Welcome everyone to the 2015 Tour Review Thread!   The upcoming year is going to be exciting with many concerts scheduled already around the globe!!! Those of you attending some of the Florida concerts in January,  2015 may see the upcoming Dreamjobbing winner performing as a backup singer for Michael!!  Feel free to share the details of your concert adventures, photos, etc.  This is the best time to be a Bolton fan with so many concerts and we may have a Michael Bolton Charities event later in the year, we never know. Michael has multiple projects in the works and he is good at keeping us guessing. I appreciate the opportunity to start a new thread once again for 2015 to give us all a place to share the best part of being a fan--- experiencing Michael in person doing what he does best-SING!!!!!! 

I am looking forward to another fun year of posts and sharing great times by the best Michael Bolton fans in the world on this forum. I will post events to keep the thread moving along as the concerts come up as I have in the past. 

Happy Concert Time in 2015!! Let the year long concert party begin!!

Robin in MD USA :)

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Tonight is a go. I am here in OH. I hope MB feels a lot better now!! Ready to rock!

Robin in MD :)

Got a note from Robin...the show did go on and she said he was terrific...sure she will post when she can.

I'm sorry Michael had to postpone Monday's show but awesome it was rescheduled. I'm totally stoked that he was able to perform tonight in Warren, Ohio. Can't wait to hear reviews. :)

Thanks for the update Gail, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Hi all, The next two shows on MB's USA min-tour are

T. Furth Center for the Performing Arts, Angola, IN on December 4, 2015 and after that is 

The Palladium, Carmel, IN on December 6, 2015

Everyone going to these shows have a fun time. Be safe traveling and please come in and share the excitement with all of us.

Robin in MD :)

Warren, OH 12/2/2015

Hi everyone. My friend and I had  blast at the rockin show Michael gave us last night in Warren, OH.  We drove over 5 hours in rain going out and coming back was just as much an adventure in rain and SNOW on part of our route back here.  OMG ONLY for MB would I do that!LOL He's worth it as always!!LOL

This won't be a long review but I wanted to give you hilights. I have to leave again on Saturday with my hubby for another trip so I want to remember this to post it.

I did get some pictures, more good ones than I thought as they said no flash even tho MB said take all the pics we wanted and get his good side.LOL

We were glad to see the show was going to happen after him canceling NJ Mon night but also hope it wasn't too soon for MB either.  The crowd was very loud and full of love for MB.. They roared the minute he came out on stage and it was like that all night long.  Long applause, Standing O for the Prayer with Kelly etc..He was funny too. We had front row down on the left that turned out great, in front of his stool.f :)  There was a large space between the stage and seats so I was wondering if he would see us. I did say when he sat down for the guitar set to start the show that I loved the Pizza Hut Commercial. He smiled and said free pizza for everyone and laughed. People yelled out all kinds of stuff and he played along..He asked one person if they had a mic as they were very loud or then what were they drinking!LOL   He was a few songs in and saw us and I waved and waved to me and smiled and then pointed to my friend, as he sang!LOL  Was cute...We thought since the steps were on the other side of the stage he'd go that way after WAMLAW.. He came out the door mid way back on the other side and stood center of the venue and touched hands with many people.  When he got done darn it if he didn't come down the outside of our side to cross in front of us. He touched hands as he went and took mine quickly and said Hello Robin as he walked by and then kept singing.  He sure is a multi-tasker!!LOL  He looked good and if I didn't know he was sick prior to this it didn't show! His voice sounded great, I noticed he drank alot more than usual in between songs, that was all I noticed a little different.

He started out a bit conservative but sounded great and as the show went on the fans cheers and clapping and stuff just gave him a boost as his voice got stronger as the night progressed.   Kelly spoke about her charity and new CD and she announced she'd be signing after the show.. They did 3 Christmas songs.

During the duets set they started with White Christmas, then Silent Night and for the two song encore he added Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas along with Georgia.

He did most the other same songs but no Soul Provider, Nessun Dorma or TLT.  He cut some for the 3 Christmas ones I'm sure.  The crowd was really awesome and that made the night so much fun.

We could not stand at the stage but everyone stood for the 2nd half almost all way through How Can We Be Lovers..Then after he was in the audience they didn't care if you used a flash so I turned mine on too. All bets were off!LOL   I was able to get some cute pics and got a nice smile one of him in the lineup at the end.

MB thanked the audience more than once and said how awesome we all were and wished everyone a very Merry Christmas before he sat down to sing Georgia. You could tell he was so touched by the applause and loud crowed as he touched his heart and said thank you before he finally walked off the stage. The place erupted at the end of that show.. It was awesome to be a part of such a fun audience that gave him energy to feed off of.

After the show we saw Kelly and got our CD's signed and pics with her and talked a few minutes. She said how great MB sounded and how awesome the crowd was too.  Also at the end it was so sweet of Ashley to come down to the front of the stage to say hi to us and other fans still down front till the crowd thinned out.

Jason came over and I took some pics of him as usual and he pointed to me and I pointed back! He's too funny.

I was able to get MB's copy of the setlist so I had something to reference to remember what he sang and what he didn't.  It's a standard one they have been using but it helps keep my mind straight after all this driving back and forth in the last day and a half!LOL  

Also they had some free posters for the show with MB's pic out in the lobby area you could have so I got one to keep.  Nice keepsake.

All in all it was a wonderful show and I truly hope and pray MB is feeling better and will be ok from here on out.

This is a quick one, I am sorry if its jumping all over. I'll post some pics when I can sort through them.

Robin in MD :) 

Fantastic time last night for you and your friend Robin and so glad MB is feeling better too !! :). Glad you made it through the nasty weather but as you said it was worth it !! :). Your night was filled with lots of sweet moments sounds like and what a fantastic Merry Christmas for you with more to come with hubby too !! :).
Thanks for sharing Robin and looking forward to your photos too, girl !!! :))). Hugs,

Kathy :)

Hi Robin, thanks for the very nice review. It’s great to know Michael bounced back quickly from what was ailing him last Monday.  That’s great that the audience was so appreciative: Michael loves a good crowd and good for you getting your little moment. Had you heard him sing Xmas songs live before? That has to be a special treat...
Glad you made it home OK after all that nasty weather driving. Heehee, if that was a short review, better watch out for the long one next week! XD Thanks again Robin, have a nice time on Sunday, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Thanks again Robin for a wonderful review!! So glad he was able to sing and got well quickly after his cancelled show. Great thta you got a set list also :) Little mementos  to cherish! I am also glad that you and Kathy arrived safely to and from the concert. That is always nerve wracking!!! NO delays to make you more worried!! Cool about the extra posters also. For being a quick review you certainly got all the details in!! Much appreciated :)

Kathy and LAFD Bob 

Thanks for a super review Robin and so glad to hear you had such a terrific time and bet you are looking forward to concert on Sunday .... safe travels !!! :)

Here are three photos of Michael on stage last night and they come courtesy of the Packard Music Hall and last one comes courtesy of Missy Russell who was obviously lucky enough to see Michael leaving theatre and lucky enough to get him to stop and pose for photo and a lovely one it is too ... enjoy !!! :)

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


Great photos and lucky girls in the last one too, sweet one for them with MB !!). Thanks for sharing and posting Sylvia and all. Hugs,

Kathy :)

Great pics, like the one at the car.  It was too long of a drive for us to wait. It was a nice place to see MB if he was going to say hi to the fans after.  I'm glad the fans that braved the damp cold weather got to see him!

Thanks for sharing!

Robin in MD :)


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