Here we go with the New 2011 Concert Tour Review Thread. Michael's tour begins again in the USA in Florida on January 13, 2011!!!!!!!!  I hope Michael is well rested and ready to get back out on the road!


Please share your concert experiences, pictures, video links etc. with us here. We love hearing about the concerts and the great times had by the fans.

You all have made these threads fun in the past and I look forward to more adventures and fun this year!!

I look forward to reading everyone's reviews once again and also contributing some of my own in 2011!


Have fun everyone!! Not much longer till Michael and the band hit the road again!


Robin in Maryland,  USA

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That is a cool pic Kerie. So glad you and Anna were both able to get them!  I'm glad to see MB or someone on his staff thought of those for the merchandise table. Something so cool and different..  I took a chance and took a pic of him as Jack Sparrow to the golf event in June and he really enjoyed chatting about it and he signed it for me. So I treasure mine too.  I hope a bunch of the fans buy them.

Robin in MD :)

Tracey & Kerie

Thank you so much for sharing so fabulous reviews !!!

  And Kerie yout lot of pics are wonderful.  All I love them!

Take care


A million thanks go to both you Tracey and Kerie for wonderful reviews - keeping reading all of these wonderful stories I just know I am getting nearer to that show of my own but in the meantime you certainly all give me something to saviour and it is great to hear and feel and to share your fantastic experiences - thank you !! :)

Thanks too Kerie for the beautiful pictures and I adore the Jack Sparrow one but also too that one you captured of his "butt" - wow !!!!!! LOL.


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend. 

It's not fair. :) you guys can see his butt; take pictures of his butt; but I can't touch his butt; I could but wouldn't out of respect. Boltonnut from L. A. CA :))))))))))))) Ops, got stiff fingered there. :)))))))

You are an unconscious comedian Robin have got three beautiful MB's "butts" in there and then suddenly there is a little "but" because you wouldn't out of respect....I just can't stop laughing at the way you have worded that BUT I will tell you something and everybody else, including MB, if I get the chance to get a hold of his BUTT ....did somebody say something about respect - ohhhhh !!!! LOL.


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.

R E S P E C T. Tell me what you think of me. Love it, Sylvia&everyone. I just couldn't do it. What other do? I'm not in on it. :)))))))) Boltonnut from L. A. CA USA
OMG........ROFL......Robin R. you cracked me up on that one!!!
To funny, and you probably didn't even realize how funny you were being as Sylvia said.
BUT seriously here, why do we have quite a few of these pictures of MB on stage backwards??? I wonder......

Your icon made me laugh Joy just about as much as Robin CA's comment - love it !!!! :)

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.

Hey Sylvia,

Mission accomplished! Just trying to make people laugh.

Best when I don't even need words, just the icon will do!


from the Jersey Shore

 (Robin R. & Sylive B.- Girl laughing in front of computer screen)



Your pic icon is making me LMAO as much as ever..............

Captain Sylvia Sparrow

See Joy, (no, I can't), don't mind me but seriously, I'll have to go on words since these eyes ain't workin'. :))))) Boltonnut from L. A. CA&Sylvia from Scotland, you be good too. :)

Sylvia's photo icon by her name is now her dressed up like Jack Sparrow!!! Pretty funny!!

I assume it is her Halloween costume for this year?



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