Welcome everyone to the 2016 Tour Review Thread!   The upcoming year is going to be exciting with many concerts scheduled already around the globe!!!MB has some Canada and USA shows in February and March 2016 and then he heads to the UK in April 2016!!!  This is the best time to be a Bolton fan with so many concerts and we may have a Michael Bolton Charities event later in the year, we never know. Michael has multiple projects in the works and he is good at keeping us guessing. I appreciate the opportunity to start a new thread once again for 2016 to give us all a place to share the best part of being a fan--- experiencing Michael in person doing what he does best-SING!!!!!! 

I am looking forward to another fun year of posts and sharing great times by the best Michael Bolton fans in the world on this forum. I will post events to keep the thread moving along as the concerts come up as I have in the past. 

Happy Concert Time again in 2016!! Let the year long concert party begin soon!! 

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Great photo!!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Michael has posted below tweet a short time ago......

Overwhelmed with for all the amazing comments and pictures from all my fans on this tour!!! Love u all so much!

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend




Thursday, 28th April, 2016

"Where do I begin to tell the story of how great a love can be" ......... at the beginning, perchance, folks ??? lol

Have always wanted to go to Royal Albert Hall and not necessarily just to see Michael but to become part of the atmosphere of an old, wonderful, historical theatre. Have thought about and considered seriously on many occasions and did so in 2014 when Michael last attended there, prior to Thursday's show, but even then, this old intrepid lady got caught in her unfounded mindset of believing it could prove too much for her on her own: thank goodness, that mindset, has been altered forever !!!

Going back to last year when it became known that Michael would be doing a UK Tour this year and in all probability would play, once again, at RAH was, more than, seriously giving thought to going on own. When dates announced for UK Tour Kathy Rosario (Kathy LAFD) told me her, her husband and son were giving very serious thought to coming back to Scotland for a holiday and were considering coming, once again, when Michael was here. Everything worked out for them on dates and times and so they were definitely coming to Scotland in April and, therefore, Kathy and I were going to go to the Glasgow show together. They then checked their schedule and ...... WONDERFUL NEWS ......Michael's Tour Schedule of planned date for Royal Albert Hall fitted in perfectly to end of the Rosario's holiday and so, they decided to spend last few days of holiday in the London area, thus making it possible for Kathy to go to RAH. As Kathy knew I was seriously considering she said to me to go for it and for us both to do our very first Royal Albert Hall Michael Bolton concert, together....which we have now done !!!

The story has to go back to the ordering of tickets for we agreed, with us going to both Glasgow and London together, then fairest and easiest way was for each of us to order a set of tickets and then we were equal as far as payment was concerned. Kathy has already told story of her; tearing hair out, going round in circles, total and utter panic at seemingly impossible attempt to order Glasgow tickets which, as we know, turned out to be best seats in the house and where my story of ordering London tickets goes no where near Kathy's nightmare, it wasn't straight forward either. When first went in was offered seats in either 5th, or 6th, row and needless to say came back out and on second attempt was offered seats in 3rd row. Decided to go for a third attempt at trying to get nearer but was thrown back to further away seats and needless to say was starting to get a wee, wee bit worried. Went back in for fourth attempt and was offered exact same seats in 3rd row as previously: nerves were starting to fray so before changed mind again, ordered. Had checked with seating plan to get an idea of where the seats being offered were and knew they were in centre of arena but thought they were lying at far left by piano......was I wrong .....yes, I was wrong for our seats turned out to be just left of Michael standing centre stage. Once again, as with Glasgow, when we realized where we were sitting and confirmed we were not in wrong seats, our delight, when we looked at each other was, without doubt, a massive, unspoken, WOW !!! Eventually, of course, the wonderful shock turned to unbridled laughter and joy.

