Ok...understand, I don't have confirmation of this but since I've found it on a number of sites...we seem to have the title and release date of Michael's new book:


The Soul of it All: My Life, My Music - release date 11/13/12


Here it is on amazon.com and it is also on itunes for those with ibooks.



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I started reading the book girls. I'm loving it. It's amazing how much in common Michael & I had when we were kids in school. No, it wasn't the pot, drugs&all that but track, field events&even bowling. I was on a bowling 13 years--seasons. Loved how he's speak of his parents, brother&sister. I can just see them as I had the opportunity to meet his mom, Orin&Sandra. Boltonnut from L. A. CA who loves life. :) Michael's a good narator, I think. Perhaps I'm biased.

Go on, tell the truth Robin CA, it was all that pot and you sitting in a little haze of smoke like Michael that brought it all back !! LOL   Actually if I can just share you with you for at that point in the book where he says about his mother coming into the room and not being able to see him for all the smoke and the lot of them thinking they were burst, not only made me laugh but took me back to when I started smoking, or not really when I first started smoking but when I started smoking in the house and it wasn't cigarettes because by that time I had moved onto my favourite which was a cigar (could only afford one a day from my pocket money) and I was about 16 and had like a little den in the house which had been a room shared between my sisters and I but as by that time they were married and out the house it was just mine and I used to sit listening to the Walker Brothers savouring my cigar and thinking all the time my parents didn't know I smoked UNTIL one night my father walked in....mortification....that doesn't come anywhere near describing what I felt until he said to me; (and I can go back to that time as though it was yesterday) "I am fed up smelling that; give me a puff !"   Needless to say things changed with my "hide away" smoking habit after that but I will say, even although it has been about 20 years since I stopped smoking (it was not all cigars) if someone gave me a Cuban I would light it, and savour it, right away !! lol   Thanks for indulging me in my little story which Michael managed to take me back to without any problem and I must say his book did that on quite a few occasions and the specifics of a lot of those I am not going into for, Michael may have told it all, but I ain't !!!!!!! LOL.


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


I wonder now after 2 weeks what place Michael's book is placing on Amazon? Boltonnut from L. A. CA who loves life & Michael Bolton :)

I don't know if this is the right place to write but I'm halfway through reading Michael's book. I'm loving it. So true in what he said, "We're all fans." I was picturing myself watching him&Bob Dylan writing "Steal Bars." I remember the first time i heard Bob Dylan back in yeah, 1965 & I was @ camp & said, "Who died?" Wow! As Awed as Michael was with Bob Dylan is how I feel about Michael.

Just got e-mail from Amazon and my copy of THE SOUL OF IT All is in the POST .......yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!! :)    Expected delivery date is Thursday, 14th.....Valentine's Day.....could I ask  for a better present .....NO !! lol    I'm dancing on the ceiling again I am so darn happy and I had better hurry up and get the Jesse Kellerman's book that I am reading just now finished and out the road.....yeah, clear the decks !! :)   Am so pleased too because then the Collectibles one I can keep pristine and as that is regular print, with one from Amazon being Large Print, and with audiobook too, that will be three editions I have.....oh FANTASTIC !!!!! :)


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


That was funny about his mom walking in on him&his friends about the pot. Too funny. So, you smoked a cigar? Yuck. No bash here. That's too funny your story about smoking& your dad, Sylvia. I never smoked being asthmatic but I enjoyed both stories. too funny. Boltonnut from L. A. Ca who loves life & Michael Bolton :)

awww this is amazing!  xoxoxo

Hi and WELCOME to the forum Olivia and glad you found your way in here !! :)   Hope you will enjoy looking through everything else and remember any questions or problems with anything, just shout  !! :)


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Hi Olivia and welcome to the forum. Since you're new here, guess you'll have plenty of time to explore the forum this weekend since you're probably snowed in! :D Take good care of yourself and if you go out, stay safe. Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Hi all,

Yep, I think most of us are snowed in! NJ where I am only got about 8 inches, but my boss said stay home.  None of the side roads were plowed, the parking lot at work was not plowed so forget it.  But I do have to work on Sunday.  So today I can catch up online and listen to my audio book FINALLY!!! Sylvia Wee One, so glad your's is finally almost to you. 

Everyone stay home and off the roads....

Joy ;)


Hope weather doesn't get any worse for you Joy and anyone else who is affected by it.....stay warm and safe !! :)

Can't wait for book to arrive.....I'll be looking out for my postman again every day !! :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


I'm so far behind girls. & everyone. Welcome Olivia. Alrighty now those getting the audio edition. Boltonnut from L. A. CA who loves life & Michael Bolton


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