Ok ,So having posted about this i was wondering what songs you would like to hear Michael sing in his concerts.I know we all love the hits but im sure there are songs that he hasnt sang live in a long time or ever.I love anything he sings and would be happy if he sang the phonebook but would be intersted to see what you all would like to hear live.My set list would include all the usual hits but i would love to hear some of these .






"That's What Love Is All About


You wouldnt know love


From now on


Back on my feet again


Stand up for love


Missing you now


The one thing


Soul of my soul




Make a long story longer


Best of love


We're not making love


A love so beautiful


I promise you


Once in a lifetime



Dance with me


Next lifetime


Till the end of forever



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Hi again,  have been trying to get rid of above message for about 5 minutes now - forgot you have to press "all videos" at top to access - NUMPTY RIDES AGAIN - MY WEE HORSE NOW HAS BANDY LEGS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sylvia.  Numpty, Numpty, Numpty.  Oh God (exceptionally long sigh) I'll get what I'm doing yet !!!!!!!! 

Hey you, don't you call my wee friend numpty! :D You forgot, that's fine sweetie: you live, you learn, so now you'll remember! Take care Sylvia. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Hi Sylvie,


You suggesting I've got a split personality ........ me and my wee horse !!!!!!!!!!!  lol.


Sylvia.     Ya Hoo, Ya Haa - whip crack away - whip crack away - in a deserted wood somewhere in Scotland.

Hi Everyone,


I know I have gone on about Michael singing Sylvia ....to be honest even I can't hear him singing that.....a good joke while it lasted!!!!!!........................BUT - now to be perfectly serious.........there is one song I should adore Michael to sing.........I first heard Richard Tauber sing it and then Mario Lanza in "The Great Caruso"..............it is a song Caruso recorded and sang to his daughter and I thought, how appropriate it would be, all these years later, for Michael to sing it for his granddaughter - Amelia ......for in the film Caruso says to his daughter that when she is an old lady she can play it for her grandchildren and great-grandchildren and the song is .........BECAUSE ............."Because you come to me with naught save love and hold my hand .......because God made thee mine I'll treasure thee through light and darkness for all time...............because God made thee mine!"   The section of the film it comes from can be found on YouTube .......oh, how I wish I could transfer videos.....I am going to learn....................OMG what a noise - is that everyone groaning at once!!!!!!! lol.  yeh, the wee devil from Scotland will be set free again!!!!!


BUT, seriously, please listen to, especially Michael, if he ever sees this wee, wee, wee plea - please!


Sylvia.      Your wee Scottish friend.

Hey Sylvia, well you know that was an open invitation for me to post the link… Now, that is a serious timeless song! I won’t go on about how much I love this song, Mario’s performance or the movie because I’ll make everybody nauseous, but this is a very beautiful song, melodically and lyrically. Guys, even if you’re not much for the tenor/crooner type song, listen to this or look up the lyrics… I completely agree Sylvia, but I still think we should leave the song “Sylvia” at least on our fantasy list… ?D Here’s the song “Because”:


Take care sweetie. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Hi Sylvie,

thank you for sharing. The last time I saw this I was a child. When I was 10 years old Elvis - being still alive - became my musical hero and so I was interested too in everything he liked. He loved Mario Lanza and immediately I fell in love with him - and opera - too. Amazing how Elvis and his music opened gates/worlds for me. When he died I thought nobody could ever touch me again like him. Well, a certain night in the ninties tought me that I was wrong ...



I hear you Astrid about Elvis. I wasn't as in to him like others were but he was an icon that's for sure.


Boltonnut from L. A. CA USA

Hi Sylvie,


Thanks a million for putting it in - hoped you would !!!!!!  :D.     But you know Sylvie, why don't you go on about the performance and movie ....just thought, wonder if Michael has ever watched "The Great Caruso" - know he has listened to Caruso's music but, whether he has ever followed Mario Lanza enough to be aware of movie or to have watched it ....come on Michael, let us know ????? and you Sylvie, you could tell him all about the movie on here and then he wouldn't have to watch it.......could also throw in the wee bit about "Sylvia" again - if he wants to keep a few women happy at the same time - what a way to do it!!!!!  maybe we'll settle for hearing his voice in fantasy land...sighghghghghghing out Sylvia - OMG you can hear that - can't you!!!!!!!!   LOL.

Another one for all the Sylvia's could be ...."Sylvia's Mother Said"  - Dr Hook but I would still love to hear him singing "BECAUSE" - no matter what else !!!!!!!!


Glad you used the word "timeless" - that's the word I couldn't think of in my wee, wee, wee, wee, wee note to you at 2 o'clock this morning !!!!


Thanks again for posting - speak to you soon.   Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend...or fiend...or fried....or whatever, even wee ghoulies and ghosties !!!!!! 


Hi Astrid and Sylvia, well, it was worth searching for it if you both enjoyed it and you’re both very welcome! Astrid,the way you felt about Elvis and learning about new music is the way I feel about Michael so I understand completely. Elvis has touched 3 generations in my family. My mom loved Mario, but I was too young to appreciate his voice while she was still alive, but I’m catching up! Lol I rediscovered Mario about 4 years ago. Oh Sylvia, copying links will be your next lesson, you’ll have to ask your cosmic twin Kathy to teach you! :D  Well, I wouldn’t want to deprive Michael of watching the movie, by telling him all about it… I’ll just say that if you love music and can let yourself get swept away by  the passion Mario channels in his interpretation, you can’t help but love it… Again, you’re very welcome and thanks for sharing girls, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Oh! Dang Sylvie from Canada. You got it. Be my love. I love that song.


For those of who have XM, there used to be this program on the '50's channel "Moments to Remember"&this DJ Bob Moke featured songs of 1950/1955&I loved it. I'm probably the oldest BB out here&I don't care. I just love that song&thanks. I knew if anyone came up with the song, it would be you. I've heard of mario Lanza many years&be my Love, I just love it.


boltonnut the old phogy from L. A. CA USA

Man, Love that song by Mario Lanzo. What a young sounding speaking voice though he was 35 when he passed. Love the song "Because" that you, Sylvie from Canada shared with us. The ending brought tears to my eyes. It's beautiful. He had a #1 song out in the early mid 50's that hit the pop charts&I can't think of its title but wow! do I love it or what? I'm weird but I have learn to appreciate songs from 1950-1955 totally.


Boltonnut from L. A. CA USA

Hi Robin, glad you enjoyed the link sweetie. There's not a whole lot I don't like about Mario Lanza but don't have much of a concept of when which song was released. Is the song you're thinking about "Be my love"? I know that one was very popular

Just checking. Take care girl. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada


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