I have digressed slightly or, at least, gone ahead of myself somewhat for far more happened in this story of a wonderful "Bolton Adventure" long before we parked ourselves for the night at venue. Have to first go back to Tour Schedule which included a concert in Southend-on-Sea just before RAH show and this one I wanted to go to for had done so in 2014 and loved place and venue and wanted to return. In deciding was going to Southend show and knowing that Southend is on the coast, just outside London, checked about trains and tube links from one to the other and everything fitted in beautifully so, I was GOING to RAH show. At that point it was agreed, between Kathy and I, we would go to show together. I started making arrangements for accommodation throughout my holiday/Bolton Tour and found a hotel liked and well within walking distance of RAH and nearest tube station so went ahead and booked. In making their arrangements the Rosario's found it was more to their liking to book a flat and once they had done so an invite was extended to me to spend the night with them. Needless to say, a little bit of discussion followed where eventually I was told to just shut up and accept invite......funny how I always seem to end up getting told to "shut up" !!! LOL Thank goodness I was told to accept, without further discussion, for couple of days spent in London with the Rosario's were absolutely wonderful and I can't thank them enough for the hospitality and friendship they gave me....thanks guys !!! :)

Now I believe can move on to actual day of show. Will admit was feeling a little nervy at journey ahead for, although used to jump on a plane from Glasgow to London at 6.00 in morning and run up and down between tube stations and then run along Albert Embankment to our Head Office for a meeting at 9.00, it is a lifetime away since I had done anything like that but the wee adventurous Scot (LOL) set off from Southend Station to South Kensington in London via overhead train and then London Underground and arrived, without incident, about 5 minutes later than had been calculated and was met at station by the Rosario's. Now the "Bolton Adventure" begins in earnest !!! lol After dumping my stuff in flat off we set for the Royal Albert Hall and just knowing I was going to see the building and step foot in it had my tummy going with butterflies. When we arrived it was all and more than I had ever expected and couldn't believe was standing looking at THE Royal Albert Hall. We had walk round and saw tour bus and equipment vans but no one was about and we went inside to the cafe/restaurant area in the foyer and whilst sitting there first person we saw was Michael's security guy...he spotted us and we all smiled and acknowledged each other. We then left and went on a little sightseeing tour before heading back to flat to get ready for the MAIN event.

After Bob, Kathy's husband and son Ryan had seen us safely to the theatre in we went through door marked on our ticket and then we started to look for the VIP Desk. After a short while we realized we were going round in circles for the building is round and that is exactly what you do and once we hit a bar area we decided to attempt to make our way back and either see someone we could ask or the right signs. As soon as we turned to go back we started meeting everyone and first who spotted us was Ruth. I will say who we met but not going to go into depth about who they are suffice to say know through either being on here, Facebook, or Twitter. Want to say, at this point, it was absolutely wonderful meeting everyone we did and to all those who introduced themselves a HUGE thank you for it was more than lovely to put faces to names and to have the chance to chat face to face, more than lovely !!! :) Next Ann and her daughter spotted us as we were almost leaving bar area and our chat with them and all the photos that got taken was truly terrific. Immediately outside bar area we met Jennifer and Carol so another few minutes of introductions and photos being taken and also at this time Audrey appeared and introduced herself to us and it was lovely meeting you Audrey, lovely. Just as we were about to leave we then met Ozlem and it was great seeing you again Ozlem. Eventually we did discover where the VIP Desk was but Guy was just getting things set up and was waiting for some of the theatre staff to come and help him. There was a girl standing at desk and we discovered, once we started chatting, that it was Marianne who had flown in from Switzerland for show.....the two "mad woman" then became three !!! lol We eventually got all our VIP stuff sorted out and then went to find door to get into actual theatre. Found seats and parked ourselves and Marianne was just a couple of seats past us on same row. Then spotted Ann was right along row from us and she was chatting to a girl in front of her who I suddenly realized was Francoise who had flown in with her friend Michelle from France so I went along and met Francoise and Ann took more photos. Another girl, Pauline, then introduced herself to me and it was lovely meeting you Pauline and thanks so much for saying that you liked reading my reviews well I hope you not only like reading this but are sitting comfortably with either tea, coffee or a bottle of wine to keep you company because this sure is a book and in fact believe it is that darn tome I've been promising, or threatening, depending how you look on it, for quite a while now !!!! LOL Yes, remember my motto, "why say one word when you can use twenty!!!" To continue ..... it was time for me to get back to my seat for house lights had gone out and Gabrielle was coming onto stage. From the kick off you could see and tell that girl was loving every moment of being there and even her band were smiling and laughing with her more than usual. The reception she got was wonderful and to hear everyone singing along to her "oldies" was terrific. Have thoroughly enjoyed seeing and hearing her at each venue I've been at but with the outstandingly tremendous acoustics the RAH has she was better than ever and just knew, when Michael hit that stage, it was going to be something I'd never heard before and how right I was.

