To those fans who use a screen reader like the jaws program.

It suddenly occurred to me when I was typing a post recently, whether your software is able to interpret all of the posts that are typed on here?


What I'm trying to ask is, if we use speech marks or inverted commas etc, can your program read those and are you able to read the posts ok? I sometimes type a word and then place it in inverted commas to emphasise or exaggerate its meaning.


I would hate to think that you are missing out on reading some posts because of the punctuation marks etc.


Is there a way of us posting that would make it easier for your software to translate?


I know that some people with epilepsy cant read a post if it has flashing items in it like flashing animations or signature avatars and just wondered if this was a simliar situation for you.


Please tell us if we can help or change the way we type.


I dont mean to sound condescending in this post, I genuinly dont, I am just concerned that you might be missing out on some posts.


Love Jennifer XX

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Jennifer, All caps doesn't affect speech software. Capchas, adobe flash doesn't work with JAWS.
Free? From the government? our speech program? Nah. Now, if you're connected with vocational rehab in search of work, you can get computer training&perhaps they can get the speech program for you. When I was at work, I got it free&could take the regestration key&install it on my computer but when I moved to L. A., I had to get the speech program myself as in order to get it from work, one would have to download it. Oh! well! whatcha gonna do. :)

Robin the boltonnut from L. A. CA USA
Hi Jennifer, if I may respond to your questions, first, if you type in capital letters, when you’re reading a sentence , it makes absolutely no difference. Now, if you have Jaws either spell a word or check a word letter by letter, Jaws will usually speak with a higher pitch so we know it’s a capital. And yes, let’s hear it for Ted Henter! Robin would be more qualified to tell you about the States Jen, but in Quebec, I have gotten it for free, through Medicare. However, since I’m not on the job market, I get the strict minimum. When most people had Jaws 4.5 or 5.0, I had Jaws 3.2. For the longest time, I had 4.51, because I only had Windows 98 on my computer. The only reason I have Jaws 9.0 right now is because I have Windows Vista and an earlier version would not be able to accommodate. Most people have 10.0 and beyond though, but that’s another story having to do with language laws in Quebec, although I could technically get the latest version if I paid for it. Hope that helps. BTW Jen, the fact that you’ve researched it says that you’re genuinely interested, God bless you! I know that this all started with you wanting us not to miss out, that’s really sweet of you… Feel free to ask more questions! Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from CanadaP.S.: I'll ask Robin if she can help to answer your question about the States.
I have JAWS 11. i got it through Department of Vocational Rehabilitation. What you have Sylvie, is not bad at all. I'm glad you got an update. Also, God bless you with VISTA. I have XP Pro Home.
Robin did you get that when you were still living here or in CA? I work for that agency here!!! Just curious.
Robin in MD


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