Welcome everyone to the 2014 Tour Review Thread.  The upcoming year is going to be exciting with so many concerts scheduled already around the globe!!! Feel free to share the details of your concert adventures, photos, videos etc.  This is the best time to be a Bolton fan with so many concerts and the MBC Charity Event which will most likely be held later in the year too. Michael has multiple projects in the works so we never know what will happen next!!!! I appreciate the opportunity to start a new thread once again for 2014 to give us all a place to share the best part of being a fan--- experiencing Michael in person doing what he does best-SING!!!!!! 

I am looking forward to another fun year of posts and sharing great times by the best Michael Bolton fans in the world on this forum. I will post events to keep the thread moving along as the concerts come up as I have in the past. 

Happy Concert Time in 2014 to all of you!!!

Robin in MD USA :)

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"Hi all, this is the Google translation of Katrin's review:

Yesterday was - unfortunately - the last concert in Germany . The Gewandhaus in Leipzig is a beautiful venue. The acoustics are very good. And there is also a very large beautiful organ . Unfortunately, it was obscured by the stage . But not so bad because Michael does not even organ music. "">:-)

I had a wonderful space in the 2nd row in the middle block and could observe everything well . I enjoyed the concert again very good. I was a bit sad but already , as it was the last concert in Germany and one does not know when he comes back . ">I hope it will not take three years back .

The public has hailed Michael from the beginning and there were some standing ovations. This time he has said something at the beginning with "photos" . But unfortunately my English is not good , so I did not understand it . ">But on the whole hall were eagerly pictures taken , even with flash.

In Leipzig he again sang Nessun Dorma . And this time he has allowed the fun , the audience should hold the microphone so we sing the chorus . Of course, no one dared and he was amused . ">That I liked .

Unfortunately my photos did not become so special, the light conditions are not good for my camera. Especially the duets with Kelly Levesque and Amanda Brown are very blurry. ">A great pity .

From the overall mood me the concert in Rostock has liked better . Michael was there a little looser and the audience was standing right in front of him in front of the stage. And this led to the conclusion , of course, humor. ">In Leipzig stood forward security, which has prevented the audience that comes too close to the front and I personally find always a little sad .

But it was a successful evening . Following Kelly Levesque was in the foyer autographs. It is a really very nice and charming person. ">Amanda Brown was - I believe - also there.

Now I'm waiting very anxiously for the May 22 There will then end " year Michael Bolton " at the Royal Albert Hall in London my . ">Unfortunately .

">Many greetings from Berlin


Danke for your review Katrin. I'm happy for you that you had such a great time and you were able to attend more than one concert! :D Take care and thanks again. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada :D

Hallo Katrin, vielen Dank für Deinen Bericht. Ich freue mich für Dich, dass Du sogar Nessun Dorma zu hören bekamst. Schade, dass die Security das richtige "Konzertfeeling" vermasselt hat. Vielleicht wird London perfekt. Jedenfalls drücke ich Dir die Daumen. Liebe Grüße, Astrid.

... what a pity that security prevented our most wanted "concert-feeling", but perhaps London will be perfect. I'll keep all fingers crossed. A.

Thanks so much Katrin for your review. I felt like I was there with you.  It's interesting to see the difference between shows, audience members an the stage set up.  Some shows we can go stand at the stage and others we cannot do that.  I know what you mean about that!!!

Thank you again!

Robin in MD:)

Thank you to German friends, Christine, Bettina, Petra,  Astrid, Katrin and I certainly forget, for sharing your photos and wonderful moments concerts Michael B. We give the relay to Sylvia and surely many other ventilators! Safe trip to all and enjoy a maximum of your fun times! Enjoy!

Vielen Dank im deutschen Freunde, Christine, Bettina, Petra, Astrid, Katrin und ich sicherlich vergessen, für den Austausch von Fotos und wunderbare Momente Konzerte Michael B. Wir geben über Sylvia und sicherlich viele andere Fans! Bon voyage, um alle und genießen Sie die maximal Ihren Spaß mal! Viel Spaß!

Ma très chère Francoise,

je suis époustoufflée par ce joli message en anglais :-) Je te remercie énormement et j attends avec impatience des échos du Royal Albert Hall.....Ma revue est maintenant terminée et j'espère que tu vas l'aimer....Grosses bises je 'embrasse très fort,


Coucou Christine . bien sûr j'aime ta participation et ton partage de ton aventure MB en Allemagne . tes photos sont parfaites, inoubliables et je te demanderais sûrement des conseils pour avoir la même qualité ! des conseils oui ! mais je ne garantis pas le résultat !! Bisous de France :)

Good evening Christine. Of course I love your participation and your sharing your adventure MB in Germany. Your photos are perfect, unforgettable and I will surely ask advice for the same quality! advice yes! but I can not guarantee the result! Kisses from France :)

Gute Nacht Christine. Natürlich liebe ich Ihre Teilnahme und Ihre Sie Ihre Abenteuer MB in Deutschland. Ihre Fotos sind perfekt, unvergesslich und ich werde sicherlich fragen, Beratung für die gleiche Qualität! Beratung ja! aber ich kann nicht garantieren, das Ergebnis! Küsse aus Frankreich :)

J'ai fait le maximum pour me faire comprendre :)

Thanks for all translations.

Thank you for participating Francoise, and being such a support. Lovely picture, well done. Good night, Astrid

Thank you for the review, Tine!!! What is astonishing, about every concert there are different opinions. One say, he has given only 90%, other are inspired and again others would never again want to buy a concert map. I was in Munich (I have seen Michael the first time) and was inspired. Maybe also because I had no comparison. Pity for you that you are so disappointed! Sorry for my english!!!

Petra (Germany)

Hallo Christine,

even though I can understand your point of view, I don't had the impression that MB lacked of motivation. From my perspective he's going through a time of change, trying to figure out what's possible or not. We'll see how things turn out. Good night and talk to you soon. Astrid

Thanks everyone from Germany for reviews. I try not to go to a show & expect M&G'S & hand shakes. When or should they happen, I'll be pleasantly surprised. Pink Lady had some valid points in her review. But truthfully, we shouldn't expect things & be pleasantly surprised when they occur. JMO though.

Hallo Christine and thanks for your review. We’re all entitled to our opinions sweetie, just remember there are 2 sides to every story. Of course, as you know, many fans had bought their tickets a long time ago, so I imagine Michael didn’t want to disappoint them by cancelling. Now although I wasn’t there, I know Michael wouldn’t do a show half-heartedly,though the body is another story. I understand your disappointment compared to the 2011 concert sweetie, but at least, you did have a concert. Now as far as space between concerts, before getting ill last February, this way of doing things always worked for Michael before and when he’s so much in demand,  it might be more difficult for him to stretch tours out. Obviously, he might have to rethink this if his health issues persist. Now, I know nothing, but maybe Michael didn’t shake hands or stay for autographs because his immune system is more vulnerable and he doesn’t want his condition to get worse, so he can keep up his strength to finish the tour. Again, I know nothing. Well anyway, thanks for sharing Christine, it’s great to read you here again. :D  take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada :D


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