Here we go with the New 2011 Concert Tour Review Thread. Michael's tour begins again in the USA in Florida on January 13, 2011!!!!!!!!  I hope Michael is well rested and ready to get back out on the road!


Please share your concert experiences, pictures, video links etc. with us here. We love hearing about the concerts and the great times had by the fans.

You all have made these threads fun in the past and I look forward to more adventures and fun this year!!

I look forward to reading everyone's reviews once again and also contributing some of my own in 2011!


Have fun everyone!! Not much longer till Michael and the band hit the road again!


Robin in Maryland,  USA

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Hi Jennifer...sorry for the delay...a little busy with Bob and his therapy. Anyway...yes you can buy LAFD items at and they carry all sizes. I am no skinny minny myself so you will definitely find what you need because I do!! :) I am sure there are other sites and even some tourist places have LAFD items. This particular store is associated with L.A. City fire dept so I give them my business AND all proceeds benefit the Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firemen's Fund :) We are members of this very fine group!!! I know Michael will keep what he wants to keep and all I can do is hope. It is all given with great admiration to a wonderful man and singer!!!

Someone keeps shrinking my clothes also!!! Maybe it is in the water we use to wash our clothes!! LOL

Kathy and LAFD Bob

I agree. Morethan likely, Michael didn't know they were used. he got a chuckel but he can laugh any time. Love his laughter. If his smiles are like the sound of his laughter. Hot flash!!!!!!!!!! :D


Boltonnut from L. A. CA

Hi Jennifer,


You cerainly won't get shot down in flames - we'll just throw panties at you !!!!!!!!  LOL LOL LOL.


Your comments Jennifer, I believe, are the same as everyone's here - there certainly is a "not very nice" element to it as well as an unsanitary element, BUT, at the same time, there is the FUN side as well and it was Michael himself who created that ......if he had just ignored them there would have been no story......but he chose to laugh, which he couldn't help, and then decided to pick up and get the roar of the crowd - which he knew he would get.......he is a man and an entertainer......and he did BOTH, WELL !!!!  VBG.   The other aspect that I see is that we were fortunate, in that, we had Kathy on the spot - so to speak - who was able to relate such a WONDERFUL story of the WHOLE show and too, of that little incident......think how many people in that theatre didn't have and still don't have a clue where the panties came from  !!  :))


Maybe it is about time we put the "panty" incident to bed before we start embarrassing the man.......the poor guy will be scared to even look at anything that is thrown on the stage in future let alone pick it up .......he'll certainly be looking around for video cameras before he does if he has found out yet that he is on YouTube !!  LOL LOL LOL    I still believe he will be laughing at it - no matter what !!!!  :)))


And I have decided that here is a good chance to remember one of the FAR better incidents that took place at that SHOW - where a wee, wee girl called Robin got to do what ALL of us want to do - SHE did IT, SHE held his HAND - lucky, lucky GIRL !!!

The picture of you holding his hand Robin is just below these words - you enjoy the memory kid and, just remember, we can only look, you can feel!!!!  :)))).


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.

&it's people like her that mess it up. I'll bet that's why or one of the reasons why security was tight as a ..........


Thanks Sylvia about the descriptions of the picture of me with MB. Yeah, let's get on with it. I'm not thrilled about the matter with the exception that Michael got a laughter&joy out of it&yes, he's a man, :)))))&an entertainment&he kept himself composed with all his smiles. :D


Boltonnut from L. A. CA

I agree Jennifer&that's all I'm gonna say. I've said all I'm gonna say. :(


Boltonnut from L. A. CA USA

I watched that yesterday also, I agree, his look was priceless!!  He doesn't loose his lyrics too often, but I think that had him, say, speechless!!

I agree, if that mic is too close for me to sing, he would turn around and run!!!! I have learned if I am taping, I don't sing!!!!!!


Any way, I got an email from someone I have met at past concerts, and she had bought a ticket for Cherokee NCconcert and will be unable to attend.  Her ticket is pretty good seat, it is section 104 row H seat 20.  The concert is March 11, if anyone is interested, let me know and I will contact her, did not want to put name on here until she says ok,  she bought it for 65 but will take 50 for it. I will be there with my hubby front and center!!!!  Let me know!!  Come on Robin or Kathy, don't you want to come down to NC for a visit?


I wish I could Kerie, but I have to wait till I go to Cleveland. Thanks for the offer tho. I hope you sell the ticket for your friend!!

And also wish for us all through end of winter that Mother Nature plays nice. We have this stretch now of milder and dryer weather, I hope we don't get hammered end of March.. Crossing fingers and toes!!LOL


Robin in Maryland :)

I agree, we are having summertime weather, but who knows what March will bring!!! Crossing my fingers and toes for both of ours!!!  Mine is about an 8 or so hour drive into the mountains!!!!  But a really nice place for a getaway!!  Love those mountains!!!


It sounds nice Kerie, maybe sometime in the future if MB plays there in warmer weather I'd consider it. I do like going to NC and it's been quite a few years since I was down that way for a concert.  I have a good Bolton Buddy down there in China Grove too.  My very first Bolton Bomber's Game I attended was in Raleigh and then a day later a 2nd one in Charlotte in 1994 along with 2 shows down there.. We were dog tired and had the best time....and many trips after over the years......I do like NC.. LOL


Robin in Maryland :)

Hey Robin,  I was at those also!!!  Those are the ones I went to when my husband got deployed for 6 months!!!! I lived in Virginia and went to Raleigh, Charlotte and Richmond, and may have been one in the DC area also, on that tour!!!  Yeah, those were the days, loved the ball games then concerts!!!  Many very good memories, kept me going while hubby was away!!!


Kerie, I've seen MB in DC as well. Shucks, we may have been at some of the games&concerts&just didn't know it. Love it when there's games&concerts in one weekend. Total Boltonizing as I'd say.


Boltonnut from L. A. CA


Perhaps I should learn how to consolidate messages? :D

Hey again Kerie, and there was a record signing in Charlotte the day of the ballgame and concert there. Went from record store, to ball game to fast change and then concert that night.. OMG   I remember hearing about it from a fan at the Raleigh game and got the name the store and the street.. Stopped in Charlotte at a parking deck and asked a nice man how to get there. He told us and it was excellent info, we got to talk to MB at the record signing and get our programs signed from the first show we saw up in CT earlier that spring...Fun times, no sleep but fun times!!LOL  I wondered if you had been to those events too!!!


DC, YES there was a game in a small ball field we sat on wooden benches. Very small for MB and his team.  He was up close and personal with the fans at that one! And a show at USA Air Arena here in MD that's now closed as well...

Small world!!

Robin in Maryland :)


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