When Michael came out the applause and cheers were defeaning and he started with "To Love Somebody" ..... WELL....long before Michael's little speech telling everyone to sing along he already had the RAH Bolton Fan Choir singing along with him and that folks is exactly what it sounded like, a wonderful, beautiful, choir singing with Michael.

Please don't expect a full set list from me for believe you all know that is a virtual impossibility.....maybe Kathy might remember a few ??? lol The set list was the same as other shows I've been at but with a couple of outstanding additions which I will get to. Michael did sing "Sweet Home Chicago", "You Don't Know Me", "That's Life", SILYBIL, "Sitting On The Dock" (might have been one more) but then we got to the duet section of the show and this was where AWESOMENESS started for he brought Gabrielle back out on stage to duet with him on "To Make You Feel My Love" and it was STUPENDOUS. A lot of Gabrielle's dedicated fans had been tweeting about Michael and her doing a duet and Gabrielle herself had said she would be honoured to sing with Michael and without question, or doubt, she was. She is a lovely, sweet person and full of life and at one point in the song Michael turns to Ryan who plays a guitar solo in the song so Michael has his back to his duet partner and at that point Gabrielle made as though she was going to grab Michael. It was just so lovely and pure spontaneous fun and although Michael didn't see, believe he did pick up that something had happened for quite a lot of the audience were laughing at Gabrielle's antics and as Michael turned he was smiling and looked at her. They got a rapturous applause and some gave a standing ovation. Sam then came on stage and sang "The Prayer" with Michael which was beautiful and again earned a partial standing ovation. Next came "Nessun Dorma" and I have no words to describe only tears of pure joy at listening to something so beautiful and have since found out that quite a few of the girls were in same boat as me. I've often said Pavarotti was smiling when Michael has sung "Nessun Dorma" and even, on occasion, when Michael has truly excelled, that Pavarotti gave him the thumbs again as he did in Modena; Thursday night, Pavarotti took a step back and gave Michael the stage and at end he was shouting the operatic Italian chant of Bravo, Bravo, Bravo !!! There are no superlatives to describe how Michael sounded so I ain't even going to try, except to say, I can still hear him.

The next big surprise came when suddenly Brian wasn't playing the piano but someone have never seen before. Then Brian came back to piano and Michael made a special announcement and introduction. He firstly mentioned his new CD, calling it "Songs Of Cinema" and said he and Dolly Parton were duetting on "I Will Always Love You" and then he said his next guest was a brilliant record producer and song writer and they have created a different version of WAMLAW for the CD. Michael then called him to the stage and it was the same fellow who had been playing the piano but this time he had a guitar and he took up his position by the piano and Michael then said he was going to sing a song off of the new CD called "I Got A Woman" which is the classic Ray Charles song which comes from the movie "Ray". Michael excelled himself and I was practically dancing in the aisle. It was wonderful and Michael was definitely enjoying himself singing and playing that one, it was oozing out of him. Can't wait to have CD to be able to play that one, over and over and over again !!! Michael introduce the fellow by name but me and names, forget it, for if I don't write down they go. I do believe his christian name was Carlos and Kathy thinks she is remembering his surname correctly as Johannsen (although obviously huge ? on spelling) but I've tried to find out about and nothing comes up for that name so believe we have something wrong somewhere. If anyone was at RAH and can remember name that Michael said, please share with us, please !!!

