd a lot of fun, he's got a huge sense of humor!!! I am following them both on Twitter now too. This is such an exciting time for him. He did release a new album this past year, One World One Love and he's going to have a Christmas CD coming out soon this fall too.

Thanks for posting over here, glad to have you!
Robin in MD :)
Thanks for sharing Amy! Chelsie is a wonderful dancer I'm a fan of DWTS! They will make a great team!!! They have all my votes!!

Love Eileen xoxo
Thank you for posting the link Amy.
Chelsie looks a fab dancer, lucky Michael.
I think they look great together, I support them all the way!!

Deb xx

a great link to post your comments about Michael & his partner !
go !
and The official MB / Chelsie support thread on DWTS official site :
go there and please post and support Michael ! :

Thanks Matt I just joined and posted. We need to post over there, some of the fans of her and the show who don't know MB are a bit doubtful how far he may go. I will post regular to show support of MB and Chelsie and maybe if some of us can it will help too. Some of them have found our forum here too which is great for MB!!!!!

It's all good!
Robin :)
Hi and welcome Amy.
Thanks for all the links people
I too have just joined the support thread Robin :)
It is all good!!!
Love Dianna xxx
Hey Dianna, I just saw your post over there too!!!! More the merrier!!!LOL
Robin :)
Morning Robin just going though my e-mails haven't had a chance :)
Love Dianna xxx
OK thought it was you, a Dianna that sounded like you.. LOL SORRY!


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