Welcome everyone to the 2015 Tour Review Thread!   The upcoming year is going to be exciting with many concerts scheduled already around the globe!!! Those of you attending some of the Florida concerts in January,  2015 may see the upcoming Dreamjobbing winner performing as a backup singer for Michael!!  Feel free to share the details of your concert adventures, photos, etc.  This is the best time to be a Bolton fan with so many concerts and we may have a Michael Bolton Charities event later in the year, we never know. Michael has multiple projects in the works and he is good at keeping us guessing. I appreciate the opportunity to start a new thread once again for 2015 to give us all a place to share the best part of being a fan--- experiencing Michael in person doing what he does best-SING!!!!!! 

I am looking forward to another fun year of posts and sharing great times by the best Michael Bolton fans in the world on this forum. I will post events to keep the thread moving along as the concerts come up as I have in the past. 

Happy Concert Time in 2015!! Let the year long concert party begin!!

Robin in MD USA :)

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Two photos posted to Twitter of Michael at show last night........

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


I wish I had been there!

Thank you very much, Sylvia!

Petra (Germany)

Thanks Sylvia, Great pics from the person on Twitter!

Robin in MD :)

Montage photo of Michael at Table Mountain Casino last night and this one was officially posted by Casino.

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend.


Thanks for posting all of the photos, Sylvia. Very much appreciated as always. Hugs,

Kathy T. :)

Complying with a request on Twitter and it is to state that first picture of Michael on stage at Table Mountain Casino, Friant, CA last night which I have posted along with another from Twitter, was tweeted by @BitchNasty

Sylvia.  YWSF  27

The next show on Michael's tour is February 20, 2015 at  Beau Rivage, Biloxi, MS.

Everyone going have a great time and I hope to see a few reviews from this one. Enjoy!!!

Robin in MD :)


The next show is on February 21, 2015 at L'Auberge Casino & Hotel, Baton Rouge, LA

Since this one is right after Beau Rivage I'm going to post it now.  MB has back to back show. Anyone also going to this show have a great time and I hope hear all about it from you!!

Have a great time!

Robin in MD :)

Awesome about the up & coming shows & wow! about the photos. I know someone who's going to the one on the 20th.

Hi BB's ! Long time no read...for me!! ;)  Lots of traveling for me lately BUT I did barely catch a MB concert!! Here is my "short" review from Michael's Friant Concert. I am still on the road......enjoy!!

                                                                                      Table Mountain Casino

                                                                                       Friant, California

                                                                                       February 17 2015

                                                                 Here I go again trying to buy tickets for a casino Bolton concert. I go online the first sale day and the casino says ALL good seats are sold out but I could buy row 15. Row 15??? I don't think so. So I go offline and console myself by saying I will try again closer to the concert date. I have never been to this venue but my guess is they are like all the others....best seats go to their high gamblers :/ So I check closer to the date and magically the entire row 6 is available. Well those seats are a good start for sure. I bought left center on the aisle :) A great seat especially the way the venue had the seats arranged. I tried for front row the night of... but no luck.

                                                                  I find my seat and there is no one in front of me...woohoo. Bob usually takes the aisle seat but NOT at Bolton concerts..lol A great seat for being in row 6 and nice exit strategy..lol ! I am happy!! A perfect viewing seat to watch Michael sing his couple of songs while seated on the stool. One problem though....a security gal has decided to place her "throne of authority" chair smack dab in the aisle. Not even close to the stage. This concert security person thinks she is a prison guard and was chomping at the bit for a challenge. Dang...how much energy do I have?? ;) Hopefully I won't need any!! I was happy that I was able to get MB's birthday card delivered to him before the concert!! I had nice chats with the usual folks :) Now it is time to rock out!! After driving 4 1/2 hours I was ready to hear Michael sing!! You all know me and setlists...lol...I won't disappoint this time either!! Michael did open with Soul Provider and he sounded great!! After a couple of songs Michael went right into chatting with the crowd. He brought up the SNL show and how he had made that quick trip to NY and how great the show was in addition to the after party that ended at 5am. He joked about driving and driving to this concert. Well I could relate to that!! And while he was on the SNL topic I couldn't resist.....so... I yelled out if we were going to hear "some Jack Sparrow"? Miichael laughed and said btw the video was at 135 million views. I said..yes we fans are working hard on the views. He then went on to explain what the video was about for those who didn't know...and many in the crowd didn't know :/ I think Michael wanted to let everyone know what we were talking about ;) Michael then announced...omg...that he and the Lonely Island Boys are thinking about a Jack Sparrow 2 !!! OMG...I yelled out.. YES YES YES!!! LOL....then I thought about the Meg Ryan scene in Sleepless in Seattle...ROFL!!! I kept quiet after that!! Wow Michael...thanks for that hopeful bit of information :))) I can't wait to follow this tease and see what develops! I certainly HOPE it happens Michael and may I suggest that you all get Johnny Depp to appear and spoof you this time!!! LOL The concert continued with the great Sweet Home Chicago and Nessun Dorma and many of the regular songs that we love to hear. The wonderful Amanda Brown was there to perform the usual duets with MB and then sang the 3 solos. No songs from our "Fan request list" though...at least not yet. The new gal was also singing background vocals. I apologize as I have forgotten her name :/ It is the same gal that was warmly welcomed a while back on a facebook post. I know one of you will remember her name. There were no new songs added to the concert either so I am sure MB will be showing us his new concert concept soon enough. The concert lasted about 1 1/2 hours and truly I have no clue how Michael even performed after his late SNL event in addition to the long flight up and back to NY in 24 hours or so!! Well the "security prison guard" did her job well and NO ONE in the front row even attempted to approach the stage! Yipes....there must have not been any regular Bolton fans in the front row because they would have certainly rushed the stage and I would have just rolled right over Miss Security as I followed the crowd!! lol I could only wish.... as it never happened :/ There were shouts from the crowd throughout the concert and one Happy Birthday shout out so there were some true fans in the house. I did my same chair dance moves and had a great time! Another gal across the aisle was doing the same and we cheered each other on!! The crowd did enjoy Michael's wonderful voice and there was lots of applause throughout the concert. Michael and Amanda got a standing ovation for The Prayer and Michael for Nessun Dorma. And before I knew it...the show was over!! We chatted a bit with Jason after the concert. I sure do miss visiting with Kelly and Cameron after each show :/ I made sure I bought another MB tshirt also on my way out :) I did venture to the exit area and considered waiting for MB but once again there was security way out by the fences. And I figured Michael would be meeting with all the casino folks and I know he was tired from his crazy schedule so I passed. As I say....there is always another time!! So until then....THANK YOU Michael for another great and fun concert!!! Safe travels to you on the rest of your tour and I WILL see you again :)))

Everyone enjoy your future concerts!!! 

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Kathy, Thanks for your awesome review. Heck, you got to speak with him from the stage. Now. How cool is that? Sorry about security throwing her weight around. Darn but I'm really glad you had an awesome time. I felt like I was there--perhaps a few rows back from you; hearing your voice in the distance; sensing that you were somewhere in front of me. :)

Thanks for another terrific review Kathy and so glad you go to the show and eventually got a decent seat !!! lol   Obviously thrilled to hear Michael's response about Jack Sparrow and he has been saying about working with The Lonely Island again so looks as though it is definitely in the offing and wonderful to hear....wonder too what they will come up with this time and I just hope no holding back !!! lol

BTW new girl in band is Ashley Tessandori.

Thanks again Kathy for wonderful review and just hoping we might hear from Chip Adams how his concert went in Biloxi next.....ever hopeful and where are you Chip ???? :)

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.



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