Welcome everyone to the 2015 Tour Review Thread!   The upcoming year is going to be exciting with many concerts scheduled already around the globe!!! Those of you attending some of the Florida concerts in January,  2015 may see the upcoming Dreamjobbing winner performing as a backup singer for Michael!!  Feel free to share the details of your concert adventures, photos, etc.  This is the best time to be a Bolton fan with so many concerts and we may have a Michael Bolton Charities event later in the year, we never know. Michael has multiple projects in the works and he is good at keeping us guessing. I appreciate the opportunity to start a new thread once again for 2015 to give us all a place to share the best part of being a fan--- experiencing Michael in person doing what he does best-SING!!!!!! 

I am looking forward to another fun year of posts and sharing great times by the best Michael Bolton fans in the world on this forum. I will post events to keep the thread moving along as the concerts come up as I have in the past. 

Happy Concert Time in 2015!! Let the year long concert party begin!!

Robin in MD USA :)

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Hi Robin in MD, Thanks for your comment. I will pass on your message to Olivia and glad you liked the pictures and my review. :D Well as I told Sylvia, that’s what the next  concert will be all about. I just wish I knew who to harass to get him back here! :D My husband is getting better every day and we should know more tomorrow about the prognostic and go from there. All things considered, my concert came at exactly the right time and yes, I do hope Michael won’t wait too long to come back. Hopefully, he enjoyed the warm reception! :D Take care Robin. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

You are very welcome Sylvie and I doubt MB missed that it was you who requested Georgia either ;).

Robin MD. you obviously had a very fabulous night. Gather your thoughts and looking forward to your review too :). Have fun in with your friend :) Hugs,

Kathy T. :)

The next concert on MB's East Coast Tour take him to Turning Stone Casino, Verona, NY on Thursday, March 19, 2015.

I wish everyone going a rockin fun time! Feel free to come on back here and share your reviews with us. We all love to hear from you.

Different folks posting is what makes this thread a bunch of fun.

Lets keep the fun concert times rolling!

Robin in MD :)

Hi, I am working on my Greensburg review.  Here is one of the better pics I got last night!  I will put them in an album soon!

Robin  in MD:)

Wow, Robin. What a beautiful picture. Thats arouses curiosity about the album.

Thanks a lot.

Best regards from Berlin


Thanks Katrin. I got some ok pics. The venue wasn't the best with lighting at times tho.

Robin in MD :)

Can't wait for your review of last night's show. Those going tomorrow & Thursday nights, have an awesome time & you know what to do. :)Can't wait to read all reviews.

You got a great photo, Robin. MB looks serene and mellow.....do you recall the song he was singing when you took this one ? Thanks for posting it :). Hugs,

Kathy T. :)

Hi Kathy T!   Yes it was the encore, Georgia!  :)

I am glad you like the photo!  Thanks!!!

Robin in MD :)

Greensburg, PA 3/15/2015


Hi all, My friend and I had a fantastic time at MB’s show in Greensburg, PA. This is a nice little theatre venue that I’ve gone to twice before and always have had a great time. 

We had front row seats in the pit-just a bit off left center stage which is great.  The stage wasn’t very high so that was good.  There were no new songs, just a different encore song than what I saw in Durham.

 MB came out and talked first and saw me and said Hi Robin and people were yelling things out and he was answering them and he received a lot of applause. We had some very excited fans in the audience and we hoped it would be a rocking crowd. He was asked by a guy in the audience if he brought the golf clubs! He laughed and said no golf clubs this trip in 35 degree weather or something to that affect!!LOL MB started the show with To Love Somebody and there was some back and forth with the audience and a lot of people said it was their birthdays and he joked about after 1 person said it was their birthday and he wished them Happy Birthday then we have all of the sudden 14 people with birthdays!!LOL He did a lovely job as always with To Love Somebody and Doc of the Bay.  Someone yelled out Repeat After Me and he smiled.  I think it was during this part of the show.   I tried to get pics and got a few but he had his mic in his face so I didn’t get a clear shot of his face sometimes!!LOL

After he got done the set he looked at me and came over and tossed his guitar pick and it landed in my lap! LOL Great aim MB. LOL That was sweet of him! :)

MB thanked his band and crew and asked everyone to applaud them, which we did. When it ended he said that was just the right amount of applause or otherwise they will all be asking him for a raise! LOL  He’s too funny.

