A few months ago Michael posted about being involved in and Andy Samberg project...well it is being released on May 10th and Michael is featured in a track entitled Jack Sparrow.  Check out more info here:



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I have brought this link over here from the "New Videos On Youtube" thread where Christine had posted this link as I believe it fitting to be here as Michael does make reference to his recording of Jack Sparrow with The Lonely Island but I must point out that there is no reference to when the interview took place and only by following what Michael is saying, i.e. about Jack Sparrow and about his tour and upcoming shows can you gauge when it may have been done and also too at the very beginning Michael is talking about Celine Dion and the way it comes across makes me feel that there is a possiblity that this is Part 2 of an interview for it is not that clear why he is talking about her .....obviously, form your own opinions and let's hear them on here :



I have checked through this thread and the interview is not here but I feel I have already seen it somewhere and if not the whole interview part of for I have definitely seen an interview where Michael speaks about the first script he got from the boys and whilst he thought it hysterical and possibly....not a quote but my words that follow..... Michael Bolotin would have allowed him to do it but Michael Bolton had to refuse and where he also makes reference to having been filmed breast feeding the baby when playing the role of Erin Brockovitch and he wished that that had been shown in the video.....the interview I am recalling is one round about the time when Jack Sparrow had reached one to four million views and it was reported that it had gone viral ......so basically, what I am saying is, if you have already seen this interview then I apologize for reposting but (you all know me) why use two words when you can use twenty - that just doesn't make sense to me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ROFL.


Sylvia.   Your wee, frustrated author, Scottish friend.

Hi Sylvia, it was a good idea to bring the video over here, although I’ve just discovered on the same site that the part concerning “Jack Sparrow” is here:


Now about the mention of Celine Dion, it’s not impossible  it could be part 2 of something, but it’s also possible he was asked a very specific question for the interview. He does start the interview talking about the pitfalls of mainstream popularity. I don’t have time to search through this thread, but I’m pretty sure that  the one you’re referring to was a print interview, I mean some of the info does get repeated, but this particular interview had not been posted before so it’s okay, don’t panic! :D Hmm, wait a minute, I think part of the info was also passed on in an E.T. interview, with an on-line video and a transcript of what Michael said. In any case, it’s not important girl, the info is repeated but this interview is new so it’s all good. Now relax wee one! :D Take care Sylvia and thanks for transferring the link. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

More than 55 millions!!!!!!! And counting!!!!

lol thanks for the update Pilar! Take care sweetie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Kids doing Jack  This is so cute!!!  Gail

Thank you so much Gail - my laughter of the day!!! .-))))

Greetings from Germany


Very Cute!!!   :)


Helena  xx

Thanks Gail, that was a cute video! Even kids are catching on to our Michael...I'll bet there moms like Michael's music, too....so now here is the next generation of Michael's fan base! LOL:)!

Mary (Meg's mom)!

Michael, eat your heart out !!! lol.    That was fantastic Gail and thanks so, so, much for sharing and I absolutely adore all the actions too especially when it gets to that "giant squid" !!!! LOL

Thanks again Gail - fabulous and what a treasure for your family to keep !! :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.

Oh this isn't my family...just a cute video I found searching for something else!  Michael's Jack Sparrow is pretty popular with the kids!!

This is very cute, Thanks for sharing!!LOL

Robin :)


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