Hi everyone, If some of you get any emails from me from yesterday or today w/any subject in them don't open them, they will have NO SUBJECT in the subject line and a link inside, IGNORE THEM,  DELETE them. My AOL mail was compromised yesterday and it sent out this junk in two batches I'm finding out. No virus or spyware stuff on my computer but something happened so I am hoping no one got anything with my BlueEyes7RS@aol.com address that was odd.. I apologize as they are NOT my emails.. Someone I know overseas got 3 of them. Please just delete.



Robin in MD

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Thanks Robin...I didnt' get one.

Thanks for the warning Robin - haven't received anything !!


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.

Hi Robin I got one but when I opened it it just had a line of something .I just deleted it so no problems .xx

Sorry to anyone that did. Glad that was all it was in yours Sharon.. I think it's calmed down now, none sent since over 12 hours ago now..geez...

Robin in MD :)

Hey girl, I got one yesterday the same time as the other one from you and the second one said no subject, so I checked it and   I saw it was a spam, had a big virus photo warning, kindof weird, so I deleted as quick as I opened it!!!  I hate it when that happens, a few months back, kept getting them from my daughter's email address, so told her if she emails me to make sure and put in something on the subject line....hope all is cleared up for ya.


I know it happened to a friend of mine too back in the winter. I never got one but she had the same thing happen. :(

Hi Robin

Yes I recieved one and thought it strange so I to deleted it.

Thanks for letting us know

Their very annoying these people who have nothing better to do then bring mayhem to everybody else's life

All the best

Love Dianna xxx

Sorry girls, I know I think the same thing, nothing better to do with time and that kind of knowledge.. So sorry again.


No need to apologise Robin,it wasn't your fault .no harm done xx

I didnt recieve anything either Robin, but even if I did, I wouldnt blame you.


These spam mails are a blessed nuisance and can can worm their way into anyones system really easily.


I've had them before where all of my conacts recieved a message that wasnt sent by me. Luckily, it wasnt infected just advertising a coat shop?


Love Jennifer XX


I hope none done to anyone. I don't know who all got them and who didn't!  Thanks Sharon!! :)


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