Miscellany but exceptionally relevant information about, or from Michael on, MB.

Thought I would start this thread for there does appear, at times, to be different relevant articles, tweets, retweets, pictures etc relating to Michael but not really fitting into an already recognized thread nor, each of them individually, being able to be grouped together where a relevant thread could be started and so decided on this "Miscellany" thread.   

I hope you agree with its relevance and that you enjoy everything that is put in as well as hoping that many will find interesting tidbits about Michael that can be included and help to make this, whilst a serious sharing of information, a FUN page to be able to visit too and, as is my intention, somewhere that everything which does not have a particular "home" can be placed, so that is all grouped together and can be easily found and located if someone wants to look at.

Here now, so that we can all focus on the main reason for this thread, is a beautiful picture of the "Theme" of the thread.......wonder if MB has ever been called that before ???? LOL. 



Believe this one definitely belongs in here for I would say sharing with us that coconut sorbet is his favourite dessert is both miscellaneous and more than extremely relevant to the "THEME" of this website and in particular, to this thread  !! LOL.

Hope everyone enjoys content and feels free to add their very own miscellany !!! :)



A separate thread has been created for the Q&A Session and it can be found at  http://www.michaelbolton.com/forum/topics/michael-s-question-and-an...


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


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Hi Sylvia, sorry for the late reply, I'm catching up after being sick yesterday. The first video from WHAS11 just doesn't want to play, even with your link, but the 2nd one you've sent 4 times worked perfectly! lol Thanks for all your efforts sweetie, I truly appreciate it. It might be something on my computer that's lacking or whatever, I'll ask my son again. Take care sweetie and thanks again. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

That is strange Sylvie for really there is not a lot of difference in how they are set out and hope you do get to hear it !! :)   I wonder what happened that you got other 4 times........LOL.....just the usual; something to do with fact that I was sending but I promise, the little box only came up once for me to fill in all the details of where I wanted it sent....I didn't fill it in 4 times, honestly....know I'm getting bad but not that bad !!!!!!!! LOL. 


Hope you are okay now and sorry to hear you were feeling under the weather yesterday....hope all okay ??? :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Hey Sylvia, must be the old gremlins  in the computer again... :D I'm not 100% but I'm functional enough to be here, thanks for asking sweetie, I'll keep you posted on the video, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Michael has just tweeted as he leaves Louisville and here is his tweet plus photo he has sent with it and for Sylvie and Robin CA photo is looking along a road obviously just outside hotel before he got into car to depart and it looks quite a "jazzy" little place that Louisville;   yeah, quite fancy when the lottery comes up and we have that private function/concert to all attend maybe Louisville wouldn't be a bad place to have it .......LOL.   Hey Mary, would you do cheap bed and breakfast for about 20 or 30 !!!!! LOL.


To be serious......here is Michael's tweet........   "Bye for now Louisville! Thank you for your warmth & hospitality."    and here is picture.......



Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend.


Found another great photo from last night in the Galt House Hotel and it is from the BoxcarPR and obviously three of their employees who were at event last night and for Sylvie and Robin CA it is a picture of three girls with Michael standing in where I would imagine the awards ceremony took place for you can see people milling about plus others seated at tables and it looks as though Michael may just be carrying his Award for he has what looks like a long white box as well as a folded piece of paper in his hand......hmmmm, interesting !!!! lol.



Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


This is a very nice picture, and those are 3 very Lucky girls!!! Michael looks pretty Happy, too! And that white box has quite a Shine coming off of it...doesn't it? The Galt House is Beautiful! It is well known, and the lady to the far left could be the owner...Not sure, but maybe! She's Smiling from ear to ear! Darn it, if I would have known I would have tried to work there just to work this Event for sure!

Mary (meg's mom)!

Mary, how could you not have been there???? I wish I could have been there to, but I know if I lived there I would have done whatever it took to be there!!!!!! Just had to rib you a bit!!!! How close to Paducah are you? I am seeing MB there in November!!!!
Sandy in MS

Hey Sandy, I wish I could go to the show, but it's too far & not in the budget:( There are 2 ladies on here that are going..I will send there names to you:)!

Girl don't I wish I would have known about this Event, I would have tried to work it! Maybe it was Luck, I probably would have spilled something on him:)! LOL!

Mary (meg's mom)!

Sylvia, thank you so much for all your hard work in bringing us all the pics, videos and articles. I know you didn't get much rest. I for one truly appreciate it.
Wish I was standing next to him! LOL

 Hello everyone !

I'm not sure I have seen this video here. If so, forgive my great age!


Hugs from France 

Francoise, thank you so much for this video. I can never tire of hearing our Michael singing or speaking!!!!


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