Welcome everyone to the 2014 Tour Review Thread.  The upcoming year is going to be exciting with so many concerts scheduled already around the globe!!! Feel free to share the details of your concert adventures, photos, videos etc.  This is the best time to be a Bolton fan with so many concerts and the MBC Charity Event which will most likely be held later in the year too. Michael has multiple projects in the works so we never know what will happen next!!!! I appreciate the opportunity to start a new thread once again for 2014 to give us all a place to share the best part of being a fan--- experiencing Michael in person doing what he does best-SING!!!!!! 

I am looking forward to another fun year of posts and sharing great times by the best Michael Bolton fans in the world on this forum. I will post events to keep the thread moving along as the concerts come up as I have in the past. 

Happy Concert Time in 2014 to all of you!!!

Robin in MD USA :)

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You are so right Kathy in PA!!!! That was a great part of the fun, getting to know those young talented people. MB really adored them all.I love it you keep in touch with some of them to this day!!!  We had fun going to see them in other shows for a while there too!!

If we could redo that ALW show with them all again and MB, wow!!! That would be something!!LOL 

Robin in MD :)

First of all, Kathy in TULSA, sorry about your root canal situation but I'm glad you're healing. Also, I loved your reminiscing about your 2010 show & your meeting MB as well. Yes, Robin M.D., boy! do I ever remember the ALW tour. Loved it how you, Kathy PA, June, & I kind hung together. I appreciated the times Saturday&Sunday being @ your hotel since there were 2 matinaesO(pardon spelling). Loved seeing all of you, your mom, Char from Texas, Vanessa, Jan & Bob, meeting Donna, & my friend paul came to 1 of the shows on 4 tickets I had to sell to her, my sister, Vanessa, & Char. Garden of gethsemini, (pardon spelling) made me just sob especially the 1st night. Wow! The whole show was incredible & though I didn't meet the cast, I think I met the one lead singer. Kathy PA, awesome you still kep in contact with some of the cast of back then. Yeah, I went to all 8 shows & had the same seat though @ the matinaes, I cheated & went to the 1st row especially Saturday afternoon but loved the 5 out of 8 times my getting some contact with MB. Loved it. Awesome Robin you went to 2 shows in Cleveland. I remember when my sister came to the last show, we were all out back & Michael came up to her & sid good bye to her  & hugged her. I said, "Michael, I'd like for you to meet my sister." He said, "Oh! my! Gosh! Vanessa said, "They're twins. They're twins." Loved it. He did touch my arm & we did speak but she stole my hug&kiss but she'd be the only one allowed to. :)))))))))) That was the 1st&only time she met him. Now. How cool is that? I could go on&on about the ALW tour. Come on lerkers. come on & tell us your concerts--those in the past. I could go on, & on, & on. 

Folks @ the Lyric Theater were teasing me about having the same seat throughout all 8 shows. Loved it. I wish my friends Sue & MRS. Coby could have gone on their tickets but they didn't. My friends Shirley & Gary went the 2nd night & I introduced the to Michael acknowledging that they were getting married July 7th. He congratulated them. So, he got to meet them. I don't care how much my hand hurts. I'm having oh! so! much fun with this.

Robin I know and my mom sat with you the one night and really had a nice time with you. We were out there that last day and MB looked at you and your sister and said "OMG there are two of you!!LOL" I remember that and have pics of that here. It was a hoot. He was rushing home to see his girls at the end of the day for Father's Day. Remember that? He told us he was flying back to CT... Great times girl. We bought a ton of seats and I rotated them 3rd row for all of us for my friends as I got them on my lunch quickly one day.  I had to drive down to the ticket agency at the time in Towson to get them and then I had some extra's and sold them all to other folks I knew. Everyone that went had a blast!!!!  YES staying in the city for the weekend was such fun with everyone. We all had a great time.

All those times at the stage door and dumpster door we called it? LOL MB was sweet to all of us.

