Welcome everyone to the 2015 Tour Review Thread!   The upcoming year is going to be exciting with many concerts scheduled already around the globe!!! Those of you attending some of the Florida concerts in January,  2015 may see the upcoming Dreamjobbing winner performing as a backup singer for Michael!!  Feel free to share the details of your concert adventures, photos, etc.  This is the best time to be a Bolton fan with so many concerts and we may have a Michael Bolton Charities event later in the year, we never know. Michael has multiple projects in the works and he is good at keeping us guessing. I appreciate the opportunity to start a new thread once again for 2015 to give us all a place to share the best part of being a fan--- experiencing Michael in person doing what he does best-SING!!!!!! 

I am looking forward to another fun year of posts and sharing great times by the best Michael Bolton fans in the world on this forum. I will post events to keep the thread moving along as the concerts come up as I have in the past. 

Happy Concert Time in 2015!! Let the year long concert party begin!!

Robin in MD USA :)

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Hi Kathy R. Thanks for the fun review of your concert. Bummer about the strict security at the venue but I'm so glad you got to comment to MB during the show about Jack Sparrow. Wow a Jack Sparrow 2!!! That's interesting. I don't know how they can top the first one, even MB said that before!! It will be hilarious I'm sure. The other gal's name is Ashley  Tessandori. I have not seen her with MB and the band yet but will in March hopefully.  

I am happy your seat turned out to be right in the perfect spot! I love when that happens!!LOL

Thanks for sharing you fun night with us!!!!

Robin in MD :)

A new Jack Sparrow would be perfect timing as Johnny Depp is filming a new POTC movie now. Thanks for the review Kathy!

Thanks ladies!! I just barely snuck that concert in! I had to laugh Robin R about you hearing my voice somewhere in the crowd!! If I am there I will say something!! lol Thanks Sylvia and Robin Md for the new singers name. I was going to guess Brittany or Whitney....way off!!!! Have a great time everyone as you embark upon your newest Bolton Adventures!!!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Thanks for the nice report, Kathy! I wish I had been there with you!

Petra (Germany)

Hi Kathy R, thanks for your short review, can’t wait to hear the long one! Lol So were you tempted to sneak in to the row in front of you, or did you think the security would object? I’m happy for you that you at least found a good spot to watch. Aside from surly security, would you say it was a good venue acoustic-wise etc? Well I’m glad to hear Michael put “Soul provider” back in the show since he’d skipped it a few times in the U.K. last year. Good for you trying for “Jack Sparrow” again. OMG Kathy, if they could get Johnny Depp in the video as Michael with the long hair, that would be hilarious! Lol This probably means they’re putting their heads together and plotting as we speak... :D   BTW, the scene with Meg Ryan is from “When Harry met Sally”. Hey, there’s another movie to throw into the mix of another “Jack Sparrow”... ;D Nice to know Michael did have some vocal audience members. Are they still selling the “Soul of it all” T-shirts Kathy, or are they different? Just wondering. Only 18 more sleeps for me, so I can’t wait! Take care Kathy and thanks again. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Sometimes MB opens with Soul Provider and sometimes not, time constraints maybe? I like it much better when he does. Just my two cents!!! LOL

Robin in MD :)

Thanks Sylvie and my response is way late about the tshirts!!! They are the same and he is selling his book also at the concerts :) Leave it to me to mix up the movie titles!!! LOL I have to keep you all on your toes!!! lol 

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Hey Kathy R, you're too nice, I should just stop correcting people, I'm sorry but it's like a disease... XD They only had the standard TSOIA T-shirts, "Hitsville" and "Vintage" here. I still bought a T-shirt, since it's technically different from the one I bought from Sylvia with dates in the back. There is frankly rarely much merchandise here, so I took the opportunity. Take care Kathy. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D 

Hey Kathy, Thanks for that great review....I want you to know I knew you had posted this, as I peaked in the other night...Lol...but I have to get my rest for work....so I savored this moment to read this review, until tonite...it was my happy thought:)! One of these days MB will be back in our neck of the woods, until then I enjoy reading all of these great concert reviews from All of you:)! Thanks Bunches!!!!

Mary (meg's mom)!

Thanks for your great review, Kathy, you never cease to bring me a good laugh when I see you here !!! ;) I am glad you had a fabulous time and 6th row or first row I know it was still a great concert just being present to hear that wonderful MB voice echoing throughout the venue. Glad you got yourself a tee shirt too, girl. Thanks again for sharing with us and will I will look forward to your next fun MB concert review too :). Hugs,

Kathy T. :)

Thanks Petra, Meggy and Kathy T :)  I am on a dry spell now for a while unless MB does some tv work here in SoCal or something. he has no concerts booked down here :/ I will have to come here and read all about everyone else's fun and that is ok. That is what makes this forum so much fun!!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Two super pics of Michael at last night's show at L'Auberge, Baton Rouge and first one comes from Ryan Tidwell and second has been put out by L'Auberge itself.  Both show Michael on stage and both are very close up with Ryan's being a side profile shot of top half of body and the Casino's being exceptionally close up for it is just a shot of Michael's face whilst singing and it is beautiful and he has his eyes closed and frown of deep feeling in whatever song it is he is singing.  Just over his shoulder there is a spotlight, or one that has been reflected, but it has turned out to look almost like either a brilliant sun or moon shining and it has given, down that side of his face, the warm glow look whilst the other side is in shade.....it has made it a terrific photo and possibly not intended, or seen by whoever took photo or, maybe, it is deliberate but whatever, it has given us a lovely photo.

Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend



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