Ok...understand, I don't have confirmation of this but since I've found it on a number of sites...we seem to have the title and release date of Michael's new book:


The Soul of it All: My Life, My Music - release date 11/13/12


Here it is on amazon.com and it is also on itunes for those with ibooks.



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Hi Astrid,

Nice to hear from you and glad you enjoyed hearing about my Bolton adventure. 

It was a good one!!




Thanks Joy...what a great review!!! It goes fast doesn't it??? Table photos are great :) I guess he couldn't look up at the camera? He usually will do that but I guess the late start may have put things in a faster pace. You will always remember this event and the photo is super with you and MB. Thanks for sharing your Bolton Adventure!!!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob 

Hi Kathy,

Thanks, but yes it was like a cattle call!! I gave my camera to Eileen's friend but didn't even think to look at where she was and to look up or ask MB to look up.  It was just very quick, and I was just so concerned about not standing there like an idiot and not saying anything! I did OK on talking to him for the short time I was with him.  But for next time, I will be more prepared.  I won't let those security and store people stress me out!  I will plan with who ever has the camera to look up, ask MB to look up and then ask him to sign the book to me.  I really don't think he would refuse to do it! We know he is such a sweetie, he would sign your name if you asked him to.  But I am happy about it and already thinking about what to do better and different at the next one!  So if there are CD signings, I will be more aggressive at them.

Joy ;)))


Hi Joy...it is all good. I know they try to rush everyone and it is annoying. IF things are going fairly smoothly I would guess that you could ask him to look at the camera :) I am truly surprised about the personalizations though. I am sure there will be another chance at a cd signing. Practice makes perfect....lol...or almost perfect....lol

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Joy, once again, I'm glad for you, Eilene & others. Yep. Treasure every second. Neat about the photos. Wow! I felt like I was there with your descriptions. Boltonnut from L. A. CA who loves life & Michael Bolton :)

Also to add, after we left we stood out on the sidewalk talking for quite a while as it wasn't very cold out.  And we just had to talk about it!!! Chiara left in her taxi to go back to her hotel and the airport the next morning.  Then we met another BB, Tami Kenndy from PA.  She is on this site and it was great to meet her.
She is going to the York PA show on MB's birthday and she is bringing a cake! So hi Tami and so glad you came up to say hi to us!
So much fun meeting other fans at events :)

Hi Joy,

Loved reading your review! I'm so happy you had a great time at the book signing and finally got to meet him up close and in person!! :))) How great is that!!

Beautiful photos Joy! Yes, Chiara is very nice and bubbly :-) I met at one of the concerts in Europe.

I hope you are still on your little cloud 9! Enjoy!!

Nicolette xx


Hi, yes it was pretty wonderful! Everyone seems to know Chiara!

Thanks for the cloud 9 icon!



What a great review Joy and what absolutely fabulous pictures and thanks so much for sharing them with us !!! :)    It is a pity security seems so tight at these book signings and I guess Chiara was truly lucky to have been first in line in NY and to get MB away from that table and get her pictures.   I am glad though that you feel as though what happened was enough and that you don't feel cheated in anyway for believe if you get anything else at a book signing then it has to be icing on the cake, not what you should and can expect.    Must admit though I thought he may just have personalized them even with just your name.   Will wait and see now how Anna gets on tonight in St. Louis.

So glad that you got to meet Chiara and Tami and as you say Chiara is okay with the English for even her written words you have no problem understanding on FB and did you know I am her "auntie" (zietta) over in FB and she is recorded as my niece.....yeah, I am just as daft on FB as here but mind you it was Chiara who put me down first as her aunt so, hmmmmmmmmm !!! LOL


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.



Yes, after that one concert last year that I left feeling disappointed I told myself I was not going to go to anything again expecting too much.

If it happen, great, but not to expect it.  That way I was feeling good about the whole experience and on my cloud 9 like I want to be!


And yes, meeting and being with other BB's is the best!! So much fun to share in these adventures with others who love MB.  And you are Auntie Sylvia?  OK whatever you say!



Hi again Joy, I was thinking: maybe the numbers that were given to you in advance were simply so the book store people would have an idea of how many books they should prepare to have signed? Ah girl, I’m so happy for you that you kept it together, you had your moment and you had a great time sharing with BB’s!  Cool Tami made it, she’s a friend of mine. Well anyway, thanks a lot for sharing your special time Joy. Your other plans will be for next time. In the meantime, enjoy your cloud! Take care sweetie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada

Hi Sylvie,

No, right on their website the book store wrote that your ticket number will be your place in line.  So for all the other strict rules they made us follow, they broke the one that would have been good for us.  But it really was no big deal, as the entire thing was over in less than an hour anyway. 




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