I apologize if this come up twice..blame in on the technical difficulties I have been experiencing with my computer..I saw an item on Yahoo Trending that Michael is in negotiations to be on Dancing With The Stars! Can anyone confirm this? I hadn't seen that before, so if it is old stuff, I am sorry...its news to me, and I only hope it is true! How awesome that would be!

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Thanks Payten
Man he's looking gooooood
Love Dianna xxx


New paparazzi video, Chelsie starts at about 4:40 & Michael right after.
Thanks Amy
I don't think I have a grasp on just how popular this show is.
Love Dianna xxx
I think the average on a performance night is 20 millon viewers (the most being 23.9 millon viewers). So yes, DWTS is very popular!
Thanks Amy
Wow that's some statistics!!!!
Good for Michael's popularity,
Love Dianna xxx

I love your banner, Dianna!
Love your signature photo with the team!!!!!
Hi All,

Just delurking to say I'm wishing Michael the best on DWTS. I've watched the show since the beginning and I know how hard he must be working.

When I heard he was going to be on the show I had to laugh because we all remember how many times he said he couldn't or doesn't dance. I guess he's about to start LOL.

But seriously, I know with his work ethic and how he puts his all into everything he does that he'll do well.

And just remember, its the fans who keep the stars on the show, so be sure to vote as many times as you can and in every way you can.

Hey Meri, Good to see you on here! I agree with you, so many years we've heard him say that.. This is going to be a lot of fun for him and for us all..

Post more often.
Take care,
Robin :)
Hi meri,
Good to see you posting it has been awhile
It will interesting to see Michael dance!
Love Dianna xxx
Thanks for the photo and links Payten and Amy, looks like they are having lots of fun and enjoying it all so far.

Deb xx
They are off in Mississippi for the weekend:

ChelsieKayH Sorry for the lack of tweets I just switched my phone over an didn't have service yesterday. But yes I am holding the new iPhone in my hands 35 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone

ChelsieKayH Pretty awesome I love it. But we are here in Mississippi! Rehearsals are going well, when we are rehearsing and not laughing.. Lol 32 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone

I am glad that they are enjoying each other's company. Traveling while still trying to get to know one another must be hard but I know they'll manage.


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