He got ready to do Sweet Home Chicago and took his jacket off and when he was getting the guitar and people were yelling out stuff to him he said Oh you like my guitar? A lady yelled out “Your Hot!” and MB laughed and said “Is it something in the water? I should move here.”  Then someone said he had a recent birthday and wished him Happy Birthday! He was smiling and laughing.  Sweet Home Chicago rocked and the audience was really into it.  He can play electric guitar anytime as far as I’m concerned. I love it and he’s still got that rocker edge to him when he does I think. 

MB’s voice was awesome and he was quick with the comebacks between songs.  Once when people were saying things to him I was able to say “Funny or Die was awesome.” He smiled and said thank you.  I was waiting to say something about it if the opportunity presented itself.  The duets were amazing and my friend and I both think Amanda has gotten better and better and more confident.  The Prayer was beyond amazing. As my friend said-it was mesmerizing!!  She also said you could have heard a pin drop and it was like everything stopped in the room till the song ended! She’s right!!  It really was beautiful and like she said it drew you in! She’s right it really did. Everyone gave a standing O and roar of applause!!  The audience also really loved Amanda! She got lots of applause and whistles too!! 

 MB also blew the venue away with Nessun Dorma!  He truly took it to a whole new level.  When he was introducing the song and told the story of going to sing with Pavarotti he said at first he didn’t go.LOL (kidding) everyone laughed and then he told the story and stopped and looked at me and asked “Robin-How many times have you heard this story?”  I replied “140 as of tonight” meaning my number of concerts.  Not really tho for that story as he wasn’t singing it in the early days of my going to shows but it was a fun answer to give him in the heat of that moment! I had to come up with something fast!!LOL. He smiled and repeated 140 and went on into singing the song!  He joked about the audience taking over and people laughed.  He gave me chills with this performance and he had everyone mesmerized again with his powerful rendition.  I think the whole venue audience stood and gave him a second Standing O for that one! Wow..He was all smiles after the song ended and it took a while for the applause to die down and folks to sit back down!!! He then said the part about learning Puccini isn’t a mushroom but the composer etc. and that even if he forgot the words we wouldn’t know anyway! Everyone laughed!!

MB did a short run to the audience on the right side not too far from the stage for WAMLAW and up the steps on that side.  We were hoping folks would come stand at the stage but no one did so we ended up chair dancing for HCWBL and TLT.  Then when he was waving bye and saying thank yous we stayed at the stage THEN everyone came up and everyone cheered for him to come back and of course he did. We wished the audience would have done that earlier!!LOL But no complaints we got to stand there for the encore at least and people filled in behind us!   The audience wanted Steel Bars but he just laughed and smiled at us and sat on the stool in front of us and sang Georgia! Beautiful as always!! He can sit there and sing anything right in front of us!  JA lady had flower for him down from us at the stage and he did take them during Jason’s solo.  MB couldn’t get them while singing but he looked like he wanted to!LOL  He smiled down our way a few times and was just having a good time himself up there with the loud crowd!

Then as always it was over too fast and they lined up, he did wave over at our direction and said Thank you Robin.  I did get a cute pic at the end of the entire lineup and one of him closer up.  We noticed he’s wearing a new gold looking bracelet on his right arm and it may say MB on it. I wonder if it’s a recent birthday gift? It’s very pretty and looks very nice on him.  MB smiled down to my friend at various times during the show too as he recognized her also! She’s been with me through many miles of travel and many Bolton Adventures!! LOL

MB made my 140th show extra fun with not only his amazing voice and beautiful rendition of the songs but with the jokes and tossing me his pick and me actually getting it w/o having to search the floor for it!!LOL  Thanks for the great aim MB!!LOL

I asked and got his copy of the set list and it’s same as the one I have from Durham, no LIAWT even though it’s still the opening song on the set list and no Steel Bars like on it for the last part of the show but we got Georgia for the encore instead of Lean On Me that he did in Durham.

I will have pics up as soon as I can on here and FB.

Thanks for taking time to read my review. I still hope to see Joy’s on here from last week and anyone else feel free to join in!!  Thanks to MB and band for another awesome concert!!   MB is the BEST!!!!!


Robin in MD Still smiling!! :)


Link to my photo album for Greensburg, PA.  Enjoy!

Robin in MD :)

Thanks for another greta review Robin!! Woohoo on getting the guitar pic :) Sounds like another fun crowd and yay you got to dance at the stage for the encore!! Best way to burn off all the excitement!! Your photos are super also once again!! Keep smiling and enjoy your cloud :)))

Kathy and LAFD Bob 


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