Welcome everyone to the 2014 Tour Review Thread.  The upcoming year is going to be exciting with so many concerts scheduled already around the globe!!! Feel free to share the details of your concert adventures, photos, videos etc.  This is the best time to be a Bolton fan with so many concerts and the MBC Charity Event which will most likely be held later in the year too. Michael has multiple projects in the works so we never know what will happen next!!!! I appreciate the opportunity to start a new thread once again for 2014 to give us all a place to share the best part of being a fan--- experiencing Michael in person doing what he does best-SING!!!!!! 

I am looking forward to another fun year of posts and sharing great times by the best Michael Bolton fans in the world on this forum. I will post events to keep the thread moving along as the concerts come up as I have in the past. 

Happy Concert Time in 2014 to all of you!!!

Robin in MD USA :)

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Alrighty then getting a squeeze from the babe there, Sylvia.

Many thanks Sylvia and Kathy! Nice the fact that you think in spite of tiredness of your forum friends!

I am glad very much that the evening was unique! I still wish You a good time and am glad about reports and photos.

Petra (Germany)

Hey Sylvia, Great pics of you both and the one of MB on stage. I am sure you had him laughing, I was counting on it!!LOL When you get your thoughts together I'm looking forward to reading your review. Busy weekend here but I'll be checking in here and there.

Robin in MD :)

Thanks for the teaser review Sylvia. It's good to  hear Michael is sounding better and better! Can't wait to hear more details when you have time Sylvia, thanks again, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada :D

Hi. Sylvia !!!

Your photo with Michael is very cool ! 

I am envious of you...

Near you, Michael looks big as Schwarzenegger :))))))

Thanks ladies! I was checking to see if Sylvia wrote her review...lol We are meeting for dinner tonight :) As my mom would say....God give me the strength!! LOL

Kathy and LAFD Bob

So glad all went well Kathy R.  Sounds like all you two did was laugh, which is great!!! Enjoy the rest of your Scotland adventure. I"m guessing MB was surprised to see you there with Sylvia!!! :)

Robin in MD :)

Hi folks and have eventually arrived back here today and will try and give a good review of that fantastic concert last night.....oh boy, it was something special !!!! :)

Will start at beginning when the Rosario's arrived at my door and we had little drink, diet coke's BTW, and then got photos taken in garden before we headed off and hope you don't mind indulgence but here is another couple and first is of Kathy, with her husband Bob and son Ryan and second is of me, the Wee One, in the middle.......

We, eventually, got on the road to Glasgow with just about suitcases with everything we were taking for MB and someone else.  Journey was terrific and weather was superb for just about crystal blue skies and then unfortunately Bob actually thought I knew where I was going....bluff my way out of any situation.....and we ended up in a multi storey cark park and we were all very sharp at that point for we immediately realized it was not the theatre...LOL  I will say, in my defence, that there was some road workings and one road I wanted to go along was closed because of but at least I was certain we were in right area and just about there and then low and behold the theatre appeared on our left and a perfect stopping place for Bob to drop us.   Kathy and I made our way to entrance only to find that because renovation or cleaning work is going on at that side of theatre, for there was scaffolding and control barriers along with containers sitting just about right along whole front, we discovered a notice on door telling you to enter through another door, so off we trotted and eventually found right entrance but not before we met a couple who were determined that we got that pose correct in front of a billboard advertising show....OMG they were a laugh and if we had stopped and talked any longer we would have missed the show but at same time they were very nice for they took photos of both Kathy and I in front of billboard and just to say Kathy one he took with my camera hasn't turned out and just hope ones he took on yours are okay !!!   As I say we eventually got inside theatre and went to reception and picked up our laminates which, unfortunately, someone has made a mistake with for the Glasgow show does not appear on it ...only 9 shows instead of 10 but at least we know we were there and it is still a lovely thing to be able to keep as a memento.   We then found what door we were to enter by but none of the doors were in fact open and although they said 6.30 they didn't open until 7.00 so Kathy I took ourselves to the little café in the theatre but before we went there I took a picture of Kathy at door we would go through and here it is.......

