Welcome everyone to the 2016 Tour Review Thread!   The upcoming year is going to be exciting with many concerts scheduled already around the globe!!!MB has some Canada and USA shows in February and March 2016 and then he heads to the UK in April 2016!!!  This is the best time to be a Bolton fan with so many concerts and we may have a Michael Bolton Charities event later in the year, we never know. Michael has multiple projects in the works and he is good at keeping us guessing. I appreciate the opportunity to start a new thread once again for 2016 to give us all a place to share the best part of being a fan--- experiencing Michael in person doing what he does best-SING!!!!!! 

I am looking forward to another fun year of posts and sharing great times by the best Michael Bolton fans in the world on this forum. I will post events to keep the thread moving along as the concerts come up as I have in the past. 

Happy Concert Time again in 2016!! Let the year long concert party begin soon!! 

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Thanks Kathy T.

Hi Robin. Fantastic review. The order of songs was the same as what we had here in sheffield. Did Michael go into the audience to sing "When a man loves a woman"? It is so brilliant when he does that so that we can get a close look at him. How fabulous that you got to meet him, your review of the meeting was just how I imagined Michael to be like! good times! regards, Stephanie.

Thanks so much for your review....wonderful !!! :) So, so pleased for you you got to meet the MAN himself, always an awesome event no matter how many times it happens....so pleased for you Robin and so glad everyone was on hand to help and as I said before, thumbs up to Spotlight !!! :)

Thanks again Robin and float on that cloud for as long as you want !!! :)

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend AGAIN


Wow Robin sounds like you had a fantastic night and I am so pleased.  I love hearing all the reviews it keeps my night alive somehow, just waiting and waiting now lol for MB to come back to the UK.

Lynne x

Just a couple of non essentials to add to Robin's perfectly remembered concert review!!

After MB's opening song he then chatted a bit with the audience encouraging them to be noisy. The audience for the most part followed his directions. My batteries were nearly empty so I was a bit more subdued myself ;) Robin had more energy than me and she proudly stood up and shouted...I love you Michael Bolton!! And MB said what and of course she repeated I love you Michael Bolton and he jokingly said I just wanted to hear that again. MB likes to say this at his concerts but Robin had fun ;)

You are right Robin no stage dancing. I will mention the security was ridiculous. First off my planning for stage dancing or getting my flowers to MB were going to be impossible because this venue had speakers on the floor at the front of the stage and then they placed those big bulky metal crowd control gates in front of the speakers and the control gates went down the full length of the stage. Now IF that wasn't enough to make sure we all STAYED in our seats they then planted seated security guards every 20 feet or so. It was overkill and ridiculous!! So now there is a huge space between the crowd control gate and the actual stage like a "moat"! I figured IF I even tried to hand my flowers to MB.....IF I got passed the security...he may have fallen into the "moat" created by the dang barricades!!! But I was going to try when all of a sudden I realized the security then ADDED a roped off barricade!!! Now I am mad...this is beyond ridiculous!! We are Bolton fans not folks at a motorcycle gang rally!! lol Only front row could attempt to get to the barricades and maybe give a gift to MB. I was not in the front row but in 2nd row like Robin but on the right side of center. Not bad for last minute seats.I actually would have attempted the barricades until the dang ropes came up! Done venting ;)

I am sure there were no other songs Robin :) I won't dare challenge your memory ;) One sort of important comment MB did say was that this concert is the LAST concert with these particular songs. Hmmmmm.....sounds like the new tour is starting...WOOHOO!!! He didn't mention the new cd or anything but that sure was a heads up to what is coming next!! Michael sang wonderfully and appeared nice and relaxed. I think he was happy to know he would be golfing soon :) I LOVED him singing I Got A Woman!!! It is fun to watch the band all rock out as you can't help it with that tune!!! A very fun song indeed!! Incidentally Michael did give his hand signal for the fans to come to the stage after WAMLAW but there was NO way with all the obstacles the venue so intentionally put in place to STOP MY FUN!!! LOL

I was hoping to try and visit again with Robin after the concert but I got busy trying to find someone to give my flowers to so they could be passed on to MB. That was successful and then I tried to get a bd card to Jason and I caught him briefly as he said he was looking for his mom. I didn't want to stop him so I passed the card to someone else chatting with Jason. Jason was sweet enough to contact me later and thank me :) SO it was a crazy after concert scene. Then I saw security escorting Robin to join the group for m&g's and thought...way to go Robin! I thought maybe she bought a Pledge pass or something. SO I tried hanging around a bit to chat with Robin but then they announced if you didn't have a laminate or a green bracelet you had to leave the venue. Geez Louise no hanging around this venue like they usually let you do after a concert. It felt like they were on terrorist alert or something lol So out we went. Once we left the venue the casino was LOUD and crowded and I was starting to feel cruddy so we headed back to our hotel exhausted. Too much driving!! Too much traveling back to back as we just returned from Modesto :/ But it has been a whole lot of fun and great music!!! I am sure I will see you again Robin at another concert in the future!! SO here's to the NEW cd and new concert song set!! Songs of Cinema HERE WE COME!!!Have fun everyone going to concerts soon!!!

Thanks Michael for the heads up about the new songs starting in your next concert tour!!! Can't wait!! See you on the road for sure :) Woohoo!!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Wow Kathy and thanks a million for review.  Security does sound a BIT ridiculous....wonder why ???  Maybe you lot were giving off vibes, you know like Janis once said, "women can be animals sometimes !!!"  LOL  

Great to hear about new set list but still hope it includes "oldies" with maybe some new "oldies" like "Completely" "Dance With Me", "Only A Woman Like You"....dropping some hints ..... but it has to still include some oldies, surely !!!!   Will await news from whoever has first concert in June and by looks of things, Mrs Rosario, that will be you.  Looks too as though Michael is definitely going to be working hard during remainder of May and looks promising for release date soon.....yeah, definitely, BACK TO THE GOOD PART !!! :)

Thanks again Kathy !!! :)

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend AGAIN


Thanks Kathy for your review, and what a major overkill at the front of that stage. Wow, that's the worst I have heard of.. OMG   

I am thrilled we may get new songs at the shows I hope to get to end of June/early July. That's exciting news indeed!!!!!

So glad you had a good time and the flowers and stuff did make it to where they needed to go.  

Thanks for sharing!

Robin in MD :)

Hi Kathy and thanks so much for coming in to complete Robin R's review with details. We often overuse the term "insane" for security, but it sounds that this time, it was an understatement. Well I'm sure you know that there are certain concert staples Michael has basically sung at every show and he's proud to say he gives the fans what they want: the hits, so I doubt he'd take those out completely. Guess we'll find out soon enough. Anyway, thanks  very much for sharing Kathy, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

I'm trying to get your picture posted Robin, it's been awhile since I've posted a pic here. So happy to hear you had the time of your life. Thanks for passing off the phone, that was pretty cool!

Whenever you can, Karen. I appreciate you doing this.

I love it Robin. Awesome pic of you and MB!

Robin in MD :)


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