Welcome everyone to the 2016 Tour Review Thread!   The upcoming year is going to be exciting with many concerts scheduled already around the globe!!!MB has some Canada and USA shows in February and March 2016 and then he heads to the UK in April 2016!!!  This is the best time to be a Bolton fan with so many concerts and we may have a Michael Bolton Charities event later in the year, we never know. Michael has multiple projects in the works and he is good at keeping us guessing. I appreciate the opportunity to start a new thread once again for 2016 to give us all a place to share the best part of being a fan--- experiencing Michael in person doing what he does best-SING!!!!!! 

I am looking forward to another fun year of posts and sharing great times by the best Michael Bolton fans in the world on this forum. I will post events to keep the thread moving along as the concerts come up as I have in the past. 

Happy Concert Time again in 2016!! Let the year long concert party begin soon!! 

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Thanks a million for all the info girls and looking forward to reviews, definitely !!! lol

On t-shirts that were printed Ashley has posted pic to Instagram and put it out on Twitter for she also says about flowers and cards and includes one bouquet of flowers in her pic.  T-shirts look AWESOME and would love to see Michael wearing one of them and love his joke about 2020, super !!! :)

Thanks again girls !!! :)

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


Thanks Robin and Sally for review. I can't wait for the new CD to come out. It must be so nice to go watch MB with groups of other MB fans. It makes the experience super special. Thanks again ladies. So glad you all had fun. Much love.


TYes, Olivia is performing in Vegas. A friend of mine saw her last night & had M&G. There's gonna be about 15 of us that I know of to see MB in concert. Can't wait.

Thank you all ladies for sharing all of your concert fun and you obviously had a fantastic time !! :))). Hugs,

Kathy T. :)

Englewood, NJ  8/11/2016 



You may want to get an iced coffee or big glass of ice tea for this one.. It is a tad longer than those I’ve written lately. LOL 


I really needed another concert and boy this one was a great one to go to. I saw front row had opened up after I got back from Pocono’s and well, you know it was front row for MB. LOL  . So I got one and made arrangements and went to this one by myself. The drive is about 4 hours and I’ve done most of the trek over the years and its familiar all but the local Englewood area.  I did great all but made a wrong turn near the hotel but it wasn’t a big deal.  GPS was my friend! LOL


It’s hot as you know what here now and it was terrible last night.  I will say the one down side of the evening was the venue A/C was NOT cold as it should have been. Those of us that got to the seats early noticed it and we thought OMG poor MB later on.  He had water running down his face and they all had towels up on stage.  Evan put some towels out and said hi to me before the show started.


I was so tickled to get the photo of Jeff and I with MB at the Pocono’s taken backstage before the show and got to talk to some staff and then it was brought back to me before the show started.  MB is so sweet and so are all who are on the tour with him!!!


I saw Sally and Leonarda and Joy and Joyce, and the other gals that had the shirts that you have heard about by now. That was a hoot. MB and the band and Ruki and all got a big kick out of them. The girls were sitting near me up in the first few rows and had the aisle so I knew they would be up dancing and we did get to all stand and dance at the 2nd half. Even tho there was a gap and a tapered down type of thing in front of the stage and a low railing.. We couldn’t hand anything to MB or touch his hand but we all still stood and rocked out.  The only way was go to the far sides and it tapered back and narrowed. It was curved the way it came out if that makes sense.. LOL  It was not a real high stage tho thankfully. 


The show was awesome!!!!!! MB sounded fantastic and was in a great mood. This audience was loud and a lady kept telling him she asked him to turn around a lot at shows and he cracked jokes back at her and just people yelling out stuff that you could not understand what anyone was saying.   He did say about the new CD coming out soon and we yelled when is it coming and he said SOON, he couldn’t say specifically in case it didn’t or something like that..  I teased him and said Soon OK we will have to take SOON.  He grinned.


He saw me and pointed during You Don’t  Know Me so I pointed back. LOL  He was giving a lot of eye contact and smiles in the audience. He put the mic down again for me and I don’t think he could hear me this time.. LOL  I went thru my pics some and I caught more smiles at this one than usual. In some he has closed eyes tho but he was laughing a lot and that is evident in a lot of the pictures.


When Sam Fly came out for the duets, that same fan in the audience yelled about wanting to know what brand her shoes were.  They said it was a secret and MB got a laugh out of caring about her shoes.  It was a silly night like that between songs which made it all a lot more fun. We were getting quite warm too.  Once in a while I felt a little bit of cool air from somewhere but that quick it was gone.


MB did I Got A Woman and it was awesome. Another song with MB playing guitar always works for me.. He tossed 3 guitar picks in the general direction to my left as that’s where the lady was that kept yelling. She also complained he didn’t toss a pick to her.  LOL  She was kinda loud about it.


He did a short walk on the side of the venue from the doorway, never got into the audience but stood against a wall. I did get a few pics of him, usually I don’t bother, but I stood to watch him as usual, time to be on our feet.. After he got back to the stage the girls were already up in the aisle on their side and folks by me stood so I stayed standing center stage too and we all rocked out the rest of the night.  Woo Hoo!!  MB was in great form I tell you.  He had a lot of people at the stage too rockin out which makes it so much more fun!!


They did the line up and I  thought what no encore..Then they came out after the line-up and did Georgia! Maybe it’s a new thing but first I saw them do it that way.  I again caught MB laughing in the line up.  He was in a fun mood.



The songs as I remember and I have a setlist too which helps were!!

