Ok...understand, I don't have confirmation of this but since I've found it on a number of sites...we seem to have the title and release date of Michael's new book:


The Soul of it All: My Life, My Music - release date 11/13/12


Here it is on amazon.com and it is also on itunes for those with ibooks.



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You better go Joy for you WILL have a moment with Michael!!! He visits at least briefly with each person who buys a book :) You go girl!!!

Kathy and lAFD Bob

Oh yes, we are going!  Eileen and I.  We are ticket #44 & #45.  Can't wait!!



Joy and Eileen:

I am so happy that you are going to the NJ book signing!  Just don't fight over who is #44 and who is #45!  I know you will both want to be first!  It should be a FABULOUS time for both of you!  Take pictures!

Enjoy YOUR time with Michael (and hey, tell him I said "Hi!")!


Hi Diane,

Thanks, well since Eileen got the tickets I guess she has to be #44!! Oh we will take as many pics as we can and come back and tell everyone all about it. I can't wait :).  You are in NJ, can't you come and meet us there?



Eileen and I are friends, but when it comes to

meeting MB, let's hope this doesn't happen!

(Pic is 2 ladies having a real "cat fight" one is biting

the other ones arm!)

LOL... oh gosh, Joy!  Let's hope that doesn't happen!  How I would love to meet you there!  I was considering it, but   I checked Mapquest for directions and on a good day without traffic, etc., it's over two hours away.  Unfortunately, I just can't manage a trip like that on a weeknight.  I am so glad you and Eileen are going though.  Can't wait to hear all about it!

Have fun!!!



Have fun #44 and #45.....sounds like Get Smart!!! IF anyone remembers that show!!! LOL

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Aw! Diane. I'm trully sorry you can't make it. I can understand it's hard during the week if one's working & is unable to take off. I wish you could take a day or 2 to go & meet up with Joy&Eilene. Boltonnut from L. A. Ca who loves life & Michael Bolton :)

Hey Mary wish I could get over there for I would hire a bus and drive all of you everywhere......The Michael Bolton Tour Book Signing Bus.....banners out the windows and we could even hire one of those megaphones and blast the message out into each town we go but think we would have to sleep on the bus, so sleeping bags would be needed but we could kid on we are going right back in time to Cliff Richards "Summer Holiday".....I still like that film but don't tell anyone - okay ???? LOL.

All joking aside Mary I really do believe if he is hitting Kentucky I don't see him doing any other town there for he can hardly even cover every state and as it looks to me as though Bowling Green lies in the south of Kentucky near to Tennessee he is possibly hoping that fans can get to him from both states and only my theory but I would say that is a pretty good basis on how to set out the towns/cities for the tour other than that if he tried to get everywhere in the States he could be doing that for the next six months and nothing else.   Why don't you try and start thinking that 100 miles is just a hop, skip and jump right into Michael's arms, or looking into his eyes, as you will get to stare into them at close quarters if you just grit your teeth and take on that 100 mile journey......go on it will be worth it Mary for you certainly don't have to bother about the journey back for your car won't even be on the road, it will be up in the clouds somewhere.....here comes Mary Poppins, get yourself an umbrella !!!! LOL.


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Kathy R,

Agent 44 & 45 will have a blast!! I loved that show back in the day.  I think most of us on here remember it, well any of us over 40! It ran from 1965 to 1970.



At least your aren't #99 Joy!!! LOL Wasn't that the ladies agent #???? You know my memory ain't what it used to be...LOL I can't wait to hear your story because YOU will definitely get your own moment...handshake etc with Michael !!! YIPPEE!!!!!!!!! They most likely will try to rush you along....but....take your time :))))))) Be a good Bolton fan!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

Kathy and LAFD Bob 

Hi Kathy and Joy, about "Get smart", I used to watch it with my eldest daughter on YTV here in Canada in the 90's and yes, 99 was the female agent and Smart was 86. Joy, I'm with Kathy: take your time and think whether there's something specific you want to say to Michael. Eileen should be able to give you pointers! :D I'm so happy for you Joy, can't wait to hear your report! Take care sweetie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Kathy & Sylvie,

Yes, glad we are #44 in line, we won't have to wait too long.  And maybe we will do the get in line again trick, didn't you tell me about that one Kathy?  I will bring a few things to get autographed! I think I will do just that Sylvie, think about what I want to say assuming I only have one minute with him.  Also I am worried I will get nervous and shy and not say anything! If I have a dialogue prepared I should be OK. 15 more days!!! Woo woo..........




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