Ok...understand, I don't have confirmation of this but since I've found it on a number of sites...we seem to have the title and release date of Michael's new book:


The Soul of it All: My Life, My Music - release date 11/13/12


Here it is on amazon.com and it is also on itunes for those with ibooks.



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I don't know if this is the right place but did anyone see the show in New York? It was a local show, right? also, I hear one could check it out online? Let us all know. Sorry if I'm writing in the wrong spot. Boltonnut from L. A. CA who loveslife & Michael Bolton :)  Li

Hi Robin CA and have given you a link into a thread which Gail has started for the promotional things Michael is doing for book and CD so that we can try and keep everything together and I have put the links to the Good Day NY show and the CBS Sunday Morning show on there. 



Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Thanks Sylvia. Boltonnut from L. A. CA who loves life & Michael Bolton :)

Hope Chiara does come out with her reviews. Wonder if she was able to go to the New York shows&if she'll go to the ones Wednesday. Isn't Jimmy Fallon Thursday night? Boltonnut from L. A. CA who loves life & Michael Bolton :)

I keep posting my countdown numbers so late in the day, I said I must do it sooner.
So here is the number 2..........................

Only 2 more days until
the book signing in NY & NJ!!
(Icon is a green sign with black print that says:
Keep Calm only 2 Days Left)

Chiara is on the forum Joy but very rarely comes in as she prefers FB.   Felt had to bring over here to let you know because her visit was not planned for she is there purely because of MB's book signing and whole visit was arranged in a matter of days after she thought and thought about....off she went and did !! lol

Only one more day left for me now until 29th so I want to wish all those going to both signings a fantastic event and hope you get to say everything you want to Michael and if not, at least to shake his hand and say thanks for everything to him, and could I ask if just one of you, or all of you, could you blow him a kiss from me all the way from Scotland and at same time whisper "white heather" because that is for luck and I wish him all the luck in the world with that book !!!!! LOL.   Another old custom from Scotland.


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.



Just love the info about Chiara, that's a true blue fan!

Thanks for all your well wishes for all of us going to NY & NJ.  We will try to remember to give MB your wishes.  I have a feeling we are going to be "Nervous Nellies" and also be rushed along, but whatever happens it will be wonderful anyway!!!

Cloud 9 coming up......



Hi Joy and everybody else meeting MB at the book signing:

Have a great time and come back with lots of great stories!!!! And don't forget to tell MB that there are some German fans already lining up for him too... LOL


Have a great time at the book signing Joy!! Tell us all about it!! ;-)) 

Have fun!

Nicolette xx Download 'Have Fun'

Have a great time Joy..I picture big lines for MB..Let us know all about it. I'm with you guys in spirit!

Robin in MD:)

Have a blast, Joy, and all going!!!!!! Excited for you all and look forward to hearing about your fun.


Kathy T. :-)

CHEERS to the Ny and NJ fans going to Michael's book signing!!! Stay warm and enjoy :)))

Kathy and LAFD Bob


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