Should have also said that when we entered theatre we saw merchandise table and Kathy bought her t-shirt but Joe wasn't around at that point but as we were coming back to go into theatre we passed by it again and Joe was there and we stopped and had a chat with him.....he is such a lovely and fun guy !!! :)

Well, all I can say now is, thank goodness no one asked to look in our bags as we entered actual theatre and also too they never even took the ticket stubs so we still have our complete tickets.   We made our way to seats and got settled and all gifts and gift bags sorted out and then Milo appeared on stage so we both went to stage and he came over when he recognized Kathy and spoke to us both....he is a lovely guy too; they are all gems !!! :)  Then we got another lovely surprise for the DJ from the local internet radio station at Pulse 98.4 who is a fan of Michael's and plays his music often on his show came down and introduced himself to us.....I know I had said to him to look out for "two mad women in front row" but I have no idea how he knew who we were (LOL) .....he must have been having a little quiet look through things !!!! LOL   We obviously got photos taken with him but some that a girl in audience took for me haven't come out too well for too blurry but Martin himself took a selfie and sent it to both Kathy and I and here is that picture of the three of us...... 

Eventually the concert began and Michael had again Lucy May as his support act and she was very good and then onto the main feature and that music started and out he walked and oh boy the place erupted ....Michael definitely got a fantastic, friendly welcome from Glasgow and I just have to say here and I am not boasting or bumming up Glasgow because I come from there but it is a fact you can read anywhere that it is known and always has been as the friendly city and visitors always find the majority of Glaswegians as friendly, helpful and open people and too it is known, within the theatre world, and said by many here in the UK, that you are either made or die in Glasgow because if you are no good and they don't like you, they for sure will tell you and many a performer has "died" on the stages in Glasgow and that is not because we are disrespectful, or whatever you like to call it, but because we are truthful and we call a spade a spade !!! 

The audience just got louder and louder and all the banter that was going on and poor Michael could only stand and smile and laugh at it all for when Amanda came out on stage he asked her if she could understand all that was being said because he couldn't but he for sure was loving every moment and by God I was proud of my fellow Glaswegians that they gave Michael such a warm welcome and showed him how wonderful they thought he was by all the shouting, applauding and standing ovations ....it was one fantastic concert and of course after WAMLAW we headed to stage along with, surprisingly, many others and what a concert it turned into then, just when you thought it couldn't get any better it did and Michael came along shaking hands and as he took Kathy's there was a most definitely expression of: "OMG, I thought it was you but what are you doing here ????"  and for two seconds I believe Michael forgot he was standing on a stage above us for think he was ready to give Kathy a hug !!! :)  

I have to say "The Prayer" with Kelly and Michael was fantastic and "Nessun Dorma" was out of this world and as I said before, without question or doubt, Pavarotti was smiling last night.   Both Kelly and Amanda were terrific at their solo section and Kelly is just going for the moon and stars and by God she is getting there, oh, she was fantastic last night.   Before Jason's solo performance I got a lovely surprise for he recognized me and pointed to me and obviously I pointed straight back and then it came time for Michael to introduce him and just before he started he came right down to front of stage and looked at me and said something which I could not hear but then he raised his arm for a high five and I got up and went to stage and got my high five....what a precious moment and loved it.   Once Jason was finished his solo I had a few little gifts to give him as it was his birthday the day before and had arranged with Gail through Milo best time at concert to do it which Milo had suggested was at end of his solo section and so I took my little gift bag to stage and Jason came over when he spotted me and said: "Is that for me ???" and obviously I said yes and wished him a happy birthday and Kathy had also bought him a card and she then gave him that too......a lovely moment and a lovely memory and thanks Gail for all you did in allowing me to have that very special moment and of course thanks have to be said too to Milo for his very sound advice on when to do and also for allowing me to do it....thanks Milo, your one in a million !!! :)    As you all know along came, an almost, more special moment when Michael introduced Jack Sparrow and my heart shot down to my stomach again just as it had done with Soul Provider but I can tell you the buzz that went right through me when that music started, don't think I have ever experienced that at a rock/pop concert and it is only the 1812 Overture and Rachmaninov's Piano Concerto that has that effect on me....OMG it was absolutely wonderful to hear it and Michael belted it out and thoroughly enjoyed singing it as of course the audience loved hearing it and they went crazy.   Then all too soon the final line-up was taking place and it was goodbye to an outstanding group of musicians led by an outstanding, totally dedicated and wonderful performer, "our boy", Michael.

