Ok ,So having posted about this i was wondering what songs you would like to hear Michael sing in his concerts.I know we all love the hits but im sure there are songs that he hasnt sang live in a long time or ever.I love anything he sings and would be happy if he sang the phonebook but would be intersted to see what you all would like to hear live.My set list would include all the usual hits but i would love to hear some of these .
"That's What Love Is All About
You wouldnt know love
From now on
Back on my feet again
Stand up for love
Missing you now
The one thing
Soul of my soul
Make a long story longer
Best of love
We're not making love
A love so beautiful
I promise you
Once in a lifetime
Dance with me
Next lifetime
Till the end of forever
I'm probably in the wrong spot but Sylvie&Astrid, you both had me in tears especially Phantom of The Opera with Michael Crawford.
Peter Hoffman's not bad at all nor was the girl with him.
I've heard Michael Bolton sing both songs you both posted.
I'm going to, as Sylvie knows, see Michael with kenny G. tomorrow. I just hope Kenny doesn't hog the show or cancel. Should he cancel, which he won't, it will be neat to hear Don'tMake me wait for Love&Missing you now would be cool if they performed them together.
Unfortunately, I have another cold but it's nothing like the last one I had.
I enjoyed both your comments up here. Thanks for sharing but Sylvie, is there a way you can show Micahel Crawford singing Garden of I'm gonna murder this Geth semmeni. I should know how to spell that but wow! He does it well.
Boltonnut from L. A. CA USA
Hey Robin, don’t worry about the wrong spot, glad you enjoyed the links and our comments girl! I’m crossing my fingers for you to hear either song tomorrow Robin, don’t forget your inhaler! :D Now get some sleep and rest up for tomorrow. Well sweetie, your wish is my command, Michael Crawford « Gethsemane live »
I have this song both on CD and DVD and I never tire of hearing it, enjoy girlfriend! Take good care of your cold and yourself sweetheart and have fun! Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
P.S.: Oh and take a deep breath before you click on the link! :D
Hi Sylvie,
wow you were quick :-)
Peter Hofmann died at 66, but was not able to sing (and later move, talk, eat and at last breath) for more than his last 10 years. Interestingly enough he began as a Rock'n'Roll singer before he began to study operatic singing. Also he was a competitive athlete (10 combats, I hope the term is correct) and "known" for his long blond curls which he refused to cut off :-)). Sounds familiar, hm? :-) He was a terriffic looking man and he embodied the perfect german hero, huge, strong, blond - perfect for a Wagner hero. --- He did the phantom more than 300 times. Unfortunately I can not open your link, because it is forbiddden in Germany,but I know it quite well.- As far as I know he only made pop songs in English, but I am not sure.
Wow the 2nd: :-): I did not know Jussi Björling before and liked him very much. Jonas Kaufmann is a great singer, but listening to him was a little bit exhausting, but I like the emotions, the atmosphere he is able to create.
I know we are getting far off topic here, but have you listened to Placido Domingo?
Have a nice sunday
Hi Astrid and Sylvie,
Well what a lovely wee Sunday morning this has turned into - listening to all those links - absolutely beautiful. Without doubt Peter Hofmann - WOW - what a beautiful range to his voice - just loved MacArthur Park.......I was always a huge fan of the Walker Bros. and of Scott Walker, whose voice, to me, is incomparable - Peter Hofmann singing "The Sun Ain't Going Shine Anymore" came close on his heels - have a guess what song and what singer is going out on Facebook tonight ?????
I agree too with you Astrid what a fine looking man he was and what a head of hair - tragic that the world has lost such a wonderful person and tragic for him the way of his going - what a horrible disease that is !!! Thank goodness we now have such avenues as YouTube to be able to listen to and share such a beautiful voice and to keep it alive !!
Thanks to both of you - I'll away and listen to Placido now - bye, bye !!
Sylvia. Your wee Scottish friend.
Hi Astrid, ah you see, the fact that he started in rock and then went to opera explains his phrasing, that’s very unusual though, I would think. I checked him out on Wikipedia.org and found he had recorded Elvis songs: I’ll bet you have that album! :D Like Sylvia, I liked his “MacArthur’s park”. I can’t see the videos, but you make a lovely description: he does sound like the perfect Wagnerian character. I’ve checked my local library and they have him both “Parsifal” and “Tristan und Isolde” with Hildegard Behrens(who I love) and I will definitely check those out. Again, thanks for telling me about him Astrid! Oh my goodness, Placido Domingo is an operatic monument in so many ways. I’m no German expert but I loved his rendition: he’s such a great actor too, thanks for the link. I’m glad it sounds like you’re an opera fan too! As Sylvia said, I’m so glad we have Youtube! All right sweetie, thanks again for sharing, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Hi Sylvie and hi Sylvia, what a joy to meet you here too :-)
yes I am an opera fan too - and it all startet with Elvis! Somewhere I read that he loved Mario Lanza and little Astrid - being about 11-12 years by then - followed the cookies and discovered a new world.