Stand By Me

To Love Somebody

Dock of the Bay

Said I Loved You

You Don’t Know Me

I’ve  Got a Woman

That’s Life

Sweet Home Chicago


To Make You Feel My Love

How Am I Supposed To Live W/o You

Ain’t No Mountain

The Prayer


When A Man

How Can We Be Lovers

Steel Bars


Encore: Georgia,


If I goofed girls, please come in and clarify. He did do To Love Somebody before he sat for Doc of the Bay right?  I think that’s right if not please correct me if I’m wrong on that. Dang now I’m second guessing myself on that one for some reason. LOL


So after the show Ashley came down front and met with us, she had her shirt the gals gave her and I took a pic of her with it. And we all got in a big picture with her and then she chatted a bit and she had to go.  Then Ruki came out with her shirt on which was precious as could be. I helped the girls get pics with her on my camera and it came out cute. I sent it to them, if they want it posted here one of them can. I don’t want to w/o their permission.


I asked Ruki and got some with her too.  She’s been so sweet to me and it’s been a while since I’ve had one with her.  MB is sure lucky to have her. 


We then went out back and waited at the stage door and MB’s car was there.  We hung out a while and chatted and waited.    Evan came out and stood behind us once and I said what are you doing? He laughed and said he wanted to see what it looked like from this side. LOL  They brought out some things for MB’s car and turned it on and I wondered if they would move it.  It wasn’t a big crowd, our group and maybe a few more, 15 or so maybe? Sally if I’m wrong correct me.. He just walked out with no one telling us to move back and he saw me and said Hi Robin How are you?  And I said fine, a lady had a pic on her phone she wanted him to see and he said then after he looked at her photo he would get in the car and sign through the window. We said thank you!! (WOO HOO)..  Milo came out and he was sweet as usual too.  Gotta love him, he took pics or tried to of us each on our phones/cameras while we were at the car with MB.  I had the setlist MB did for me via Pledge Music in Charlotte along because he forgot to sign it.  So I handed it to him and explained and he looked at me and said “How did I not sign this for you?”  AWWW LOL

So in the midst of it Milo asked me to turn and he took a photo and MB was writing and then MB told him another one so we did that but it’s not great, the 2nd one is blurred but Milo tried. The first one is OK. MB was concentrating on what he was writing! CUTE!!. He is a doll for doing it and taking the time. I mentioned the MD show and being happy he was coming and he knew it was early Dec.  I quickly said I am excited for the new CD and all and then it was time for me to move on.  I put my things away and then tried to take pics of MB at the car and some of the girls with him. When it was Joy’s turn he said Robin’s taking it and they looked my way but dang it, it’s blurred too. It was not easy out there and I was trying as it was so quick and the guard was there from the venue. Milo didn’t mind I did it tho, I was standing beside him.  MB took the time with everyone that was there to do that and how sweet was that of him!  We all were so excited he did that.  He said goodbye and told me goodnight as he rolled past in the car. We had hoped maybe he would do that there since he wasn’t far to the next show and close to home.  Never know.

So then the girls were sweet and took me to where my car was parked so I didn’t have to walk alone.  It was another great adventure with MB and the great BB’s that were there. 


I always say MB never disappoints! He is worth every mile and every cent, every time out.

Ruki asked me after the show if it was my 147th show and I told her 149th and she high fived me. It was cute…I had cards for her and MB both and was able to give them to her..


So that’s it for this adventure. More pics will be coming soon when I can go through them and post an album.  I have some with him playing guitar.. 


This one is long-winded..LOL Too much extra fun stuff to share.   I am going on about 2 hours sleep so sorry if this one kinda rambles a bit. I shared the pics I've been through so far.  I just love seeing him smile so much!!! Gotta love MB!!!


Robin in MD :)  What a fun time just 24 hours ago!! I wish I could hit a rewind button and do it all again…LOL

Aw! Robin, LOVED YOUR REVIEW!!!!!!!!!! Awesome speaking with him & seeing one another. Almost as good as good as backstage. :) but really, totally awesome, my friend. I'm glad for you. Neat he did "I Gotta Wpoman." Did he do "Stand by Me?"

Thanks a bunch Robin. I just double-checked myself and I did post the setlist that he started with Stand By Me. Loved it too..

Robin in MD :)

I'm not sure about he song, I don't know why I can't remember stuff like that. There were only about 15 people backstage, there were more to start and they slowly drifted away. I don't mind if you share the picture. I can't speak for Lee or Joy, but they don't pop on here much. I've never seen 2 people so busy!

LOL Sally I am doubting myself on that one song for some reason. Usually I remember them.  Yeah more were at the stage door after but slowly drifted off like you said. Which was good for those of us that did wait!! LOL

Be safe today at your show in this heat. I look forward to reading your review afterwards.

Robin in MD :)

Lol Sally....you sound like me with remembering the song list!! I am glad I am not alone!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Thanks Robin for a wonderful review and for the super pics and I especially love the one with Ashley, Sam and MB in the line-up for that is just beautiful to have captured the three of them that way.  Laughter and smiles like that are such a fleeting, momentary, thing so to have captured is super...love it as I do a lot of the others too (LOL) for one of him in the car is gorgeous and thanks for sharing them !!! :)

Thanks again for terrific review, thanks !!! :)   

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


Thanks Sylvia. I have more of him smiling just not posted them all yet.  Yeah I have another of the 3 of them at the end too laughing at something. 

That head shot at the car was my only one that turned out. It was hard to get them out back but at least got that one good one to share.  

You are welcome! Glad you liked the review.  

Robin in MD :)


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