We then went back to normal set list and when it came to WAMLAW and Michael appeared in audience, didn't take Kathy and I long to get to that stage and leave Michael singing !!! lol He did TLT, HCWBL and as encore, Steel Bars. Again, there were more but I can't remember but what I do remember and will never forget was, as he was getting ready to start his hand shake section, he stopped dead in front of me and then started to take the few steps forward and I knew what was going to happen and has he raised his hand I raised mine and I got the first hand shake he then moved to Kathy and she got a wink as well as hand shake. It was great and he made his way down line and then during next song came back to get those he missed on left side of me and that was when it was all spoiled for as got toward me again and was almost on point of taking my hand an idiot, along with a few others, surged forward and it was a crush as well as with their hands being raised I actually got hit on the head and Michael saw and he backed off right away and there were no more hand shakes at that point. He did attempt to come back but saw him look at where I was and as he looked the surge took place again so he moved along to Kathy but she then got the surge forward from those at back of her and she was hit on head and actually had to duck. Needless to say Michael backed away and in fact he only did a very few hand shakes right along to the right. Can understand peoples enthusiasm and wanting to get to touch him but for anyone, if they are lying across someone with the weight of their body being pressed into that other person, they know they are crushing and for me, that is unacceptable for it is downright dangerous so, if whoever you were is reading this, please stop being so stupid.
Now, BACK TO THE GOOD PART .......... or, on second thoughts, maybe it isn't "the good part" for it is end of show....boohoohoo!!!! :( Michael came to section where he introduces band members and when he introduced Charlotte France, UK winner of Dream Job competition there was a huge cheer went up but Michael said something along lines of, you think you are loud you should have heard the cheer in Sheffield. Charlotte has been fantastic at all the shows and is a true professional and has certainly fitted into the band as though she has been there forever. Just to add that when spoke to her after show she said she had been asked to stay with the band until end of tour which means Liverpool tonight and Birmingham tomorrow and obviously, think you will all realize, she is thrilled for it has all been a dream come true apart from her truly enjoying being with everyone AND fitting in with everyone. Now comes the final line up and Michael's final wave, thanks and goodbye and if he wasn't, he can come in here and tell me so, but I would swear, on anything anyone wants me to, that Michael became emotional and it was so lovely to see such a reaction and to know I had played a little part in reaching that guy's heart and soul.

Next came the M&G's. We all had to stay in our seats and then officials from the theatre came and took us to the room where they were being conducted and we got our drinks and then met Katrin who had flown in from Berlin for the show. It was so, so lovely to eventually meet you Katrin, so lovely !!! Kathy and I then had our "moment" with Michael and it was extra special, as always. I went first and then Kathy ..... reason in our madness !!! LOL At all the M&G's you were told to decide if you were a couple, or more, how you wanted photos taken, either individually, or as a group, but you couldn't have both. Kathy hadn't been pleased with her photo in Glasgow and so she definitely wanted a single one and so did I, just because I'm a greedy wee devil but of course we would have loved to have had one of both of us with Michael for chance may never come again and we had meant to do it in Glasgow in 2014 but forgot so Kathy whispered sweetly to Michael and asked if he would allow another set of pics of herself and me with him and he said, of course. Will print proof positive that we got that all important pic at end of this review, oh, sorry, tome !!!! lol I for one am delighted with it and will let the world know it is going to be framed and sit in a very prominent place in my home and should like to thank Michael, from bottom of heart, for agreeing we could have a beautiful little bonus.....thanks Michael !!! :)

To go back in time .... Michael loves to do that so, why not in review about his show ??? lol When we were all together in room before Michael appeared Charlotte came in and came up to me and said "hi" and then she took me to meet her mum and dad, who were there to meet Michael, and that was a sweet, sweet moment for pride and love were shining out from both her parents and it was such a pleasure to meet them.
Also before Kathy and I met Michael we were getting pretty warm in the room and decided to stand outside in corridor and then the special M&G with Michael which some had bought through Pledge Music and which was being held in a room further along corridor was over so we got to speak to those who had had been at that as they were leaving and said cheerio to them. Then, in some respects, everything appeared to happen at once for suddenly Evan Eade was in corridor and I spoke to him in passing and he came back and spoke and then Milo and Ruki were in corridor and it was just a quick "hello" and then saw Sam and went and spoke to her before she disappeared into a room but shortly after, her and Ashley came out and came and spoke to us and we got photos all taken. Drew also appeared and said "hello" to him and then Jason and Brian appeared so it was more hugs, more chat and more photos. Nearly forgot, at some point during it all Ryan appeared but had to call him and shake his hand and thank him for great concert .... he is the quiet man !!! It was lovely because at actual M&G I managed to nip down to where Milo was and say to him it was my last concert on this tour so was saying cheerio and thanked him for everything and I also managed to thank Michael's security fellow. Nearly forgot, in amongst it all, Guy from SJM Promoters when he appeared to "get on with his work" we accosted him and hugs and photos were done again.....I bet that poor fellow is glad that was my last concert !!!! lol.

