Ok...understand, I don't have confirmation of this but since I've found it on a number of sites...we seem to have the title and release date of Michael's new book:


The Soul of it All: My Life, My Music - release date 11/13/12


Here it is on amazon.com and it is also on itunes for those with ibooks.



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I am waiting patiently ... 13 November 2012 has now been and gone and i still cant find where to purchase a copy sob sob ... with the fat man in the red suit due next month it is the only item on my wish list ... apart from Mr Bolton himself lol

Hope it doesnt take long to be released down under ... errr Australia that is :)

Any information would be greatly appreciated.


Hi Alicia and if you look back through this thread you will see the information you need because a while ago it was reported that Michael's book would not be published on 13th November and Michael himself, just very recently in a video we have of him talking at The Grove during the Christmas Tree lighting event, said that it was delayed because he himself wanted to change things as, during and after the making of the audio CD, he realized that things within the book could be said in a much better way and so he had changed them.   For those who have placed preorders with Amazon the date they are now being told for publication is 29th January, 2013 BUT, as yet, this is still to be confirmed by Michael's admin.!! :)   Keep checking on this thread for up-to-date information - okay ??? :)


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.



thanx very much for your reply Sylvia ... i did note the amazon date but didnt know why ... i was, quite literally, counting the days until 13 November lol ... your response has now cleared that up nicely :)

although i have already read his book online i am anxious to read the missing pages and pics that were not supplied.

I shall keep checking this thread and keep waiting in anticipation.  Definitely worth the wait :)

Thanx for taking the time to respond my wee Scottish friend x



No problem Alicia and I have, so far, managed to contain myself and only read a few pages but what I have read is pretty terrific but I have decided that Michael will read the whole thing to me first before I turn a page.....can't wait to hear that voice just talking to me !!!! LOL    Got some imagination, haven't I but with the audio, I believe I should be allowed a little bit of fantasy time as goes too for everyone !!! LOL.


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


well now you have me quite beside myself!  I had no idea Michael would be the voice on the audio ... I assumed it would be read by 'voice unknown' ...

to be able to hold the book and hear his voice will be amazing ... breathe in one two and out three four and in one two and out three four ... super excited!


So now you understand Alicia why it is certainly something to look forward too and we don't mind how long we have to wait !!! :)   Glad to have imparted good news to you and keep breathing !!!!!! LOL


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Hi folks and below link I located onTwitter and it is to enter a competition to win a copy of Michael's book BUT it is only open to those in the US and Canada.   There are only 5 copies to be won and it is through Facebook's goodread app. but there are still 41 days before it closes and five copies have to be won so why it shouldn't one of us, who can enter, that win one ????? LOL.   Good luck if anyone does enter !! :)



Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Thanks for the information for this contest. Boltonnut from L. A. CA who loves life & Michael Bolton :)

Yes. to hear that babe reading to us. One can't help but fantasize. I know I will. No doubt. Just love his voice. OMG. Boltonnut from L. A. CA who loves life & Michael Bolton :)

Hi folks and sorry for deletion earlier !! :(   

I went into Amazon and cancelled my order from March because I thought if I order from Amazon UK I will get it quicker BUT Amazon UK are showing publication date as being 14th February, 2013 and it is only the kindle edition that will be published on 29th January, 2013.    I have reordered from Amazon US and will see what happens !!! lol.


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Sorry if this has been posted before... just found it.


Thanks Pilar....I cannot wait to get the audio version too!!!!!

Robin in MD :)


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