Michael will start a promo tour in the UK next week to promote the launch of his album The Very Best of/Gems album to be released in the UK http://www.amazon.co.uk/Gems-The-Very-Best-Of/dp/B00736E7GW/ref=sr_...


BBC breakfast chat 3/12
The Wright Stuff chat 3/14
This Morning chat & performance 3/15
QVC chat & performance 3/16
Loose Women chat & performance 3/19
Also an appearance in Italy
I think it actually airs 3-23
RAI primetime TV show called LYRICS BOARD

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Hello Carol

  Thank you for the youtube link but it's does not work here in Thailand , i think can watch only in the UK!

  Thanks anyway,

   Thida, from Thailand,xx

Oh that is a pity that it doesn't work...what a shame....sorry about that folks and I have put it out on FB too so that  is another useless piece of junk from me but I see Carol has found the link for youtube so I do hope you all get to see it for it is well worth it for Michael was definitely in fine form !!! :)

What do you think about the news Diane of a UK tour ........wow !!!!! :)   Hope you get your tape sorted out for tomorrow and remember too Monday's show could be a longish one as well....not as long as today's but not five minutes !!! :)


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Hi Sylvia,


Just to let you know l have now posted a link to you tube as the show is on there as well, hopefully this will now work for everyone outside the UK.


Sylvia, I've messaged you regarding my reply.


I've had the chance to listen to three-quarters of The Wright Stuff online ... since 2am (guests are all in bed ;))    I really do have to say ... well done to Michael!    Absolutely brilliant and highly entertaining without having to sing a note, all through the show.     It's rare for me to listen to these programmes for more than 5 minutes and admittedly it was MB being there that made me tune in now ... but having listened to how well he joined in, shared his own views whilst taking into account others (goes without saying) .... at times going in depth on some discussions when he must have wondered what on earth they were talking about ... I do hope he enjoyed himself half as much as I have this evening/early morning!   


He has been really interesting to listen to, I even understood most of it! lol    Thank you so much to whoever I should thank, for this rare opportunity to listen to Michael voicing his own opinions .... I've thoroughly enjoyed it! :)


di xxx

Awesome Di that you got to hear the interview. Boltonnut from L. A. CA USA

Hi Robin,


Natalia's posted some links further down the page.   They seem to work for some people so if you haven't already, try them out.   It's a long show but well worth it and very different to the ones we're used to seeing MB on.


hugs, di xxx

Hey Diane, I did send the link to "The Wright stuff" to Robin. We haven't heard of "This morning" with the WAMLAW performance yet though, nor obviously QVC but hope we do soon. Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Hi Sylvia, I have a feeling it only plays in the U.K sweetie: no go in Canada either. Thanks anyway. Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

hopefully this will work on you tube!



Hi Carol, nope, still not available in Canada, but thanks for trying! Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada




try this http://cooloo.org/browse.php/Oi8vd3d3/LnlvdXR1/YmUuY29t/L3dhdGNo/P3...

if it's not working try this page - http://anonymizer.nntime.com/

select uk, e6 gloucester, put this link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osQ2qHht-2A and GO!


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