It was truly such a memorable event for so many different reasons and each was as wonderful and superb as the other and all of equal importance in making my first time at a Michael Bolton concert, at the Royal Albert Hall in London, something I will never, ever forget and the memory of, I will cherish, till the day I die. It was equivalent to the blowing out of the candles on my 65th birthday cake and every wish I might have made, if I had had that cake, came true and it was the most wonderful culmination of the best "birthday party" I've ever had. To truly finish this tome I have to extend a bucket full of love and thanks to the Rosario's and Kathy in particular for all the laughs, giggles and just downright blasted sillyness (is that how you spell it for it looks "silly" ??? LOL) that we shared and I so hope we get the chance to do so again one day, I hope so !!! :) Thanks Kathy for everything !!! :)

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


Omg ... A book it is ! Lol !!! I am amazed at the wonderful time you had . You're the ultimate MB fan , wish I had a trophy for you , it would be well derseved!! You guys are such great fans and you can tell that Michael loves his fans ... such a cool guy . His voice is so awesome ! I can only imagine how great the concerts were.... I'm in another world when he sings, he was sure blessed with a beautiful , beautiful voice !!!! So happy you had a fab time . Maybe I'll join you the next tine at the RAH. (my eyes are telling me to get off my phone) . It's 3am , got to get some sleep. Regards, Usha
Sylvia, fabulous review and photo and very special dreams come true for all of you in their own special ways :). So much fun reading along here and I know a very special memory book to cherish always !!! :). Thanks for sharing your really fun concert moments, just awesome !!!!! :). I am looking very forward to the new album as I know we all are and exciting too for you to hear one of the new songs !!!!!!! :))))). Hugs,

Kathy T. :)

Hi Sylvia

Well what can one say but, well done and thank you.

Lovely reviews, stories and adventures. I think you have most definitely excelled yourself. How wonderful to meet all the 'Bolton' followers and to put faces to names. I can just imagine your excitement and the wonderful build up to the RAH, its such a historical and wonderful venue and of course your final M&G with Michael. You were obviously also in the right place and corridor to meet all the band and crew. How exciting to have the photo with Michael and Rosari it really is a great one, you are both glowing with happiness. What a great way to round of your birthday celebrations, congratulations.

I have so enjoyed your and all the other reviews, it brings the atmosphere to the screen. Hoping you had a safe and uneventful journey home daydreaming of your adventure and enjoy all the wonderful memories and photos you have shared with us.

Take care and thank you again.

Regards, Sue, Norfolk - UK (an ex Londoner)


Sylvia, you are never alone at an MB event, and you now have your own band of followers! I'm so pleased you had a magical RAH experience. Sincere thanks for taking us along with you there, and all the other stops on your tour. Making the UK a great place to perform for Michael means he won't hesitate to return, and I believe this has been the most satisfying and special visit for him. Safe journey home, (for Kathy too).

Margaret in Kent

What can I say Sylvia?  You got to do it all and I am thrilled for you both!!!!!   I am so glad everything fell into place for you and Kathy and that you got that picture together at the end. MB is a doll and I know we've asked for a do over before and he's always been gracious in doing that.  I am happy everything worked out like clockwork and it sounds like the show was awesome. I hope to hear the new song too maybe back here this summer. (Fingers cross).

That's so nice all the fans met up after being friends online for so long and coming in from all over the world. That's really nice. 

I am happy for you guys and am so glad to read how well it all went. I felt like I was there with you and could picture everything you were saying happened. I've been in crowds at the stage like that and one time got clunked on my head by flowers a woman was trying to give him and thank God he took them so she stopped clunking me. He never wants the fans to get hurt and if he saw all that I can see why he then backed away.  I can tell by the photo he posted there was a mad crush to the stage, which is fun tho! LOL  I love crowds that go to the stage. 

With the energy you all had there at RAH no doubt everyone want to be at the stage up front.

Way to go ladies, I'm happy all things went so well. Congrats Sylvia!!!!!  We need a USA version of SJM Promoters here to do this for us.  Sounds like lots and lots of fun, I would have thanked the man from that company too! LOL  Thanks for taking the time to post. 

Robin in MD USA :)

The name of the guy that accompanied MB on "i got a woman" is Yohan Carlsson. :) not sure if that spelling is correct but is how he was introduced! 
Oz :)

Thanks Oz for coming in and sharing the gentleman's name.

Robin in MD :)

LOL...thanks Oz!!! I never heard Carlos but I guess I heard his whole name into one....Johansen!!! LOL Thanks for the laugh Oz!! Glad you have better ears!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob

I haven't read Sylvia's review yet but totally awesome Michael did I gotta woman & someone sang with him. Wow! I'm glad for everyone in the UK for giving us your reviews whether you had an M&G or not & I wish we could have M&G'S here too.


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