After Kathy and I had caught our breath and come a little bit back down to earth we started to think about our M&G and trying to find out exactly where to go and what to do and, have a guess what, we actually managed to work it all out and got to where we were supposed to be.   Naturally, of course, once there we did plenty of checking on how many people actually had on VIP passes and where they were all situated.   It was in the café area that they did it and it was at the very end where there were doors for staff to go through and they had put up a white screen against one wall plus had arranged a couch so that there was an element of privacy when it was your turn to meet Michael apart from the staff that were standing by ensuring everything was okay and there was also Milo who spoke to us again for a couple of seconds and Michael's usual bodyguard and for the life of me I cannot think of his name and I know I know his first name but it has gone.   Kathy and I judged it right for I believe there was only about one other person left after us so definitely gave us more time with Michael and I went forward first and had one gift to give him from someone else and then my own ....golf related of course and in, what I thought, a more than appropriate little gift bag in shape of pirate ship.   Spoke to him for a few seconds because there definitely wasn't the same hurry and push as there had been in Cardiff, a far more relaxed feel to the whole thing which was lovely, and then I got my picture taken with him and when I went to do that I actually said to him: "come here you for I have waited too long to give you a hug" and then I gave him a good squeeze and then I said "boy this feels good" and squeezed a bit more and that was when he laughed but as I say I was facing the camera so I don't know actual expression on his face.   Then it was Kathy's turn and she had bought him a little gift of beautiful "Jack Sparrow" notelets that she had got made and they were beautiful and Michael, after he gave her a huge hug, took his gift and then they got their photo taken and for the rest of Kathy's meeting I am going to shut up and let her tell you what happened.   All I will say about it is that at one point I was standing right in front of Michael talking to him and somebody made mention about our height difference on here and when, before we had left for concert and I had just received link to photos taken at Cardiff, and actually saw for myself our height difference, which I was more than surprised at, I was not surprised to be standing looking up at him and getting a sore neck because I was that close !!!! lol  It was a wonderful evening and a wonderful M&G and Michael is nothing, if not, one of the most gracious gentlemen I have ever met and I am damn proud to be a fan and to know he cares about us, just about, as much as we care for him....think we still beat him on that ...lol   Then the evening drew to its final close and Kathy and I slowly made our way out of theatre and got picked up by Bob and Ryan and headed back down the road where my navigation was worse than it had been coming up and it turned out satnav was better....surprise, surprise !!! LOL

I should just like to end by thanking the Rosario's, Kathy, Bob and Ryan for allowing me to be a part of their holiday here in Scotland and by treating me with such warmth and friendliness and giving me a most wonderful, wonderful memory of my very first Michael Bolton concert in a place I have always wanted to see him, my city of birth and roots, Glasgow.....thanks guys for it all means the world to me !!!!! :)

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Fantastic review Sylvia. I felt I was there with both of you the entire time. How fun it all sounds!! I am glad you had a little more time at this meet/greet too.  MB is a wonderful guy isn't he? I have said it for years, he cares about the fans and he is so easy to talk to. I have always felt that way too. MB is so sweet!!!! Sounds like he was really exited to see you both and surprised to see Kathy R there!!LOL I bet the look on his face was totally priceless! 

I am glad to hear that the show rocked too. I hope that energy flows back here for our show in PA! I'm getting excited too hearing all about your concerts!! Keep the fun coming!! :)

So nice you had a way to give Jason his gifts and all too at the stage. YES MILO is a doll, truly a doll. I've enjoyed getting to visit with him at times too over the years..Very sweet guy and he works so hard for MB. They all do.

More great pics, thanks for posting them for us!!! I'm happy for you guys!!

Robin in MD :)

I have a huge smile on my face for you, Sylvia. I felt I was there with you and feeling all of your special moments. So sweet the story about Jason and if he should come on here and see this HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JASON :). Sounds like MB loved you two being present last night and you helped make his evening very special too, ladies, I am sure :)). I am tickled for you, Sylvia, and thank you for your review that had me smiling all the way through. Beautiful review too, Wee One, and I am so very, very happy you are having such fun on your MB journey and with the Rosario's too ;). Love the photos and thanks for sharing :)). Hugs,

Kathy T. :)

Oh this is so great..so glad the birthday giving for Jason turned out like you hoped!!  

Thanks a million girls for your responses and I am just waiting for the Rosario's and decided to check my e-mails and have got one from photographer last night and I have my picture and OMG I could not have wished for anything more for it is a rubbishy one of me but by God MB is still laughing at what I said, or did, to him......mind you maybe he is tickly at that side !!! LOL

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.



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