Robin in MD:)

Yeah, Robin, I remember Michael had to rush back to his girls as it was father's day. I knew you were there about both of us being there. it was a hoot. Loved it. Hey Robin, I remember MB kissed your cheek. I heard & I touched my cheek & he obliged me. Wow! Love it. Yep, it was from 6/13/18. As I said it was father's day; 6 months after my dad's passing so, between father's day & it being the last night of the shows, I cried buckets of tears especially when I got home. Hope, Robin, you didn't mind my mentioning MB'S kissing our cheeks.

LOL Robin he did that during one of the first nights out back.  I remember him kissing our cheeks. He kissed mine goodbye that last Sunday night too. LOL I have the ticket stub here in plastic with a program that he signed that says Friday 6/16/2000 on it.  We had shows that week into that weekend.  I loved it, came home between shows at night and then stayed during the weekend.  We won't ever have him here for that long again. LOL

Robin in MD :)

Yeah, Robin, I heard hkim kiss you. Loved it. Awesome the signatures you have from there. I got autographs for Lois&Sue&kit seems a couple others.

Hi Kathy T, just catching up here.  Thanks for sharing  your concert memories. You are so very welcome sweetheart! I keep telling you: everything happens for a reason and you know that heart appeared there for a good reason. The ice is now broken, so your next meeting will be a smidge more relaxed and you’ll be freer to express yourself and get that miraculous picture signed. :D  BTW, I’m really glad to hear your mouth is healing nicely! Take care girl and hope to write soon. Big bear hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Wow....you ladies have been busy on here since yesterday ;). Thanks for the well wishes too :).

I got a kick out of reading your stories and Robin R. I am glad you did not let that hand hold you back....your memories went right past that hand hurting.....good medicine ;). I love the story about MB being shocked about you and your sister being twins too :).

Sylvie, thank you and I am glad you all enjoyed reminiscing with me too :). That will be so cool if someday that heart gets signed by MB :).

Big Hugs....Kathy T. :)

Then, 7/16,95, I flew out to Michigan to stay with my one friend & we're tape pals too like Leeta & me&another friend visited with us as well. Sunday, Barb, Peg, Senora, & I went to Michael's show @ Pine Nob (pardon spelling) music hall or something like that. Well, I had a gold club seat. Could only have 2 & then I decided to have 1 gold club seat so no one would feel slighted. They sat in the law while I was in row 38, I think but I was there. His show was awesome as usual. When he did lean on Me & WAMLAW, the flood gates busted, let me tell you. Several people came up to me & ask if I was all right & I told them I was. Didn't want the show to end. Having an emotional night. Then, the group of us went out to eat. Barb, Peg, Senora & I used to send tapes back & forth & 1st time or so meeting so, once again, Michael's getting me together with friends. Sure, no backstage pass, no hand held or shake & not even going up to the stage, but I had a excuse me, kick a** good time, my friends.

Hey Robin R, thanks again for sharing your concert memories. Oh I'm sure I can imagine how you've cried on "Lean on me", probably as much as "Drift away"... :D Girl, did you ever tabulate how many concerts you've attended? You have such  a great memory for concerts, that would be interesting. Well anyway, thanks again for sharing girl, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QcCanada :D

No, I haven't tabulated the number of shws I've gone to & BTW, that show in Michigan was 7/17/94 not 9t. Oh! yes! "Drift Away" that song does make me cry. Love the words, melody, musical arrangements&Oh! that choir backing Michael on that song on "Timeless the Classics." Then, when he did it in Elmira, NY, wow! That was 9/19/03. wow! Held the babe's hand twice. I went up to the stage & came back & someone said, go back up there & I did. A security guard was behind me. She seemed to be ok about it. Sylvie, I know I've told you this in perhaps another thread. Here I go again talking about another event. That was gala weekend when 15 of us went to see MB & we left in a van from CT. We came back right after the show, I fell asleep during "Snow Dogs" but I did hear Michael's voice. Went to Fan fair & went to the fan reception &, of course, the gala. Let's see, Oh, I was in the lobby lurking&listening from the lobby to the gala. But, one of the security guards let us in & we sat in the back & weren't allowed to leave our seats which I most certainly do understand. We got to hear&see MB&Richard Marks (pardon spelling) perform.


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