Sylvie, I am glad that you have now an idea of how Peter Hofmann looked like. His rock-videos just show the cd-cover, but the expression on his face in "In einem fernen Land" - so gentle, soft and sad, as the role expected it - along with his singing made it perfect.
Ah, Hildegard Behrens - so "german" too (she died 2009, I think). I am almost sure you will like Parsival and Tristan und Isolde too. Another wonderful duet:
H.B: as Brünhilde and Jessye Norman as Sieglinde:
Peter Hofmann's Elvis album is great - Sylvie, it is a bit scary how deeply you already know me :-)))) - but as a kid I did not appreciate it as I do now, because I wanted Elvis sung by Elvis .... But times changed, esp. when there was a Elvis-tribute concert and a certain Michael Bolton - oh, we are getting in direction to topic here :-) - offered a fantastic "Jailhouse Rock" - I guess, you know the youtube-link - together with Carl Perkins. Back then I joined Germany's biggest Elvis Fan Club and in their review they complained, that Michael seemed to be the only one who really had prepared seriously. His performance was deeply appreciated. I wish, Michael would look for the spirit of Elvis and cover a few songs - I certainly have some proposals :-) ...
Placido Domingo - what can I say. Another hero and his german rendition is really good! - I think Sylvia will enjoy too. When I studied in Heidelberg I was so lucky to see him on his "Zarzuela"-Tour (a genuine spanish music theater). I listened to "El dia que me quieras" for the first time. I could hardly believe it, when I heard Michael singing this song on youtube. Unfortunately it disappeared quickly.
Well, I could go on now, but I have to get prepared for tomorrow. I really enjoy "being" here ...
"See" you soon
Hi again Astrid, thanks for sharing a little of your life with us, that’s a sweet picture. :D Oh boy, are you kidding me? “Tristan und Isolde” is my favorite Wagner opera and I have heard “Parsifal” too, it’s beautiful! I loved Hildegard in “Tosca” with Placido, the end of act 2 is simply chilling, it’s one of my favorite versions! You’re right, she did die in August 2009. Wow, thanks for the link! You know Astrid, it’s funny that you couldn’t appreciate PH’s Elvis album at the time: my mom used to love Mario Lanza and I couldn’t appreciate it either at the time. My mom passed on too soon so I couldn’t share that with her and discovered Mario only 4 years ago, but I’ve caught up! :D Oh yes, I have the “It’s now or never, tribute to Elvis” CD. Lucky you having seen Placido perform! Astrid, what do you mean by “it disappeared quickly”? The song “El dia que me quieras” by Michael is still on Youtube, if that’s what you’re saying. Okay, well if I stay here, I’ll discuss opera all night so I’m out. BTW, Sylvia is an opera fan too: she even has some on her page! Take care Astrid. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Hi Sylvie,
I have found dozens of different versions of El dia .. on youtube, but can't find Michael's anymore :-(((.
Hi Astrid, here’s « El dia que me quieras » by Michael :
And in case the first one doesn’t work, here’s another even clearer one:
Enjoy sweetie! Wouldn’t it be awesome to hear that one in concert? In our dreams maybe… :D Take care Astrid. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
P.S.: In case you're looking for it, the album it comes from is called "Di Blasio gardel tango".
Hi Sylvie, my solver :-),
thank you so much. I instantly tried your links, but in Germany they are not available any more :-(((. Since you gave me the title of the album I can now look for the cd.
Thanks again,
Hi Astrid, oh I'm sorry to hear that. Seriously, I don't understand why certain videos aren't available in other countries... Do you think it's some kind of encoding like DVD's? Because honestly, it's not like we're paying for them, thank goodness. Well anyway, please keep me posted on whether you find it or not, okay? Take care sweetie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
P.S.: In case you want to browse through the artist's CD's, his name is Raul Di Blasio, although I'm not sure if the "DiBlasio" is together.
Hi Sylvie, the line says: not longer available due to violation of sony property rights :-). Lots of songs/videos are not longer available this way. I received a warning for uploading the videos from Düsseldorf too ...
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